Tutorial Video Transcript

A transcript of our tutorial video, ensuring you can find exactly what you need, when you need it.

You can search this page to find the relevant time-stamp in the video. Also, this text can be used as part of the tutorial search feature.

00:00:07:28 - 00:00:08:24
Congratulations on

00:00:08:24 - 00:00:11:25
completing the Storefront
Rapid Build Guide Series.

00:00:12:12 - 00:00:14:22
You now have the fundamental
knowledge needed to begin

00:00:14:22 - 00:00:17:15
your journey of creating storefronts
for your customers.

00:00:17:27 - 00:00:21:00
But you might be wondering,
what comes next?

00:00:21:00 - 00:00:23:25
Whilst you've made a great start,
you've only really scratched

00:00:23:25 - 00:00:28:10
the surface of Infigo's vast array
of capabilities in the web-to-print Space

00:00:29:09 - 00:00:31:23
Your Infigo
Academy account is your gateway

00:00:31:23 - 00:00:34:19
to continuing the expansion
of your Infigo knowledge

00:00:34:29 - 00:00:37:11
and getting the very best of your Infigo

00:00:39:07 - 00:00:42:17
We highly recommend that you take a look
at some of our more detailed learning

00:00:42:17 - 00:00:47:25
pathways focusing on the different primary
areas of Infigo in much greater detail.

00:00:48:18 - 00:00:51:04
So these include the storefront
build guide,

00:00:52:21 - 00:00:56:16
Template Builder: MegaEdit
where we go into the MegaEdit

00:00:57:08 - 00:01:01:02
editor in much greater detail
and then Template Builder: Invent.

00:01:01:02 - 00:01:04:20
where we will have a more in-depth
look at

00:01:05:03 - 00:01:08:25
Infigo Invent for InDesign.

00:01:10:14 - 00:01:13:20
Each of these will walk you
through their more advanced configuration

00:01:13:20 - 00:01:18:10
capabilities with a combination of video
tutorials and step by step guides.

00:01:19:02 - 00:01:22:24
Whilst we recommend walking through
all of the tutorials in these pathways.

00:01:23:03 - 00:01:25:26
You're more than welcome to pick
and choose the topics that appeal

00:01:25:26 - 00:01:28:01
to you.

00:01:30:04 - 00:01:33:18
Stepping away from the learning
pathways, your Infigo Academy account

00:01:33:18 - 00:01:37:06
also gives you access
to hundreds of standalone tutorials.

00:01:37:22 - 00:01:42:15
You can use the search tutorials feature
on the home page of your Infigo Academy

00:01:42:15 - 00:01:48:02
account to find exactly the content
that you're looking for.

00:01:49:07 - 00:01:52:08
So in terms of your future interaction
with the Infigo team,

00:01:52:08 - 00:01:54:29
there's a few departments
I want to bring your attention to

00:01:56:08 - 00:01:58:20
starting off with Infigo Customer Success.

00:01:59:04 - 00:02:02:10
So you have been assigned
a Infigo customer success manager.

00:02:02:24 - 00:02:07:14
Their goal is to help you get your first
storefront live and receiving orders.

00:02:08:08 - 00:02:11:13
Your customer success manager
will be your main point of contact

00:02:12:10 - 00:02:15:02
within Infigo
during your onboarding process.

00:02:15:14 - 00:02:18:13
You can take a look in your onboarding
guide to find out your customer

00:02:18:13 - 00:02:23:04
success manager.

00:02:23:04 - 00:02:25:15
So additional Infigo training.

00:02:25:15 - 00:02:28:24
Whilst the Infigo Academy is designed
to provide quick and easy

00:02:28:24 - 00:02:31:14
to Infigos, vast array of capabilities,

00:02:31:25 - 00:02:36:09
there will always be questions which are
specific to your scenario and set up.

00:02:37:06 - 00:02:40:06
During your onboarding process,
your customer success manager

00:02:40:06 - 00:02:42:21
will direct you towards appropriate
learning resources.

00:02:43:06 - 00:02:46:17
If these aren't available,
they will initiate a training session

00:02:46:17 - 00:02:50:24
with our Academy team
to go through your queries.

00:02:54:19 - 00:02:57:04
If you haven't done so already,
we highly recommend

00:02:57:04 - 00:03:00:04
booking an introductory
call with our head of customer support.

00:03:00:11 - 00:03:04:23
Hannah Wares. She'll introduce you
to our customer support processes

00:03:05:00 - 00:03:07:24
and show you how to submit tickets
which allow our team

00:03:07:24 - 00:03:10:26
to respond quickly and efficiently.

00:03:10:26 - 00:03:13:00
You can find a link to book your meeting
with Hannah

00:03:13:08 - 00:03:17:27
in your onboarding guide.

00:03:17:27 - 00:03:19:10
And then lastly, did you know that

00:03:19:10 - 00:03:22:28
we have a team of experts
to assist you with your projects?

00:03:23:14 - 00:03:27:03
Our professional services
team are on hand to take on the projects

00:03:27:03 - 00:03:30:23
that you may not have, the resource
or the expertize to deliver yourselves.

00:03:31:10 - 00:03:34:14
Some examples of projects
our team can help you with include

00:03:34:20 - 00:03:38:02
storefront skinning,
product builds or pricing

00:03:38:02 - 00:03:42:23
scripts, and that's it.

00:03:42:23 - 00:03:46:29
Thank you very much for taking the time
to view the Rapids Storefront Build

00:03:46:29 - 00:03:50:10
Guide Series
and we look forward to seeing what you do

00:03:50:19 - 00:03:53:27
with the Infigo software.


Next Steps | SRBG_008

Congratulations on completing the Storefront Rapid Build Guide series. You now have the fundamental knowledge needed to begin your journey of creating storefronts for your customers. But you might be wondering, what comes next?


Individual Search Words:

Completion, Guide, Series, Storefront, Journey, Knowledge, Capabilities, Platform, Expansion, Learning

Alternate Search Phrases:

Storefront setup completion, Next steps after guide, Expanding Infigo knowledge, Learning pathways Infigo, Advanced Infigo tutorials, Storefront build series, Continuing Infigo education, Infigo platform guide, Accessing Infigo capabilities, Infigo Academy tutorials

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