Picture of Setting up a Product for the Form Builder | FB_004

Setting up a Product for the Form Builder | FB_004

In this tutorial, we'll take a look at how to configure a product for use with the Infigo Form Builder. This tutorial assumes some prior knowledge in the use of MegaEdit, Infigo's flagship product editor. We'll discuss the need to apply resources to your product, however won't go into detail on how to create those resources. Other MegaEdit resources are available on the Infigo Academy to cover this.

Tutorial Video Transcript

A transcript of our tutorial video, ensuring you can find exactly what you need, when you need it.

You can search this page to find the relevant time-stamp in the video. Also, this text can be used as part of the tutorial search feature.

00:00:05:15 - 00:00:06:11
In this tutorial.

00:00:06:11 - 00:00:06:27
We'll take a look

00:00:06:27 - 00:00:10:28
at how to configure a product
for use with the Infigo form builder.

00:00:11:00 - 00:00:15:10
This tutorial assumes some prior knowledge
in the use of MegaEdit, Infigo’s

00:00:15:10 - 00:00:20:06
flagship product editor will discuss
the need to apply resources to a product.

00:00:20:14 - 00:00:24:06
However, I won't go into detail
on how to create those resources

00:00:24:09 - 00:00:27:12
Other MegaEdit resources are available
on the Infigo Academy.

00:00:27:18 - 00:00:33:29
If you need to learn this,

00:00:34:01 - 00:00:35:04
okay, so we're going to start

00:00:35:04 - 00:00:39:18
by creating a new MegaEdit product.

00:00:39:20 - 00:00:41:11
In this example, we'll be creating

00:00:41:11 - 00:00:45:11
and setting up a MegaEdit product
for use with the form builder.

00:00:45:13 - 00:00:48:01
it is possible to upload a template

00:00:48:01 - 00:00:51:14
you've already created using Infigo
Invent for InDesign.

00:00:51:17 - 00:00:55:02
You can then disable the Invent script
and enable the relevant form.

00:00:55:02 - 00:00:57:25
Build a script.

00:00:57:27 - 00:01:00:11
Again, we'll show this later on.

00:01:00:11 - 00:01:02:09
I'm just going to create
a brand new MegaEdit

00:01:02:09 - 00:01:06:12
product and click create.

00:01:06:15 - 00:01:10:21
So there's a MegaEdit product created
as we know from other product types.

00:01:10:21 - 00:01:13:08
We get sent to the product details page.

00:01:13:08 - 00:01:15:21
Now I want to go to the MegaEdit

00:01:15:21 - 00:01:17:25
and part of this particular product.

00:01:17:25 - 00:01:21:02
The easiest way to get to
that is just to click on MegaEdit config

00:01:21:04 - 00:01:27:05
upon the top right

00:01:27:07 - 00:01:29:05
now, as with any regular

00:01:29:05 - 00:01:32:07
MegaEdit product,
your products using the form builder

00:01:32:07 - 00:01:35:28
will need the appropriate resources
assigned to it.

00:01:36:01 - 00:01:41:01
At a minimum, this includes configuring
the general tab you can see here.

00:01:41:04 - 00:01:45:24
And that's information such as page limit
spread behavior and that kind of thing.

00:01:45:26 - 00:01:51:15
We'll need to put on a canvas
stock and an output type.

00:01:51:17 - 00:01:53:02
It could also include resources

00:01:53:02 - 00:01:57:09
such as clip arts, masks, fonts and more.

00:01:57:12 - 00:02:00:12
So if you need to learn what these are

00:02:00:17 - 00:02:05:05
and how to set these up, other resources
are available on the Infigo Academy.

00:02:05:07 - 00:02:08:01
If you need to take a look
at the full MegaEdit series

00:02:08:01 - 00:02:10:23
where you can pick
and choose the topics of interest to you.

00:02:10:23 - 00:02:13:23
we do have a 40 minute crash course

00:02:13:23 - 00:02:19:02
on the use of MegaEdits as well.

00:02:19:04 - 00:02:20:23
So I'm just going to assign some resources

00:02:20:23 - 00:02:27:03
and change some settings now.

00:02:27:06 - 00:02:27:26
The form builder

00:02:27:26 - 00:02:30:26
won't be enabled
on a MegaEdit product by default.

00:02:30:26 - 00:02:33:14
It is a script that needs to be activated.

00:02:33:14 - 00:02:37:14
If I go over to these scripts, tab
still on the MegaEdit config,

00:02:37:16 - 00:02:39:26
you'll see we have a range of scripts
that are available.

00:02:39:26 - 00:02:42:26
I probably have a longer list here
than you will have by default,

00:02:42:29 - 00:02:46:07
but If you need to activate any of these,
so if you need access to the barcode

00:02:46:07 - 00:02:53:23
field, for example, you can do this by
requesting it through our support system.

00:02:53:26 - 00:02:54:08
now I'm just

00:02:54:08 - 00:02:57:08
going to click on the form
build a Refactor script.

00:02:57:10 - 00:03:00:06
This is the current naming convention
at the time of recording.

00:03:00:06 - 00:03:03:07
There is a good chance
that the form builder will have its

00:03:03:07 - 00:03:07:12
name changed as we get closer to release.

00:03:07:14 - 00:03:14:02
And then make sure you click
Save to confirm the script.

00:03:14:04 - 00:03:16:02
Now I'm just going to go ahead and launch

00:03:16:02 - 00:03:26:06
the MegaEdit product
on the front end of the storefront.

00:03:26:09 - 00:03:29:00
So all further modifications
to the product template for this

00:03:29:00 - 00:03:32:29
particular example will be completed
from the front end

00:03:32:29 - 00:03:40:22
within MegaEdit itself.

00:03:40:24 - 00:03:44:03
Okay, so with the Form
Builder script enables your newly launched

00:03:44:03 - 00:03:47:23
MegaEdit product will show an empty form
to the right hand side of the screen.

00:03:47:24 - 00:03:57:14
So you can see all we've got by default
is the ability to switch between pages

00:03:57:16 - 00:04:00:18
If we activate the
left pane within MegaEdit, we'll see that

00:04:00:18 - 00:04:05:00
there is a new tab available
which is labeled as custom tab.

00:04:05:03 - 00:04:06:08
And this is where we can configure

00:04:06:08 - 00:04:09:08
all of the fields
that we wish to appear on our form.

00:04:09:13 - 00:04:17:07
We'll cover the use of this tab in later

00:04:17:09 - 00:04:20:09
Next up,
I'm going to click on the menu dropdown

00:04:20:16 - 00:04:26:10
and I'm going to go to product options.

00:04:26:13 - 00:04:29:08
As with regular MegaEdit products,
many configuration

00:04:29:08 - 00:04:32:16
options can be controlled
from the product options menu.

00:04:32:18 - 00:04:35:18
If there's any setting that you can't find
for your MegaEdit products,

00:04:35:24 - 00:04:37:18
this is the best place to start looking.


Step by Step Guide

Setting up a Product for the Form Builder | FB_004

In this tutorial, we'll take a look at how to configure a product for use with the Infigo Form Builder.

This tutorial assumes some prior knowledge in the use of MegaEdit, Infigo's flagship product editor. We'll discuss the need to apply resources to your product, however won't go into detail on how to create those resources. Other MegaEdit resources are available on the Infigo Academy to cover this.

Creation Date: Jan 18, 2024
Created By: Sam Webster

1. Create a new MegaEdit product

In this example, we'll be creating and setting up a MegaEdit product for use with the form builder. Alternatively it is possible to upload a template you have already created using Infigo Invent for InDesign.

You can then disable the Invent script and enable the relevant form builder script (shown later).

Create a new MegaEdit product

2. Click on MegaEdit config

This takes you to the MegaEdit related configuration for this product.

Click on MegaEdit config

3. Configure your product and assign resources

As with any regular MegaEdit product, your product using the Form Builder will need the appropriate resources assigned to it.

At a minimum, this includes configuring the General tab (information such as page limits, spread behaviour, etc), canvas, stock and output type.

It can also include resources such as: clipart, masks, fonts and more.

If you need to learn what these are for and how to set these up, other resources are available on the Infigo Academy. You can either take a look at the full MegaEdit series (where you can pick and choose your topics), alternatively, we have a 40 minute crash course on the use of MegaEdit.

MegaEdit Series: https://training.infigosoftware.com/academy/c/70/megaedit

MegaEdit Crash Course: https://training.infigosoftware.com/academy/p/454/megaedit-crash-course-iv_intro_002

Configure your product and assign resources

4. Click on Scripts

The form builder won't be enabled on a MegaEdit product by default. It is a script that needs to be activated.

Click on Scripts

5. Select the Form Builder Refactor script and click Save Changes

The form builder is set to receive a different name in the near future. The script you need to enable may differ, labelled as seen in the name of this tutorial.

Select the Form Builder Refactor script and click Save Changes

6. Launch the product in MegaEdit

Click Product Config to return to the product details page, view the product on the front end and launch MegaEdit.

All further modifications to the product template will be completed from within MegaEdit itself.

Launch the product in MegaEdit

7. Form window

With the form builder script enabled, your newly launched MegaEdit product will show an empty form on the right side of the screen.

By default this is blank, only giving you the option to switch between pages of your product.

Form window

8. Click on Custom Tab

A new tab is visible on the left panel when the form builder script is enabled. This is where we configure all of the fields that we wish to appear on our form. We'll cover the use of this tab in later tutorials.

Click on Custom Tab

9. Click on the Menu dropdown

Click on the Menu dropdown

10. Click on Product Options

Click on Product Options

11. Product Options

As with regular MegaEdit products, many configuration options can be controlled from the Product Options menu. If there's any setting you can't find for your MegaEdit product, this is the best place to start looking!

Product Options

Individual Search Words:

configuration, setup, resources, template, MegaEdit, enable, script, settings, options, launch

Alternate Search Phrases:

product configuration guide, using form builder, setting up MegaEdit products, enabling scripts for products, form builder setup tutorial, applying resources to products, configuring product templates, initial product setup, product template creation, Infigo form setup