Picture of Configuring image fields for clipart in the Form Builder | FB_006

Configuring image fields for clipart in the Form Builder | FB_006

In this tutorial, we'll continue with our sample product build using the Form Builder. Here, we'll take a look at applying and configuring some image fields to accept clipart. The end result will be two fields on our artwork which are driven by selections in our form.

Tutorial Video Transcript

A transcript of our tutorial video, ensuring you can find exactly what you need, when you need it.

You can search this page to find the relevant time-stamp in the video. Also, this text can be used as part of the tutorial search feature.

00:00:05:15 - 00:00:06:14
In this tutorial, we'll

00:00:06:14 - 00:00:10:14
continue with our sample product
build using the Infigo form builder.

00:00:10:16 - 00:00:12:18
Here will take a look at applying
and configuring

00:00:12:18 - 00:00:15:18
some image fields to accept clip art.

00:00:15:18 - 00:00:17:26
The end result will be two fields
on our artwork,

00:00:17:26 - 00:00:23:28
which are driven by selections on our form

00:00:24:00 - 00:00:24:15

00:00:24:15 - 00:00:28:10
so the first thing that we want to do
is to add an image field to our form

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so this can be added
from a few different places.

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It can be done from

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fields, can be done from images,
and it can be done from clip parts.

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All will in essence be an image field
which can be controlled from our form.

00:00:40:15 - 00:00:43:00
when you are ready to start
defining your form.

00:00:43:00 - 00:00:47:10
Click on the custom tab

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and you will see that
a new entry has appeared in the custom

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tab for each of the customizable fields
that are present on the page.

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In this
case, we have a selection available

00:00:57:15 - 00:01:03:18
for each of the two image fields
that we've applied.

00:01:03:20 - 00:01:06:20
So our first step here
is to click on the field icon.

00:01:06:21 - 00:01:07:02

00:01:07:02 - 00:01:09:04
This icon will select the fields

00:01:09:04 - 00:01:11:28
it is associated
with on the actual canvas itself.

00:01:11:28 - 00:01:17:01
So using this set of applicable options,
I'm going to first enter a field name.

00:01:17:04 - 00:01:21:19
This will be displayed
as a title on the form itself.

00:01:21:21 - 00:01:25:24
If you do not wish for a form field
to have a display title, ensure

00:01:25:24 - 00:01:31:12
the text in this field is preceded
by three asterisks or something like that.

00:01:31:17 - 00:01:33:26
And that would just mean
that we retain the title

00:01:33:26 - 00:01:37:04
for the actual fields,
but it isn't displayed on the form itself.

00:01:37:06 - 00:01:43:27
I'm going to get
rid of those in my example.

00:01:44:00 - 00:01:44:21
The next selection

00:01:44:21 - 00:01:47:25
along allows us to specify a position

00:01:47:25 - 00:01:51:15
for this particular field
in the main form itself.

00:01:51:18 - 00:01:53:25
So the number represents its position
on the form.

00:01:53:25 - 00:01:57:22
The lower the number, the higher up
the form that field will appear.

00:01:57:25 - 00:02:01:29
So for example, if we want this
clipart selection of this little corner

00:02:01:29 - 00:02:05:09
graphic here to be at the top of the form,
we can set that

00:02:05:09 - 00:02:09:23
to be what

00:02:09:26 - 00:02:10:05

00:02:10:05 - 00:02:13:05
Along, we have the ability
to change the field visibility.

00:02:13:08 - 00:02:16:22
So this toggle allows you to select
whether a field is visible

00:02:16:22 - 00:02:18:06
on the canvas or not.

00:02:18:06 - 00:02:21:19
This is useful if you wish to temporarily
remove a field without deleting

00:02:21:19 - 00:02:28:07
it completely
and losing all the specification

00:02:28:09 - 00:02:30:05
and then the series of options underneath

00:02:30:05 - 00:02:33:05
is what I'm going
to call interactivity toggles.

00:02:33:06 - 00:02:35:23
So these various toggles
allow you to easily control

00:02:35:23 - 00:02:40:17
how your end user can interact
with the field on the canvas itself.

00:02:40:19 - 00:02:44:15
So these controls cover things
such as limiting field movements,

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limiting the ability to select or delete

00:02:47:16 - 00:02:50:19
and limiting the ability
to bring up the additional pop up window.

00:02:50:22 - 00:02:52:24
So if I double click,

00:02:52:26 - 00:02:54:00
which gives you a bunch of

00:02:54:00 - 00:02:57:00
additional configuration options,

00:02:57:04 - 00:03:00:12
now it's worth noting that
these do not cover all of the options

00:03:00:12 - 00:03:03:29
related to interactivity,
just the kind of primary ones.

00:03:04:02 - 00:03:08:18
remember you as the admin have additional
control over how end users can interact

00:03:08:18 - 00:03:18:04
with this field by going to the details
tab, which is all this pop up.

00:03:18:06 - 00:03:18:18

00:03:18:18 - 00:03:22:28
And once we've configured all this, so
let me just change a few of those options.

00:03:23:00 - 00:03:26:18
We now want to go to our additional
advanced configuration

00:03:26:18 - 00:03:28:07
for this particular field.

00:03:28:07 - 00:03:35:03
Now I can do this just with the
little gear icon to the right hand side.

00:03:35:06 - 00:03:36:00
This icon takes you

00:03:36:00 - 00:03:40:06
to an additional menu where extra
elements on the field can be controlled

00:03:40:08 - 00:03:48:27
and everything on this is now
related to that one particular field.

00:03:49:00 - 00:03:49:11

00:03:49:11 - 00:03:52:11
So this
menu allows you to primarily define

00:03:52:12 - 00:03:55:24
what type of input the image field allows.

00:03:55:26 - 00:03:58:18
So these can be cliparts,
they can be uploaded

00:03:58:18 - 00:04:01:03
or pre uploaded imagery
or they can be both.

00:04:01:03 - 00:04:03:02
If you want to provide that option.

00:04:03:02 - 00:04:06:01
you also have the options
controlling the use of masks.

00:04:06:01 - 00:04:16:13
If you've got any assigned and
you want to use them and borders as well.

00:04:16:16 - 00:04:20:01
So we'll take a look
at configuring this to allow for cliparts

00:04:20:01 - 00:04:22:07
So I'm just going enable
the equipment select

00:04:22:07 - 00:04:25:16
and you'll see, as we saw with
the backgrounds in the previous tutorial,

00:04:25:22 - 00:04:30:06
we now have the ability to select
which clip art categories are relevant

00:04:30:06 - 00:04:34:10
to this particular field.

00:04:34:12 - 00:04:37:02
I'm just going to select

00:04:37:02 - 00:04:39:01
just the crop mark
for that particular one.

00:04:39:01 - 00:04:42:03
Now remember that you can apply
additional controls

00:04:42:03 - 00:04:46:23
on user interactivity with the fields
by double clicking on the field itself

00:04:46:25 - 00:04:56:20
and go into the details. Tap

00:04:56:22 - 00:04:57:05
All right.

00:04:57:05 - 00:05:00:16
So with all of this configured,
you will now be able to see and interact

00:05:00:16 - 00:05:04:21
with the field via
the form over on the right hand side.

00:05:04:23 - 00:05:09:11
And this will allow you to click
and access the available cliparts Now.

00:05:09:14 - 00:05:12:21
I'm now going to repeat this process
for our the field.

00:05:12:23 - 00:05:16:26
So this one is going to take the logo
for this particular business card.

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I'm going to fill in the details
as applicable.

00:05:21:22 - 00:05:22:01

00:05:22:01 - 00:05:23:07
So that's been fully defined.

00:05:23:07 - 00:05:26:19
So I'm just going to hide
the menu on the left just to stimulate

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our end user experience
because we do have the ability

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to hide that pane on the left
if we don't want the users to see it.

00:05:33:11 - 00:05:36:25
And this is essentially what the user
is going to be able to interact with.

00:05:36:27 - 00:05:39:25
We've got the ability
to change the background,

00:05:39:27 - 00:05:40:12
change the crop.

00:05:40:12 - 00:05:43:09

00:05:43:09 - 00:05:47:00
and we can select a logo.

00:05:47:02 - 00:05:51:26
I can see that my configuration
not quite correct there.

00:05:51:26 - 00:05:55:29
So I might go and change
some of those options,

00:05:56:01 - 00:05:59:19
save my templates.

00:05:59:21 - 00:06:00:06
And there we go.

00:06:00:06 - 00:06:03:22
That's now how our user will

00:06:03:24 - 00:06:04:19
interact with this.


Step by Step Guide

Configuring image fields for clipart in the Form Builder | FB_006

In this tutorial, we'll continue with our sample product build using the Form Builder.

Here, we'll take a look at applying and configuring some image fields to accept clipart. The end result will be two fields on our artwork which are driven by selections in our form.

Creation Date: Jan 22, 2024
Created By: Sam Webster

1. Add an image field to your form

This can be added from the Fields, Images or Cliparts tab. All will, in essence, be an image field which can be controlled from our form.

Add an image field to your form

2. Resize and reposition the image field

Resize and reposition the image field

3. Add multiple fields if necessary

Add multiple fields if necessary

4. When you're ready to start defining your form, click on Custom Tab

When you're ready to start defining your form, click on Custom Tab

5. You will see that a new entry has appeared in the Custom Tab for each of the customisable fields present on the page.

In this case, we have a section available for each of the two image fields we applied.

You will see that a new entry has appeared in the Custom Tab for each of the customisable fields present on the page.

6. Click the field icon

Clicking this icon will select the field it is associated with on the canvas.

Click the field icon

7. Enter a name for the field

This will be displayed as a title on the form itself.

If you do NOT wish for a form field to have a displayed title, ensure the text in this field is preceded by "***". For example "***Crop Mark".

Enter a name for the field

8. Specify a position on the form

This number represents a position on the form. The lower the number, the higher up the form that field will appear.

Specify a position on the form

9. Change field visibility

This toggle allows you to select whether a field is visible on the canvas. This is useful if you wish to temporarily remove a field, without deleting it completely.

Change field visibility

10. Interactivity toggles

These various toggles allow you to easily control how your end user can interact with the field on the canvas. These controls cover things such as limiting field movement, limiting the ability to select or delete and limiting the ability to bring up the pop up window with additional options.

These do not cover ALL options related to interactivity, just the primary ones. Remember, you as the admin have additional control over how end users can interact with this field by going to the Details tab on the pop up.

Interactivity toggles

11. Click to access additional options for this field

This icon takes you to an additional menu where extra elements on the field can be controlled.

Click to access additional options for this field

12. Additional specifications for an image field

This menu allows you primarily to define what type of input the image field allows. These can be cliparts, uploaded (or preuploaded) imagery, or both.

You also have the options controlling the use of masks and borders.

We'll take a look at configuring this to allow for clipart

Additional specifications for an image field

13. Click Clipart Select to define this field as accepting Clipart as an input, then select the relevant clipart categories from the dropdown

Only clipart categories available to this product will be shown.

Click Clipart Select to define this field as accepting Clipart as an input, then select the relevant clipart categories from the dropdown

14. Remember, you an apply additional controls on user interactivity with the field by double clicking the field and going to the Details tab

Remember, you an apply additional controls on user interactivity with the field by double clicking the field and going to the Details tab

15. With all of this configured, you will be able to see and interact with the field via the form on the right. Click to access available clipart

With all of this configured, you will be able to see and interact with the field via the form on the right. Click to access available clipart

16. Select from available clipart

Select from available clipart

17. The field on the canvas will be updated with your selection

The field on the canvas will be updated with your selection

18. Repeat this process for any other fields requiring clipart inputs

Repeat this process for any other fields requiring clipart inputs

19. Once again remember, additional configuration and interactivity options are available on the Details tab of the pop up

Once again remember, additional configuration and interactivity options are available on the Details tab of the pop up

20. In our example, we now have a form which allows us to change the background colour and the content of two image frames based on appropriate clipart

In our example, we now have a form which allows us to change the background colour and the content of two image frames based on appropriate clipart

Individual Search Words:

image, clipart, fields, configure, form, builder, artwork, select, input, interaction

Alternate Search Phrases:

add image fields tutorial, configure clipart inputs, form builder image setup, clipart selection guide, manage image fields, artwork clipart options, configure form image inputs, customize image fields, MegaEdit clipart configuration, image field interactivity