00:00:05:15 - 00:00:08:00
Following on from the previous tutorial,
will this time
00:00:08:00 - 00:00:13:28
look at configuring our form fields
to accept uploaded imagery from our users?
00:00:14:01 - 00:00:18:27
This process is virtually identical
to the process of configuring for Clip.
00:00:18:29 - 00:00:23:16
I'm going to begin by adding and
positioning an image field on our canvas.
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Now, this is going to be on my second
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The end result of this is just going to be
the ability to upload a headshot
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onto the actual business card itself.
00:00:35:08 - 00:00:36:04
That just going to add
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an image field and position it.
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And then we're going to go over
to the custom tab and start
00:00:47:26 - 00:00:49:14
configuring that field.
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So we'll start off
by entering a field name.
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As a reminder,
if you don't want the field name to appear
00:00:58:13 - 00:01:04:04
on the form itself for the end user,
you can precede it with three asterisks.
00:01:04:04 - 00:01:06:12
Next, we'll have a look
at the interactivity options.
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Again, we can use these toggles to quickly
define common
00:01:09:12 - 00:01:13:12
interactivity preferences
on this field on the canvas.
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This includes features
00:01:14:13 - 00:01:26:14
such as preventing users
from selecting, deleting or moving fields.
00:01:26:17 - 00:01:29:25
Okay, so we want the ability for users
to upload imagery.
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So for this we're going to select
the toggle, which is user image, select.
00:01:35:11 - 00:01:38:15
This will ensure that your customers
are provided with an upload option.
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So you'll see as soon as I check this,
we get this upload image option
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appearing on the right hand side,
00:01:46:16 - 00:01:47:11
and this will allow them
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to select
an image to upload from their device.
00:01:50:15 - 00:01:50:22
00:01:50:22 - 00:01:54:00
Just go ahead and click on that upward
image just to see what that looks like.
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So I've chosen an image to upload that
and you'll see what pops up is the ability
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to add that to an album.
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So the same way as if you'd set up
00:02:00:22 - 00:02:04:22
your MegaEdit product in a different way
to allow the import of images.
00:02:04:24 - 00:02:08:25
I've got the option to either select
from an existing set of albums
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or I can create a new album.
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And again,
if that doesn't quite upload as we like,
00:02:19:22 - 00:02:23:20
we can do further configuration on
that field just by clicking on the pop up.
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So double clicking to bring the pop up
and then go into the details tab.
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And again, we've got the ability
to prevent our users from being able
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to access this pop up at all
using these interactivity options.
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so you have additional customization
options on the form
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when an image has been uploaded
into that particular field.
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So, for example,
we have the ability to reposition
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and rotate the image
within the frame itself,
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so we're not actually moving
the frame itself.
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So with those changes made, we're
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just going to go ahead,
click on menu and save as product default.