00:00:05:15 - 00:00:07:02
In this tutorial will continue
00:00:07:02 - 00:00:11:04
the configuration of a basic product
using the Infigo form builder.
00:00:11:07 - 00:00:15:00
This section looks at the basic
configuration of a text field.
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The end result will be
a single text box on our form,
00:00:18:06 - 00:00:23:17
which accepts a single line
text input and places it onto the canvas.
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There will be no formatting options
displayed on the form and end Users
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will not have the ability
to format the text using the pop up.
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so I'm going to begin by adding a text
00:00:36:21 - 00:00:40:27
field to our canvas.
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You can format this text
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field in the usual way
so you can double click on the field
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on the canvas to bring up the pop up,
which is filled with configuration options
00:00:49:16 - 00:00:50:23
amongst many other things.
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This will allow you to define the font,
text, size and behavior
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when text reaches the end of that field.
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So with that field configured
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how we want it, I'm just going to go ahead
and go to our custom tab.
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So we're going to start configuring
this using the form builder itself.
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We'll see that we have an entry there
for the field we've just added.
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Let's go to the icon
indicating that it's a text field.
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We can select it using the text field icon
and get to more advanced
00:01:18:13 - 00:01:23:21
configuration options
using the select field button.
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That will take us
to our advanced configuration
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using the form builder
for this particular field.
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00:01:36:10 - 00:01:39:03
So as with the image fields
that we've looked at in previous
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we're going to start off with a field name
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that will be displayed
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on the actual form itself
unless we proceed it with three asterisks.
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We want to
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specify the order in which
the field will appear on the form.
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So this is a number here.
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So if this is the number one
and it proceeds well, and that's
00:02:09:07 - 00:02:16:11
less than the other fields that we have,
it will displayed at the top of the form.
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you see in this case
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that both of the fields
that we have all listed as one.
00:02:20:24 - 00:02:22:10
So it will go in this order.
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It's worth it here.
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If we want the single name
input to be higher.
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I'm going to actually increase the value
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that for the image upload fields.
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We have a visibility option
00:02:36:19 - 00:02:39:19
there as well where we can show
and hide the content of that field.
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This is great
if you've already fully defined a field,
00:02:42:02 - 00:02:48:17
so don't want to delete it but
don't want it on the canvas at the moment.
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Then as
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with the image fields underneath there
we have the interactivity options.
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So this set of options controls
00:02:54:25 - 00:02:58:09
the primary ways in which your customer
can interact with the field.
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You can control behavior
such as their ability to delete
00:03:01:17 - 00:03:04:19
or reposition the field
along with controlling whether or not
00:03:04:19 - 00:03:08:23
they can open that configuration,
pop up by double clicking on it.
00:03:08:26 - 00:03:13:22
Remember, this is only a sample of the
most commonly used interactivity options.
00:03:13:24 - 00:03:17:22
More detailed options can be located
on this particular pop up
00:03:17:25 - 00:03:25:09
in the details tab.
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So we'll notice at the moment
00:03:26:17 - 00:03:30:28
that our text field is not appearing
on the actual form itself.
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And this is because we haven't selected
00:03:33:20 - 00:03:35:29
the type of text field
that this is going to be.
00:03:35:29 - 00:03:42:05
So the type of
input within this text field.
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You have a selection of
00:03:43:07 - 00:03:47:23
multiple format types depending on what
you wish the contents of that field to be.
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So if I click on there, you'll see
we have a few different options.
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We'll cover
many of these in later tutorials.
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For now, we'll stick
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with the absolutely basics and select
a single line text field.
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You'll see that
as soon as I select that the entry becomes
00:04:02:16 - 00:04:10:08
available on the form on the right hand
00:04:10:11 - 00:04:12:14
that's ready to go
as soon as I place some text
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in this form now, which is simulating
how our customers would interact with it.
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You can see updates on the canvas.
00:04:19:07 - 00:04:19:18
00:04:19:18 - 00:04:23:09
So if you have a lot of fields
on your canvas, it might be difficult
00:04:23:09 - 00:04:27:08
to spot the element
that this text field relates to.
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So what we've got on here,
you'll see to the right hand
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side of that text field,
we have this little target icon
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that snaps
those to a view of this particular field.
00:04:42:02 - 00:04:44:25
So you'll see when
we actually do our initial configuration
00:04:44:25 - 00:04:48:29
options for our text field that it means
that a lot of configuration options,
00:04:48:29 - 00:04:53:10
so a lot of formatting for that particular
text field is available by default.
00:04:53:13 - 00:04:56:05
So things like changing the font,
changing the color,
00:04:56:05 - 00:05:01:04
changing the alignment,
the are all there by default.
00:05:01:07 - 00:05:03:06
In our example,
we're going to remove these
00:05:03:06 - 00:05:05:23
to prevent our customer
from altering the format
00:05:05:23 - 00:05:09:04
and only giving them the option
to change the input.
00:05:09:04 - 00:05:12:00
Text and nothing else.
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The easiest way to do this,
so on the configuration within the form
00:05:15:03 - 00:05:19:18
builder of that particular field
is just to click on no formatting options
00:05:19:20 - 00:05:24:06
that will get rid of absolutely all
of the other options which are on here.
00:05:24:09 - 00:05:27:14
if you want some finer control over this.
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So let's say
you only want to disable font selection.
00:05:31:21 - 00:05:33:26
Turn off the no formatting options
00:05:33:26 - 00:05:37:22
and then only toggle the options
of the things you don't want to show.
00:05:37:24 - 00:05:41:00
For example,
if I say no font size selection,
00:05:41:02 - 00:05:44:01
that option will no longer be available
within the form itself.
00:05:44:01 - 00:05:47:02
So once again, I want to draw
your attention to field tags
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down at the bottom of the screen.
00:05:52:18 - 00:05:54:26
We see that when we change options
in our form
00:05:54:26 - 00:05:59:12
builder configuration
feel tags are added and removed.
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So for example,
keep an eye on the field tags.
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See, as I uncheck options,
00:06:04:17 - 00:06:08:07
the added and removed
new tags can be added manually.
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If you already
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have a configuration in mind
and you know the tags that they require.
00:06:12:21 - 00:06:15:15
And we intend to create and distribute
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a list of available
field tags for you to use in the future.
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And I know I've said this before,
but remember, not all configuration
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options are shown on the actual form
builder itself.
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If you need further configuration
or interactivity options,
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double click on the actual field.
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As an administrator,
you always have access to this pop up
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when you want to go to the details tab,
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and that will give
you much greater control.