Picture of Further configuration of text fields in the Form Builder | FB_009

Further configuration of text fields in the Form Builder | FB_009

In this tutorial, we'll continue the configuration of our basic sample product using the Infigo Form Builder. In this section, we'll take a look at configuring some additional text fields, providing customers with a specific set of customisation options and input types.

Tutorial Video Transcript

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You can search this page to find the relevant time-stamp in the video. Also, this text can be used as part of the tutorial search feature.

00:00:05:15 - 00:00:07:23
This tutorial
will continue the configuration

00:00:07:23 - 00:00:11:11
of our basic sample product
using the Infigo form builder.

00:00:11:14 - 00:00:14:27
In this section, we'll take a look at
configuring some additional text fields,

00:00:14:27 - 00:00:21:12
providing customers with a specific set
of customization, options and input types.

00:00:21:14 - 00:00:26:15
This tutorial follows on from FB 006,
which looks at

00:00:26:15 - 00:00:31:02
just configuring this one single
one text field to deal with the name.

00:00:31:04 - 00:00:33:12
You can see that prior
to the start of this tutorial

00:00:33:12 - 00:00:38:15
we've added a few additional text fields
which only have limited formatting so far,

00:00:38:18 - 00:00:43:19
and this covers the job title,
email address and an address.

00:00:43:22 - 00:00:47:08
We've also got a very small one down the
bottom here, which is dealing with a date.

00:00:47:10 - 00:00:50:15
This is just going to show how we can
automatically populate dates in here.

00:00:50:15 - 00:00:54:01
So you can see that we've done some pre
customization of this that's just on using

00:00:54:01 - 00:00:58:19
the usual method of double clicking
and using these formatting options.

00:00:58:21 - 00:01:03:24
So things such as the fonts, the text size
and the place hold

00:01:03:24 - 00:01:07:09
the text have been changed
to match the intent of that field.

00:01:07:11 - 00:01:10:17
Besides these changes,
the fields are all in their default state.

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We can see there's
no sign of them at present

00:01:12:14 - 00:01:14:23
on the main form over on the right hand

00:01:14:23 - 00:01:21:14
apart from the name that we specified
in the previous tutorial.

00:01:21:16 - 00:01:23:02
All right, so what we're going to start

00:01:23:02 - 00:01:26:14
is configuring all of these new fields

00:01:26:20 - 00:01:30:07
on the form builder.

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If I go over to the custom tab,
you can see that we've got a range

00:01:33:19 - 00:01:38:12
of additional fields here
which currently have nothing specified.

00:01:38:15 - 00:01:42:24
The first thing I might want to do
is to apply a name to all of these fields

00:01:42:26 - 00:01:47:10
so I can click on the icon to the left
of the field to identify which one it is.

00:01:47:13 - 00:01:57:11
Then enter a field name.

00:01:57:14 - 00:01:58:04
And I'm going to do this

00:01:58:04 - 00:02:02:20
for all of the remaining fields.

00:02:02:23 - 00:02:04:20
Next, we want to make sure that things are

00:02:04:20 - 00:02:08:25
in the correct order that I expect them
to be in the actual form themselves.

00:02:08:26 - 00:02:11:02
So although we're not showing things
on the form at the moment,

00:02:11:02 - 00:02:14:10
we can control the order
in which they will appear on the form.

00:02:14:12 - 00:02:17:02
So I'm just going to make sure that the

00:02:17:05 - 00:02:20:14
the ordering is lower numbers for fields.

00:02:20:14 - 00:02:27:17
I want to the towards the top of the form.

00:02:27:19 - 00:02:27:29

00:02:27:29 - 00:02:29:13
So with those basic jobs done,

00:02:29:13 - 00:02:33:15
let's take a look at some of these
in a little bit more detail starting off

00:02:33:15 - 00:02:37:07
with our job title field
that we've got here.

00:02:37:09 - 00:02:41:22
So our intent with this field
is to provide a single line input.

00:02:41:24 - 00:02:46:02
The user will also have the ability to
delete this field should they not need it.

00:02:46:05 - 00:02:49:12
In addition, the user will have
the ability to make this text bold,

00:02:49:12 - 00:02:53:07
so that's the only formatting options
they're going to have.

00:02:53:09 - 00:02:55:25
So let's start off
by going to the more advanced settings

00:02:55:25 - 00:02:59:17
for this fields, just by hitting the gear
icon on the right hand

00:02:59:17 - 00:03:03:14

00:03:03:17 - 00:03:06:22
I'm going to select the appropriate
interactivity options.

00:03:06:22 - 00:03:10:13
So as we said, we want the customer
to have the ability to do this.

00:03:10:16 - 00:03:13:10
So I'm going to find the appropriate icon.

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I also need to be able to get

00:03:14:16 - 00:03:18:07
them to interact and select
that particular field.

00:03:18:10 - 00:03:22:02
So I'll disable everything else
and leave those two enabled.

00:03:22:02 - 00:03:24:14
So we want this to be a single line
text field.

00:03:24:14 - 00:03:29:17
So I'm going to change my field
type to say single line text.

00:03:29:20 - 00:03:32:14
You can see that means it instantly
becomes available over on the right hand

00:03:32:14 - 00:03:36:26
side, but by default we have a whole range
of formatting options.

00:03:36:29 - 00:03:39:18
All we want to allow
in this particular field,

00:03:39:18 - 00:03:43:14
as mentioned before,
is the ability to make the text bold.

00:03:43:17 - 00:03:47:17
So I'm going to make sure
that everything else is disabled

00:03:47:19 - 00:03:56:02
just by clicking these toggles here.

00:03:56:05 - 00:04:05:11
You see that all we have is the ability
to make the text bold or not.

00:04:05:13 - 00:04:05:28
Okay, so the

00:04:05:28 - 00:04:08:28
title field is now configured
and ready for use on our form.

00:04:09:00 - 00:04:14:00
So next we're going to configure
the email field

00:04:14:03 - 00:04:16:25
our email field with have a
we'll have a slightly different

00:04:16:25 - 00:04:19:25
configuration options
available to the end user.

00:04:19:25 - 00:04:22:25
We wish to use it to be able
to change the text collar.

00:04:23:01 - 00:04:25:29
In addition,
we want to allow the user to open

00:04:25:29 - 00:04:29:11
the additional configuration pop up.

00:04:29:13 - 00:04:32:19
And just as a reminder of what this is,
is done by double clicking on the actual

00:04:32:19 - 00:04:37:06
field itself on the canvas and gives
access to a wider range of configuration

00:04:37:11 - 00:04:43:03
and interactivity options.

00:04:43:06 - 00:04:43:17
All right.

00:04:43:17 - 00:04:44:29
So let's go into the advanced settings

00:04:44:29 - 00:04:48:26
for the email field
and start changing our options.

00:04:48:28 - 00:04:51:06
So to allow the user to utilize

00:04:51:06 - 00:04:54:26
the configuration pop up,
we need to enable selection.

00:04:54:28 - 00:04:58:07
this one here and the pop up toggles.

00:04:58:09 - 00:05:05:05
Everything else can be
disabled as we don't need it.

00:05:05:08 - 00:05:08:08
As with the previous
field, we want this to be a single line

00:05:08:09 - 00:05:12:06
text and again,
we can control those formatting options.

00:05:12:06 - 00:05:15:02
So all we want
is the ability to change the text color

00:05:15:02 - 00:05:21:14
so I can make sure
everything else is disabled.

00:05:21:16 - 00:05:23:17
we can see over on the right hand side

00:05:23:17 - 00:05:26:17
that form entry is now fully configured.

00:05:26:22 - 00:05:30:00
If I start changing the font color,

00:05:30:03 - 00:05:32:24
you can see it changes the entire content

00:05:32:24 - 00:05:44:22
on the actual canvas.

00:05:44:25 - 00:05:45:06
All right.

00:05:45:06 - 00:05:50:04
So now we're going to configure
the address field.

00:05:50:07 - 00:05:52:23
The address
field will be a multi line input.

00:05:52:23 - 00:05:56:07
So this is slightly different,
allowing our users to insert

00:05:56:07 - 00:05:59:28
line breaks and enter
text over multiple lines.

00:06:00:00 - 00:06:03:05
All of the configuration options
will be unavailable to the end user,

00:06:03:05 - 00:06:08:29
so they have no formatting
of the actual text itself.

00:06:09:01 - 00:06:10:05
So this is easy to do.

00:06:10:05 - 00:06:14:19
I'm just going to go on no formatting
options And then in our actual field

00:06:14:19 - 00:06:19:05
type selection is going to be a multi line
text box.

00:06:19:08 - 00:06:21:19
We don't want to use it
to be able to do anything else either.

00:06:21:19 - 00:06:26:04
So move the
the frame or delete the frame or whatever.

00:06:26:07 - 00:06:36:07
So I'm just going to disable
all of the interactivity toggles.

00:06:36:10 - 00:06:36:25
And there you go.

00:06:36:25 - 00:06:38:04
You can see over on the right hand side

00:06:38:04 - 00:06:40:29
that our address field
is now fully configured.

00:06:40:29 - 00:06:46:13
So if I make any changes,

00:06:46:16 - 00:06:47:22
it will apply.

00:06:47:22 - 00:06:52:01
So you see there that we have some slight
formatting issue

00:06:52:01 - 00:06:53:18
when I've tried to change that.

00:06:53:18 - 00:06:55:21
One of the easiest ways
to fix something like this

00:06:55:21 - 00:06:58:24
and make sure it applies to the entire
field is to actually use

00:06:58:24 - 00:07:01:24
the formatting options
that appear on the form itself.

00:07:01:26 - 00:07:07:14
So temporarily I might say
I want to show the formatting options

00:07:07:17 - 00:07:07:29
this time.

00:07:07:29 - 00:07:10:28
I want it to be one particular color
so I can just select the color

00:07:10:28 - 00:07:14:16
I want it to be and then disable
the formatting options again.

00:07:14:16 - 00:07:16:25
But it will remember those settings
that we've defined.

00:07:16:25 - 00:07:20:25
Okay, so you remember hidden away
at the bottom of the screen

00:07:20:25 - 00:07:24:26
here, we've got one last field,
which is for a date.

00:07:24:29 - 00:07:27:19
We want maybe a date
on this actual document.

00:07:27:19 - 00:07:30:19
So this field will allow users
to pick a specific date

00:07:30:19 - 00:07:34:04
using a dedicated date picker
feature Users

00:07:34:04 - 00:07:37:24
will not be able to format this text
or manually input text into the field.

00:07:38:01 - 00:07:42:09
They'll only be able to select the date.

00:07:42:11 - 00:07:44:17
So let's make sure
we've selected the field and gone

00:07:44:17 - 00:07:48:17
to its advanced options.

00:07:48:19 - 00:07:52:04
I don't want them to be able to format
or change the interactivity,

00:07:52:04 - 00:08:00:29
so I'm just going to disable all the interactivity options and disable formatting.

00:08:01:02 - 00:08:02:08
So from the dropdown list,

00:08:02:08 - 00:08:06:03
this time I'm going to pick on a date

00:08:06:06 - 00:08:07:09
field type.

00:08:07:09 - 00:08:08:23
So it's very similar as the time.

00:08:08:23 - 00:08:09:22
So we're not going to over time

00:08:09:22 - 00:08:12:22
in this particular tutorial,
but it works in much the same way.

00:08:12:24 - 00:08:14:18
So when a pick date you'll see them.

00:08:14:18 - 00:08:17:00
we then get the ability
to select the format

00:08:17:00 - 00:08:19:12
in which we want the date to appear.

00:08:19:12 - 00:08:22:20
So you see by default it says day month,
which appears as a number

00:08:22:27 - 00:08:25:24
and then year which appears as a number.

00:08:25:24 - 00:08:30:21
We've also got the ability to specify
whether we want a day suffix on the end.

00:08:30:23 - 00:08:35:21
If that's not the format you're used to,
of course you can change that around.

00:08:35:24 - 00:08:40:06
Once we've got date selected, you can see
that our date picker is now populated.

00:08:40:08 - 00:08:45:23
If I go ahead and just utilize that, so
click on the calendar and pick a new date.

00:08:45:25 - 00:08:47:22
You can see
again, we've got some formatting issues

00:08:47:22 - 00:08:57:04
so I can prepare those in the same way

00:08:57:07 - 00:08:57:19
that you get.

00:08:57:19 - 00:09:00:03
You can see how our date has now
been populated.

00:09:00:03 - 00:09:00:12
All right.

00:09:00:12 - 00:09:03:14
So as we've seen,
we can interact with the form whilst

00:09:03:14 - 00:09:09:19
we're in administrator
mode to see how it actually functions.

00:09:09:22 - 00:09:12:19
However, we might actually want to test

00:09:12:19 - 00:09:15:28
how our end users are going to be able
to interact with the fields

00:09:15:28 - 00:09:16:29
that are on this form.

00:09:16:29 - 00:09:21:27
So if we've started really digging down
into these interactivity toggles,

00:09:22:00 - 00:09:25:11
so we want users to be able to interact
with some fields and not interact.

00:09:25:16 - 00:09:27:22
We want to test that situation.

00:09:27:22 - 00:09:29:27
So what we can do is go to menu

00:09:29:27 - 00:09:32:27
and go to emulate user mode.

00:09:32:27 - 00:09:36:07
Now it's important that I tell you
this does not fully replicate

00:09:36:13 - 00:09:38:17
what the end user is going to see.

00:09:38:17 - 00:09:41:28
So it's
covered in different tutorials, but

00:09:42:00 - 00:09:46:08
you may still see a lot of tabs
over on the left hand pane.

00:09:46:14 - 00:09:50:12
Whilst you're using emulate user mode,
whereas depending on how you've configured

00:09:50:12 - 00:09:54:22
your product, the end user might not see
this left tab at all.

00:09:54:24 - 00:09:56:03
So keep that in mind.

00:09:56:03 - 00:09:58:24
What emulate user mode allows you to do
is figure out

00:09:58:24 - 00:10:09:28
how users can interact with the fields
on the actual canvas itself.

00:10:10:01 - 00:10:11:10
So let's test a few of these

00:10:11:10 - 00:10:17:14
and see what we can
and can't interact with.

00:10:17:17 - 00:10:20:14
So you see, I've got the ability to do
pretty much anything with my name.

00:10:20:14 - 00:10:24:13
Fields I have not changed
its configuration options,

00:10:24:15 - 00:10:30:25
but limited options with the job title,
so I can't move it or anything.

00:10:30:25 - 00:10:33:29
I can't load the pop up,
but I can actually select the fields

00:10:34:03 - 00:10:40:29
and I can delete it if I want to as well.

00:10:41:01 - 00:10:43:20
The email I can select
and I can double click

00:10:43:20 - 00:10:48:00
to open up the configuration, pop up

00:10:48:03 - 00:10:51:17
and the address I can't select at all,
so I can't do anything with that.

00:10:51:17 - 00:11:03:01
Apart from entering information
via the form on the right hand side,

00:11:03:04 - 00:11:03:29
we want to get rid

00:11:03:29 - 00:11:07:06
of emulation mode
and go back to our administrator mode.

00:11:07:09 - 00:11:11:11
Just go to menu
and click on Emulate User mode again

00:11:11:13 - 00:11:13:29
if you want, you
want to see how your end users are going

00:11:13:29 - 00:11:17:20
to see this particular product,
So exactly how they're going to see it.

00:11:17:23 - 00:11:20:06
The best way to do
this is either to impersonate

00:11:20:06 - 00:11:24:20
that user Infigo admin
or to actually log in as that user.


Step by Step Guide

Further configuration of text fields in the Form Builder | FB_009

In this tutorial, we'll continue the configuration of our basic sample product using the Infigo Form Builder. In this section, we'll take a look at configuring some additional text fields, providing customers with a specific set of customisation options and input types.

Creation Date: Jan 23, 2024
Created By: Sam Webster

1. Starting point

This tutorial follows on from FB_006. Since the end of that tutorial, we have added a few additional text fields for:

  • Title

  • Email

  • Address

  • Date

The following has been configured on these fields in advance:

  • Font

  • Text size

  • Name applied to each field in the Custom Tab

  • Placeholder text changed to match the intent of that field

Besides these changes, the fields are all in their default state. We can see there is no sign of them at present on the main form, shown on the right of the screen.

Starting point

2. We will start by going to the additional configuration options for the Title field

Our intent with this field is to provide a single line input. The user will have the ability to delete this field should they not need it. In addition, the user will have the ability to make this text bold.

We will start by going to the additional configuration options for the Title field

3. Select appropriate interactivity options

As stated, we wish for the customer to be able to delete this field should they not need it. To accomplish this we need two options enabled, deletion and selection.

Select appropriate interactivity options

4. As with the name field, we wish for this to be a single line text input

With this dropdown specified, the field will now be available on the main form for you to interact with.

As with the name field, we wish for this to be a single line text input

5. Configure formatting options

Formatting options can be configured as required, allowing you to control how much configurability your users have with a field. In this example, we only want the user to be able to make this text bold. Every other option will be disabled.

Configure formatting options

6. The Title field is now configured and available for use in the form

The Title field is now configured and available for use in the form

7. Click on Back

Click on Back

8. Configure the email field

Our email field will have slightly different configuration options available to the user. We wish the user to be able to change the text colour. In addition, we want to allow the user to open the additional configuration pop-up. This is done by double clicking the field on the canvas and gives access to a wider range of configuration and interactivity options.

Configure the email field

9. Enable interactivity options

To allow the user to utilise the configuration pop up, we need to enable selection and pop up toggles.

Enable interactivity options

10. Select required formatting options

As with the previous field, we can control the formatting options available to the user via the set of toggles. In this field, we only want to allow the changing of the font colour.

Select required formatting options

11. Our email field is now configured and available for use in the form

Our email field is now configured and available for use in the form

12. Click on Back

Click on Back

13. Configure the Address field

The address field will be a multiline input, allowing our users to insert line breaks and enter text over multiple lines. All other configuration options will be unavailable to the end user.

Configure the Address field

14. Select Multi line text

As the name suggests, this allows for multi line text input. With this dropdown selected, the field will now be visible on the main form.

Select Multi line text

15. Check No formatting options

The easiest way to remove all customer formatting options is to check this toggle. Only the text input will remain available on the form.

Check No formatting options

16. The address field is now configured and available for use.

The address field is now configured and available for use.

17. Click on Back

Click on Back

18. Configure the date field

This field will allow users to pick a specific date using a dedicated date picker feature. Users will not be able to format this text or manually input text into the field.

Configure the date field

19. Select Date

Once an option is selected in this dropdown, the field will be available on the main form.

Select Date

20. Specify date format

This set of options will appear when Date is selected. You can choose the format of the date to be displayed on the form and canvas.

Specify date format

21. Hint: you can change some of the field formatting using the form, saving you having to utilise the pop-up whilst configuring your template. If these formatting options are disabled, the changes you have already made to the format will still apply.

Hint: you can change some of the field formatting using the form, saving you having to utilise the pop-up whilst configuring your template.
If these formatting options are disabled, the changes you have already made to the format will still apply.

22. Check No formatting options

For this field, we do not want our end user to have any formatting options.

Check No formatting options

23. Our date field is now configured and available for use

Our date field is now configured and available for use

24. We can interact with the main form as an administrator, to test it's functionality

We can interact with the main form as an administrator, to test it's functionality

25. Click the Menu dropdown

Click the Menu dropdown

26. Click on Emulate User Mode

This option will allow us to interact with the fields on our canvas as our end users would. So, for example, where we've specified fields can or cannot be selected, deleted, moved, etc, we will be able to simulate this configuration using this mode.

Note, Emulation Mode will NOT show you the template exactly as your customer sees it. To see exactly how your end users see your product template, you will need to impersonate or log in as one of those users.

Click on Emulate User Mode

27. As specified, we have the ability to select the email and open the configuration pop up

As specified, we have the ability to select the email and open the configuration pop up

28. As specified, we have the ability to delete the Title field

As specified, we have the ability to delete the Title field

29. As specified, all other fields on the canvas are not selectable by the user (which is also true in Emulation mode)

As specified, all other fields on the canvas are not selectable by the user (which is also true in Emulation mode)

Individual Search Words

job, email, address, date, customize, input, field, options, configuration, format

Alternate Search Phrases

configure text fields, add email input, job title customization, multiline address entry, user date picker, field input options, text field setup, customizing input fields, form field configuration, text format control