Picture of Configuring basic variable text within the Form Builder | FB_014

Configuring basic variable text within the Form Builder | FB_014

The basic tutorials on the Form Builder have covered dealing with the entire form. For example, we are providing a text box where the entire contents of that text box is controlled by one of our form fields. But what if we want to only change part of the text within a text field. In this example, we'll cover this functionality by showing you how to configure basic variable text in the Form Builder. Our example will result in a text field which contains static text of "My name is", followed by variable text which is entered by the user on the form.

Tutorial Video Transcript

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You can search this page to find the relevant time-stamp in the video. Also, this text can be used as part of the tutorial search feature.

00:00:05:15 - 00:00:07:07
The basic tutorials on the Infigo

00:00:07:07 - 00:00:11:03
Form Builder have covered
dealing with the entire form.

00:00:11:06 - 00:00:14:09
So for example, we are provided a textbox

00:00:14:14 - 00:00:20:09
where the entire contents of that textbox
is controlled by one of our form fields.

00:00:20:11 - 00:00:25:02
But what if we want to change only parts
of the text within a text field?

00:00:25:04 - 00:00:27:10
In this example
will cover this functionality

00:00:27:10 - 00:00:32:26
by showing you how to configure basic
variable text in the Infigo form builder.

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Our example will result in a text field
which contains some static text.

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So in our example,
my name is followed by variable text

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which is entered
by the user on the actual form

00:00:44:08 - 00:00:50:23

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So in my example,

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I'm going to utilize a product
which I've already set up.

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So all I've done is created a MegaEdit
product and assign some resources to it.

00:01:08:09 - 00:01:10:11
You can do this on a new product
or you can do

00:01:10:11 - 00:01:13:17
the same process on a product template
that you've already been working on.

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The choice is completely up to you.

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So within this actual product details
page, I'm going to go to its MegaEdit

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settings up on the top right?

00:01:26:02 - 00:01:27:19
Go over to the scripts tab

00:01:27:19 - 00:01:32:03
and you can see in my case, I've already
enabled the refactored form builder,

00:01:32:06 - 00:01:35:24
which is the one we utilize
for the Infigo form Build a script

00:01:35:26 - 00:01:37:20
just as a word of warning.

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And when we get closer to the release
date, the name of this particular

00:01:41:09 - 00:01:43:12
bit of functionality might change.

00:01:43:12 - 00:01:46:12
Okay, so with the script activated,
I'm going to go on

00:01:46:12 - 00:01:50:18
the config of that particular script
over on the right hand side.

00:01:50:21 - 00:01:53:04
Now, bear
in mind that if you go into the config

00:01:53:04 - 00:01:57:02
from within an actual product itself,
you're going to be modifying the script

00:01:57:02 - 00:02:00:03
or configuring the script
on that particular product.

00:02:00:03 - 00:02:02:19
Only We have two options
when configuring the form.

00:02:02:19 - 00:02:03:22
Build a script.

00:02:03:22 - 00:02:07:23
We can do it on a product by products
basis, which is done on this current

00:02:07:23 - 00:02:08:20
screen here.

00:02:08:20 - 00:02:11:20
So you can individually tweak

00:02:11:22 - 00:02:16:10
the script configuration for each product
you want it on,

00:02:16:13 - 00:02:19:11
or we can configure the script globally.

00:02:19:11 - 00:02:22:22
And this means that any script alterations
or configurations

00:02:22:24 - 00:02:28:09
will apply to all products
that are using that particular script.

00:02:28:12 - 00:02:29:18
There's two ways we can do this.

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We can either go straight to its global
config by clicking that here.

00:02:34:15 - 00:02:37:22
if you want to know where those are stored

00:02:37:24 - 00:02:43:27
by, just go to my admin
and search for MegaEdit scripts.

00:02:43:29 - 00:02:47:19
They're all kept within here

00:02:47:21 - 00:02:48:13
so you can see that

00:02:48:13 - 00:02:51:28
we've had the form
builder located in here.

00:02:52:01 - 00:02:54:04
by the time
you actually utilize this functionality,

00:02:54:04 - 00:02:56:08
it might be in the hardcoded scripts
at the bottom.

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So just looking both sections
just in case.

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And if we want to configure the script
globally, I'm just going to click on

00:03:02:20 - 00:03:03:28
global config now.

00:03:03:28 - 00:03:11:25
So your question might be at this point,
where do we begin?

00:03:11:28 - 00:03:14:02
We need some kind of frame of reference

00:03:14:02 - 00:03:17:02
as to how to actually
configure this script,

00:03:17:05 - 00:03:21:00
but we do actually have this
for the Infigo form builder.

00:03:21:02 - 00:03:25:11
If I just immediately go back out of this,

00:03:25:14 - 00:03:28:10
the form builder in my MegaEdit scripts

00:03:28:10 - 00:03:34:22
again, and this time
I'm going to go to the edit button

00:03:34:25 - 00:03:35:22
and this will take us to a

00:03:35:22 - 00:03:38:22
screen showing full configuration details

00:03:38:23 - 00:03:45:10
for that particular script.

00:03:45:12 - 00:03:46:26
So this is a very useful screen.

00:03:46:26 - 00:03:50:12
It details all of the possible
configuration options within the script.

00:03:50:14 - 00:03:54:10
In addition, this set of information here

00:03:54:12 - 00:03:58:06
contains a vast array of notes
giving you insight into what

00:03:58:06 - 00:04:04:08
the different elements do and how
they're supposed to be populated. It.

00:04:04:10 - 00:04:05:24
So I'm going to scroll down to a certain

00:04:05:24 - 00:04:10:00
bit of this to cover the variable text
that we're looking at at the moment.

00:04:10:00 - 00:04:11:03
Okay. So here we go.

00:04:11:03 - 00:04:14:02
Starting here

00:04:14:02 - 00:04:15:15
I'm looking at text variable

00:04:15:15 - 00:04:21:26
handling custom.

00:04:21:28 - 00:04:24:20
this enables the variable
handling of form builder.

00:04:24:20 - 00:04:29:00
If set to true, if it's set to false,
it will do the same function ality

00:04:29:07 - 00:04:37:14
as the batch mode does.

00:04:37:16 - 00:04:38:17
And in the vast majority of

00:04:38:17 - 00:04:41:17
this will be configured on a per product

00:04:41:17 - 00:04:44:24

00:04:44:26 - 00:04:46:19
Next time we have text variable

00:04:46:19 - 00:04:49:19
prefix and text variable post fix.

00:04:49:26 - 00:04:54:26
So this contains the string of text that
precedes and follows our variable name.

00:04:54:28 - 00:05:00:08
This allows us to easily define where
a variable is to be used on our product.

00:05:00:08 - 00:05:05:02
So for example, if we've got this prefix
and this post fix here

00:05:05:04 - 00:05:08:27
and then the actual name
of the variable itself is variable,

00:05:09:00 - 00:05:12:25
our complete text string entered
onto our template in order to use this

00:05:12:25 - 00:05:20:13
variable will be [++Variable++]

00:05:20:15 - 00:05:27:16
And we'll see this a little bit later.

00:05:27:19 - 00:05:30:10
Next up, we have text variables look up.

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So this is how we can define our custom

00:05:33:19 - 00:05:37:25
In the script editor
you will see a range of informative text

00:05:37:27 - 00:05:41:07
showing you how
this is configured and populated.

00:05:41:09 - 00:05:44:12
So for our example, I'm going to copy this

00:05:44:12 - 00:05:48:06
as a template for our custom variable

00:05:48:09 - 00:05:56:16
and place it into the global configuration
for our form Builder script.

00:05:56:18 - 00:05:57:17
Okay, so I've pasted

00:05:57:17 - 00:06:01:11
that into our global configuration.

00:06:01:14 - 00:06:02:13
This is a template.

00:06:02:13 - 00:06:05:22
This is what we're going to work from
to start populating a variable,

00:06:05:22 - 00:06:08:06
and it will all start
to make a bit more sense.

00:06:08:06 - 00:06:11:23
so we're going to start off
by actually reformatting this slightly

00:06:11:23 - 00:06:14:23
so it's actually usable as a variable.

00:06:14:26 - 00:06:18:16
What I mean by
this is at the moment it's kind of

00:06:18:18 - 00:06:21:05
commented out,
so it's not actually going to be used.

00:06:21:05 - 00:06:24:15
It's just done
using this little icon here.

00:06:24:16 - 00:06:26:26
So if I get rid of that,

00:06:26:26 - 00:06:29:24
you can see that
all of that now changes color because it's

00:06:29:24 - 00:06:34:07
now what you're going to be usable
as part of the configuration.

00:06:34:10 - 00:06:34:19
All right.

00:06:34:19 - 00:06:38:20
So looking at the variable name,
first of all,

00:06:38:22 - 00:06:41:03
which is this section here in our example,

00:06:41:03 - 00:06:45:08
so this is the name of the variable
and we'll form part of the texture

00:06:45:08 - 00:06:49:22
that you input into your templates
in order to utilize the variable.

00:06:49:24 - 00:06:54:08
This field can be admin only and does
not have to be displayed to your end user.

00:06:54:08 - 00:06:57:17
So you can give this a naming convention
which is just relevant to you.

00:06:57:20 - 00:07:00:05
It doesn't have to be shown to the end

00:07:00:05 - 00:07:03:05
I'm just going to have this as G
because it's a global variable

00:07:03:05 - 00:07:11:11
that's just my own way of
remembering it. And then name

00:07:11:13 - 00:07:11:26
the next

00:07:11:26 - 00:07:15:17
option down
here is the ability to define a label.

00:07:15:19 - 00:07:16:15
So this is the name

00:07:16:15 - 00:07:20:20
that is associated with the variable
and will be used as a label on the form.

00:07:20:20 - 00:07:23:04
So this will be shown to the end user.

00:07:23:04 - 00:07:26:26
So this needs to be a bit more user

00:07:26:28 - 00:07:34:23
It's going to put this as name,

00:07:34:26 - 00:07:35:07

00:07:35:07 - 00:07:39:16
So next down we have value
and this allows us to specify

00:07:39:16 - 00:07:44:03
any pre defined values
so this does not have to be filled in.

00:07:44:06 - 00:07:45:29
However, if you would like the variable

00:07:45:29 - 00:07:49:26
to show some predefined text,
it can be specified here.

00:07:49:29 - 00:07:52:04
This can be static text

00:07:52:04 - 00:07:55:04
or you can utilize existing customer data.

00:07:55:10 - 00:07:59:02
For example, inputting

00:07:59:05 - 00:08:02:29
this here, which is in our example text.

00:08:03:01 - 00:08:08:03
Let me just copy this

00:08:08:06 - 00:08:09:04
paste here.

00:08:09:04 - 00:08:15:01
So we've got load user
data, first name, last name.

00:08:15:04 - 00:08:16:19
So this will populate the field

00:08:16:19 - 00:08:21:08
with the name of the logged in user
if it's been defined on their account.

00:08:21:10 - 00:08:23:17
So for example,
if they've got their own user account

00:08:23:17 - 00:08:27:14
and first name and last name are defined,
then it will drag that information

00:08:27:22 - 00:08:34:05
into this particular variable value
by default,

00:08:34:08 - 00:08:37:15
fields are listed in the script editor

00:08:37:18 - 00:08:41:20
and include things like names, address
fields and emails.

00:08:41:20 - 00:08:43:15
So you can see them all here.

00:08:43:15 - 00:08:45:18
However, for the purpose of

00:08:45:18 - 00:08:49:09
actually getting this script to function,
I'm going to get rid of.

00:08:49:11 - 00:08:50:02
That's helpful.

00:08:50:02 - 00:08:59:02

00:08:59:04 - 00:08:59:16

00:08:59:16 - 00:09:04:02
Next, we have input, so this allows you
to define the type of inputs.

00:09:04:02 - 00:09:07:02
This variable field should be.

00:09:07:04 - 00:09:09:17
For example, text fields
that is by default

00:09:09:17 - 00:09:13:15
will provide a single line
text input and data picker

00:09:13:18 - 00:09:18:13
will provide a calendar selection tool,
as we saw in a previous tutorial.

00:09:18:15 - 00:09:22:14
Available inputs in here are I just

00:09:22:16 - 00:09:23:18
put a comment on here so you

00:09:23:18 - 00:09:27:22
can see we've got text fields,

00:09:27:24 - 00:09:31:18
text area

00:09:31:20 - 00:09:36:18
picker and time picker.

00:09:36:21 - 00:09:38:25
We just want to put one of those in here

00:09:38:25 - 00:09:48:10
based on the type of input you would like.

00:09:48:13 - 00:09:51:02
so we can optionally enter a placeholder.

00:09:51:02 - 00:09:54:20
This is temporary text
that is displayed in the form field

00:09:54:23 - 00:09:59:01
in the event that no other text is present
and it will serve as example text

00:09:59:01 - 00:10:03:25
only the two following options are prefix
and suffix.

00:10:03:27 - 00:10:05:16
This allows you to optionally define

00:10:05:16 - 00:10:09:07
if any text should proceed
or follow the variable value.

00:10:09:09 - 00:10:11:12
So in our example,
we'll put something in here

00:10:11:12 - 00:10:15:23
just to be able to demonstrate it
for clarity.

00:10:15:25 - 00:10:18:13
And it could be used for things
like spacing

00:10:18:13 - 00:10:21:16
and a consistent static text

00:10:21:16 - 00:10:25:17
if you need to input something like that
and other such examples.

00:10:25:20 - 00:10:28:24
In our example,
I'm just going to put a double dash

00:10:28:24 - 00:10:33:18
just so we know
it's actually doing something.

00:10:33:21 - 00:10:35:03
One other use case

00:10:35:03 - 00:10:38:29
is to automatically
put a line break using \n

00:10:38:29 - 00:10:45:12
and we'll cover this in more detail
on another tutorial.

00:10:45:14 - 00:10:45:26

00:10:45:26 - 00:10:49:07
And the last option here is the ability
to optionally enter help text.

00:10:49:07 - 00:10:53:05
So if required, enter text
to appear on a tooltip

00:10:53:05 - 00:11:02:26
to assist your end users.

00:11:02:28 - 00:11:04:04
Okay, so we're nearly done.

00:11:04:04 - 00:11:05:05
The last thing we need to do

00:11:05:05 - 00:11:08:16
is make sure that we've correctly
formatted the script config.

00:11:08:18 - 00:11:12:14
So if you try and save the script config
as a nonviolent

00:11:12:16 - 00:11:17:02
Jason formats as I've tried to do here,

00:11:17:05 - 00:11:20:20
the save will fail and it will issue you
with a warning down here.

00:11:20:23 - 00:11:24:08
So make sure that you amend the script
into a suitable format.

00:11:24:11 - 00:11:25:29
Such as

00:11:25:29 - 00:11:30:11
well do right now.

00:11:30:13 - 00:11:30:24

00:11:30:24 - 00:11:32:22
So I've hit save.
It's not come up with a warning.

00:11:32:22 - 00:11:35:06
So that has now been accepted.

00:11:35:06 - 00:11:39:21
I'm not going to reload
the MegaEdit product and add a text field.

00:11:39:21 - 00:11:42:10
So you need to either
launch the product in MegaEdits

00:11:42:10 - 00:11:47:01
or if you've already got it open,
just make sure you relaunch it.

00:11:47:03 - 00:11:49:28
Okay, So here's my

00:11:49:28 - 00:11:55:10
text field.

00:11:55:12 - 00:11:57:12
So once again,
I'm going to go to the custom tab

00:11:57:12 - 00:12:00:16
where we start formatting our Infigo form

00:12:00:18 - 00:12:03:24

00:12:03:26 - 00:12:05:02
I'll start off the usual way

00:12:05:02 - 00:12:10:01
or enter a field name

00:12:10:03 - 00:12:13:25
and if you need to,
you can do any additional configuration.

00:12:13:25 - 00:12:17:16
So get rid of formatting, change
the interactivity settings,

00:12:17:16 - 00:12:21:04
whatever you need to do.

00:12:21:06 - 00:12:23:11
I'm going to go to the advanced
configuration options

00:12:23:11 - 00:12:26:02
for this particular field

00:12:26:02 - 00:12:29:02
and this time
we're going to use a new field type.

00:12:29:08 - 00:12:32:00
This is going to be variable text

00:12:32:00 - 00:12:34:06
and in order to use our defined variables

00:12:34:06 - 00:12:36:03
that we've done in the script

00:12:36:03 - 00:12:41:23
the variable text is what you need
to select from that dropdown.

00:12:41:25 - 00:12:44:25
Any correctly defined
variables will be displayed

00:12:44:25 - 00:12:48:09
underneath the field text cache area.

00:12:48:12 - 00:12:54:19
So you see here we've got our name field,

00:12:54:21 - 00:12:55:05
so any

00:12:55:05 - 00:12:58:27
text that we want to appear
in the actual field on the canvas,

00:12:59:01 - 00:13:02:00
we need to make sure it's
within this field text cache.

00:13:02:00 - 00:13:05:08
And this is a combination of static text
if you need it

00:13:05:10 - 00:13:09:21
and these actual variable identifiers.

00:13:09:23 - 00:13:13:16
In our case,
I'll put some static text so my name is

00:13:13:18 - 00:13:17:06
followed by

00:13:17:08 - 00:13:30:21
that variable identifier.

00:13:30:24 - 00:13:32:16
You'll see that
as I click out of that box.

00:13:32:16 - 00:13:34:11
He recognizes it's now ready.

00:13:34:11 - 00:13:37:27
So you'll see that the field now
appears over on the right hand side

00:13:37:29 - 00:13:40:09
and certain information
has already been populated.

00:13:40:09 - 00:13:43:08
So it's recognized
that we have some placeholder text.

00:13:43:08 - 00:13:44:02
It's recognized

00:13:44:02 - 00:13:47:22
that we've asked for some help text
and it's name the fields, for example.

00:13:47:25 - 00:13:50:02
You see that
we've still got some formatting options.

00:13:50:02 - 00:13:54:02
We can disable those in the usual
way if we don't need them.

00:13:54:04 - 00:13:56:11
So if I start typing in the form here,

00:13:56:11 - 00:14:00:08
you'll see it automatically starts to
populate the field on the canvas itself.

00:14:00:11 - 00:14:03:27
and this includes the prefix
and the suffix that we specified

00:14:03:27 - 00:14:05:21
in our configuration.

00:14:05:21 - 00:14:08:21
Now of course we don't need this,
we've just put it in as an example.

00:14:08:21 - 00:14:10:05
It's just to demonstrate its use.


Step by Step Guide

Configuring basic variable text within the Form Builder | FB_014

The basic tutorials on the Form Builder have covered dealing with the entire form. For example, we are providing a text box where the entire contents of that text box is controlled by one of our form fields. But what if we want to only change part of the text within a text field.

In this example, we'll cover this functionality by showing you how to configure basic variable text in the Form Builder. Our example will result in a text field which contains static text of "My name is", followed by variable text which is entered by the user on the form.

Creation Date: Jan 24, 2024
Created By: Sam Webster

1. Create a product

In my example, I'm going to begin this process on a new product for clarity. You can of course complete this on a template you have already been working on.

Create a product

2. Click on MegaEdit config

Click on MegaEdit config

3. Click on Scripts

Click on Scripts

4. Ensure the Refactored Form Builder script is activated on the Product and save

Ensure the Refactored Form Builder script is activated on the Product and save

5. Launch the MegaEdit product

Once launched, we will leave this product for now and conduct some configuration of the Form Builder script.

Launch the MegaEdit product

6. Click on MegaEdit config

Click on MegaEdit config

7. Click on Scripts

Click on Scripts

8. Click to configure the Form Builder script instance on this particular Product

Click to configure the Form Builder script instance on this particular Product

9. Script configuration

We have two options when configuring the Form Builder script. We can do it on a product by product basic (on the current screen), or, we can configure the script globally. This means any script alterations will apply to all products using the script.

Script configuration

10. Navigate to MegaEdit Scripts

Navigate to MegaEdit Scripts

11. Click on Global Config

This will take us to the global configuration of the Form Builder script.

Click on Global Config

12. See full configuration options

Clicking Edit instead of Global Config will take you to a screen showing full details of the script.

See full configuration options

13. Form Builder Script

This is a very useful screen, detailing all the possible configuration options within the script. In addition, this script contains a vast array of notes, giving you insight into what the different elements do and how they are populated.

Form Builder Script

14. textVariableHandlingCustom

Enables the variable handling of form builder if set to true. If set to false, it will use the same functionality as the batch mode.

We will configure this on a per product basis


15. textVariablePrefix and textVariablePostfix

Controls the string of text that precedes and follows our variable name. This allows us to easily define where a variable is to be used on our product.

So, for example, if the prefix and postfix are "[++" and "++]" respectively, and the variable name is "Variable", our complete text string entered onto our template in order to use this variable is "[++Variable++].

textVariablePrefix and textVariablePostfix

16. textVariableLookup

This is how we can define our custom variables. In the script editor, you will see a range of informative text showing how this is configured and populated.

For our example, I'm going to copy this content as a template for our custom variable and paste it into the global configuration of our Form Builder script.


17. Paste selected text into text area

Paste selected text into text area

18. Specify a variable name

This is the name of the variable and will form part of the text you input into your template to utilise the variable. This field can be admin only and does not have to be displayed to your end users.

Specify a variable name

19. Define a label

This is the name that is associated with the variable and will be used as the label on the form shown to the end user.

Define a label

20. Specify any predefined values

This does not have to be filled in, however if you would like the variable to show some predefined text, it can be specified here.

This can be static text, or you can utilise existing user data. For example, inputting "LoadUserData: FirstName,LastName" will populate the field with the name of the logged in user (if it has been defined on their account).

Available fields are listed in the script editor and include names, address fields and email.

Specify any predefined values

21. Define the input type

This allows you to define the type of input this variable should be. For example "TextField" will provide a single line text input, and "DatePicker" will provide a calendar selection tool.

Available inputs are TextField, TextArea, DatePicker and TimePicker.

Define the input type

22. Optionally enter a placeholder

This is temporary text that is displayed in the form field in the event no other text is present. It serves as example text only.

Optionally enter a placeholder

23. Prefix and Suffix

Allows you to optionally define if any text should precede or follow the variable value. In our example, we'll input "--" so we can demonstrate this for clarity. This could be used for spacing, consistent static text and more.

One other use case is to automatically input a line break using /n. We'll cover this in more detail on another tutorial.

Prefix and Suffix

24. Enter optional help text

If required, enter text to appear on a tool tip to assist your end users.

Enter optional help text

25. Format the script config

If you try to save the script config in a non valid JSON format, the save will fail and issue a warning.

Make sure to amend the script into a suitable format, such as that seen here.

Format the script config

26. Click on Save and Continue Edit

Click on Save and Continue Edit

27. Reload the MegaEdit product and add a text field

Reload the MegaEdit product and add a text field

28. Click on Custom Tab

We'll begin with some of the basic configuration options within the Form Builder

Click on Custom Tab

29. Enter a name for the field

Enter a name for the field

30. Enter the advanced configuration options for this field

Enter the advanced configuration options for this field

31. Select Variable text

In order to use our defined variables, select Variable Text from the dropdown.

Select Variable text

32. Any correctly defined variables will be displayed underneath the text cache input field.

Any correctly defined variables will be displayed underneath the text cache input field.

33. Fill in the Field text cache field

This can be a combination of static text and variables. Make sure to include the variable prefix and suffix in order for it to register as a variable within the Form Builder.

As you enter text in here it will appear on the canvas.

Fill in the Field text cache field

34. Once a variable is entered into the Field text cache area, it will also become available in the main form

We can see in our example that the placeholder we specified is shown. No name has been automatically populated as the account used for this demo has no name assigned.

Once a variable is entered into the Field text cache area, it will also become available in the main form

35. Typing into the form will populate the field on the canvas, including the prefix and suffix (if one has been specified)

Typing into the form will populate the field on the canvas, including the prefix and suffix (if one has been specified)

Individual Search Words

variable, dynamic, prefix, suffix, placeholder, textfield, datepicker, form, MegaEdit, script

Alternate Search Phrases

configuring dynamic text, form builder variable setup, setting text prefixes, customizing form text, MegaEdit field options, form script configuration, adding variable placeholders, custom text input, defining form fields, text area configuration