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In this
tutorial, we'll learn how to create
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predefined text options
in the Infigo form builder.
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The end result will be a drop down list
appearing on the main form
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from which the user can select between
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available options.
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that option will subsequently populate
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the linked fields
on the actual canvas itself.
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This example will focus
on the simplest option
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where you manually specify
several options to choose from.
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This option is best in instances
where only a small number of options
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are available within the dropdown list.
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We begin to specify
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this functionality by navigating
to the MegaEdit settings of the product
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in question.
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00:01:01:25 - 00:01:05:23
the Form Builder script,
and then click on its config settings.
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Do note that you can always apply
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these settings on the global config level
if it's preferable to you.
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So here we have an
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example of a predefined dropdown
within the script config.
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As a reminder, this is for the manual
specification of a short list of options.
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There are other options available
for more advanced or numerous options
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which are covered in other tutorials.
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So let's go through
some of the entries in here.
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The custom target tag
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line allows you to apply a name
to the predefined text entry,
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and this is used later for identification
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Each option within your dropdown
should be placed
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within this options
section of your config.
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This option section
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should also contain a title
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and a value for each of the options
you want to input.
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The title is a text
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that will appear in the forms
dropdown field and the value is the text
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that will be populated
on the linked field on the canvas itself.
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Do keep note of the kind of formatting
that you'll need in order
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to make this work.
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And do remember
there are tools available on the internet
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which will help you
with the formatting of conflict like this.
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My personal preference
is just to ask ChatGPT
00:02:37:04 - 00:02:40:04
to check this format.
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Once you've input those options,
click on Save and continue.
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Next, we need to configure the Infigo
form builder
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to recognize this field
as a predefined text field.
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I'm just going to go back to my product
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and navigate to the custom tab
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and the advanced
settings of the field in question.
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What we need to do is to make sure
that we have predefined
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text selected
from the available list of field types,
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and then we select the predefined options
that we want to make available.
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Within this particular form entry.
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So you will be presented with a list
of all of the predefined text sections
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that you've defined
within your script config.
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So in this particular
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I've given it the name CountryPredef.
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If I go back to my config, you can see
that was the custom target name
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I gave to that particular section.
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If you click
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the option on, they will become available
as a selection.
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Your dropdown list.
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We then just need to confirm
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whether this is a single or a multi line
text input.
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With this completes,
your populated dropdown
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list will appear on the customer
facing form and is now available
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for use.
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Do remember
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to save your product
in order to keep these changes.