Picture of Populating a Vcard QR code using the Infigo Form Builder | FB_029

Populating a Vcard QR code using the Infigo Form Builder | FB_029

In this tutorial, we'll take a look at populating a QR code to function as a VCard using the Infigo Form Builder. Our example will focus on populating a barcode with some basic data consisting of a name, organisation and email address. These pieces of data will be input into our product using fields and variables, the creation and configuration of which are covered in greater detail in other Infigo Academy tutorials. As such, this tutorial assumes some prior knowledge on the fundamental concepts of the Infigo Form Builder. The vCard is not a concept created by Infigo, we are simply utilising an existing format. You can find more information on the available fields and format of the vCard using the following link: https://www.evenx.com/vcard-3-0-format-specification We'll only look at a few basic examples of available fields an configuration options over the course of this guide. Take a look at the last steps of the Tango step-by-step guide to see a full copy of the VCard config for the Infigo Form Builder, as it existed during the creation of this content.

Tutorial Video Transcript

A transcript of our tutorial video, ensuring you can find exactly what you need, when you need it.

You can search this page to find the relevant time-stamp in the video. Also, this text can be used as part of the tutorial search feature.

00:00:06:29 - 00:00:07:10
In this

00:00:07:10 - 00:00:10:24
tutorial, we'll take a look
at populating a QR code

00:00:10:24 - 00:00:14:03
to function as a vCard
using the Infigo form builder.

00:00:15:02 - 00:00:18:28
Our example will focus on populating
a barcode with some basic data

00:00:18:28 - 00:00:22:15
consisting of name, organization
and email address.

00:00:23:08 - 00:00:26:11
These pieces of data will be input
into our product

00:00:26:17 - 00:00:29:17
using fields and variables.

00:00:30:00 - 00:00:32:01
The creation and configuration
of which are covered

00:00:32:01 - 00:00:35:05
in greater detail
in other Infigo Academy tutorials.

00:00:36:16 - 00:00:39:12
As such, this tutorial assumes
some prior knowledge

00:00:39:12 - 00:00:42:12
on the fundamental concepts
of the Infigo form builder.

00:00:44:08 - 00:00:47:27
Now the vCard is not a concept created
by Infigo.

00:00:47:27 - 00:00:52:18
We're simply utilizing an existing format
and you can find out more information

00:00:52:18 - 00:00:55:18
on the available fields
and formats of the vCard

00:00:55:23 - 00:00:59:06
using a link
provided in the accompanying tango.

00:01:00:17 - 00:01:02:14
And if you want
to search for more information on this,

00:01:02:14 - 00:01:05:21
it vCard 3.0 format specification.

00:01:10:08 - 00:01:12:05
Only look at a few basic examples

00:01:12:05 - 00:01:16:00
of available fields and configuration
options over the course of this guide.

00:01:16:15 - 00:01:19:10
Take a look at the last step of the tango,
step by step guide

00:01:19:10 - 00:01:23:21
to see a full copy of the vCard
config from the Infigo form builder

00:01:24:27 - 00:01:27:27
as it existed
during the creation of this content.

00:01:30:03 - 00:01:33:03
So what we're going to screen at
the moment is our initial product

00:01:33:08 - 00:01:36:14
will begin with a product
that is already utilizing

00:01:36:14 - 00:01:39:14
some of the fundamental elements
of the Infigo form builder,

00:01:39:15 - 00:01:44:19
and this includes so and Infigo Form
Builder script activated on the product.

00:01:45:03 - 00:01:48:08
A single line
text field has already been created here.

00:01:49:09 - 00:01:52:01
And then we've got two variables
that have been created,

00:01:52:01 - 00:01:56:25
and this includes both the script config
for those variables, as you can see here

00:01:58:07 - 00:01:59:04
and the product

00:01:59:04 - 00:02:02:04
side elements of those variables as well.

00:02:02:06 - 00:02:05:07
And here we've placed
both of those variables into one field

00:02:05:07 - 00:02:07:25
just for simplicity.

00:02:07:25 - 00:02:10:01
As we can see,
all three inputs are available

00:02:10:01 - 00:02:13:01
on the customer
facing form shown on the right hand side.

00:02:19:05 - 00:02:21:25
So let's begin with our vCard
script config.

00:02:21:25 - 00:02:25:06
We can figure out vCard elements
much the same way as we configured

00:02:25:06 - 00:02:26:15
our variables.

00:02:26:15 - 00:02:30:03
There is a set format
which we input into the script config.

00:02:30:26 - 00:02:33:21
So the first thing we need to do
is inform the script that you are

00:02:33:21 - 00:02:39:01
beginning inputting vCard information
using a particular bit of code.

00:02:39:26 - 00:02:42:26
If I'm just going to load up
my configuration here,

00:02:43:25 - 00:02:46:25
I'm just going to start
inputting the relevant code

00:02:47:17 - 00:02:48:21
into this section.

00:02:48:21 - 00:02:53:05
All we are looking for
is vCard parts in that format.

00:02:53:05 - 00:02:56:09
So we're now going to begin
configuring our name field,

00:02:56:21 - 00:03:01:23
the name field or end in the vCard
properties is a required property.

00:03:02:08 - 00:03:04:25
In our example, the script config

00:03:04:25 - 00:03:07:21
for the name field
takes the following form.

00:03:07:21 - 00:03:11:15
These variable inputs in this
specification consist of the title,

00:03:11:29 - 00:03:15:13
so that's the name you wish to give to
this part of the vCard config.

00:03:16:11 - 00:03:17:19
We've got property.

00:03:17:19 - 00:03:21:22
So the property format
is that expected for the vCard

00:03:22:00 - 00:03:26:12
and that's taken from the provided web
page in the accompanying tango

00:03:28:14 - 00:03:29:20
we've got included.

00:03:29:20 - 00:03:33:17
So this is true or false,
so is the property to be included

00:03:33:17 - 00:03:36:17
in the creation of the vCard.

00:03:36:27 - 00:03:38:27
And then we've got the values section.

00:03:38:27 - 00:03:42:20
So this is where you begin specifying
the Infigo Form Builder elements

00:03:42:20 - 00:03:46:12
that this vCard property
will link to and inputs within here

00:03:46:19 - 00:03:51:05
consist of the source,
which can be three options.

00:03:51:05 - 00:03:53:25
It can be static field or variable.

00:03:53:25 - 00:03:56:22
Static means
it will just link to some static text

00:03:56:22 - 00:03:59:22
which you define actually
within the config itself.

00:04:01:27 - 00:04:04:18
If you put field in here,
this is if you wish to link it

00:04:04:18 - 00:04:07:18
to an entire named field on the product

00:04:08:29 - 00:04:11:26
and then variable if you wish to link it
to one of the variables

00:04:11:26 - 00:04:14:26
that you've configured earlier
in the script config.

00:04:15:03 - 00:04:17:17
And then it is to
be populated on your product.

00:04:21:05 - 00:04:21:14
The other

00:04:21:14 - 00:04:24:14
option we have as part of this is value.

00:04:24:14 - 00:04:28:17
So here we enter either
the static text, the name of the field,

00:04:28:27 - 00:04:31:23
or the name of the variable
as it's specified

00:04:31:23 - 00:04:34:23
in your product.

00:04:36:17 - 00:04:40:05
So in our example, we are linking the end
property of the vCard

00:04:40:05 - 00:04:43:27
configuration to the field named name

00:04:44:21 - 00:04:47:08
and on our form builder enabled product.

00:04:47:08 - 00:04:52:08
Our next example is going to be formatted
name or FN in the vCard properties.

00:04:52:18 - 00:04:55:18
This is another required vCard input.

00:04:55:24 - 00:04:59:04
It will format this similar
to the name property and again

00:04:59:04 - 00:05:02:04
it will link to the name
field of our product.

00:05:04:03 - 00:05:05:06
Now as I'm creating

00:05:05:06 - 00:05:08:07
this, don't worry
too much about the format at the moment

00:05:08:07 - 00:05:11:07
to make sure that making sure
that everything is exactly right.

00:05:11:13 - 00:05:15:01
Later on in the process,
we're going to run this through

00:05:15:01 - 00:05:17:13
some various tools
that are available online

00:05:17:13 - 00:05:20:27
to make sure that our JSON formatting
is, as we expect.

00:05:21:08 - 00:05:23:01
So don't worry
too much about that at the moment.

00:05:33:11 - 00:05:34:03
our next step

00:05:34:03 - 00:05:37:04
is to an email address
entered on our product

00:05:37:05 - 00:05:40:05
to an email property
in the vCard configuration.

00:05:40:23 - 00:05:43:09
In this example,
we are thinking this to a variable

00:05:43:09 - 00:05:46:09
within our products
rather than the entire field.

00:05:46:10 - 00:05:49:29
To accomplish this,
we've listed the source as variable

00:05:50:16 - 00:05:54:24
and of input the name of the variable
specified elsewhere in the script config.

00:05:55:11 - 00:05:58:10
So you see we've got our variable
name here specified as email.

00:05:58:10 - 00:06:01:24
Now if I look further over
my script config, I have the relevant

00:06:01:24 - 00:06:04:24

00:06:06:00 - 00:06:07:17
You will also see an additional entry

00:06:07:17 - 00:06:10:17
in the config of the email named type.

00:06:11:01 - 00:06:14:01
This is a requirement for an email field

00:06:14:27 - 00:06:18:12
for which a value of internet
is the default value.

00:06:19:11 - 00:06:20:08
Now please do note that

00:06:20:08 - 00:06:24:02
there are several vCard properties
that will require a type input

00:06:24:10 - 00:06:27:16
and you can find the acceptable inputs
for each of those properties

00:06:27:22 - 00:06:31:10
on the provided web page,
which again you can find within a tango.

00:06:31:10 - 00:06:36:20
So a final example inputs here and
I've just pasted it is our organization.

00:06:37:08 - 00:06:39:27
So we're going to repeat the methodology
of the previous steps

00:06:39:27 - 00:06:44:17
to specify the organization
or org vCard property.

00:06:45:12 - 00:06:46:03
And this will again

00:06:46:03 - 00:06:50:16
be linked to a variable on our form
builder enabled product switch.

00:06:50:16 - 00:06:55:24
That's a variable and chosen about relevant and chosen the relevant variable name.

00:06:59:05 - 00:07:02:00
Now with all of that specified,
I'm going to go ahead and click Save

00:07:02:00 - 00:07:06:05
and continue edit and it's very unlikely
based on everything we've put in there

00:07:06:23 - 00:07:10:07
that I've got that configuration exactly
right the first time round.

00:07:10:25 - 00:07:14:17
If you have trouble with the formatting,
for example, if you receive an error,

00:07:14:26 - 00:07:18:14
I can see here stating
that it's not the correct JSON format.

00:07:18:24 - 00:07:22:15
It can be useful to run your script
config through freely available tools.

00:07:22:27 - 00:07:27:06
So some of the examples I like to use
are an online JSON formatter

00:07:27:15 - 00:07:30:15
or you can actually utilize
ChatGPT as well.

00:07:35:06 - 00:07:36:22
So I'm just going to take that

00:07:36:22 - 00:07:39:22
and run it through one of those tools.

00:07:43:08 - 00:07:44:09
Those online tools

00:07:44:09 - 00:07:47:09
are prepared to formatting for me,
so we finally go ahead and save.

00:07:47:14 - 00:07:50:20
I can see that the error has disappeared
Next, we actually want to go ahead

00:07:50:20 - 00:07:54:11
and enable the barcode field script
on this particular product

00:07:55:17 - 00:07:57:11
before we launch the MegaEdit product

00:07:57:11 - 00:08:00:11
and show that the barcode field
script is active.

00:08:00:12 - 00:08:02:03
This allows us to add and define

00:08:02:03 - 00:08:05:17
a barcode in numerous formats,
including a QR code.

00:08:06:03 - 00:08:09:21
If you can't access the script,
please contact our customer support team

00:08:09:26 - 00:08:11:05
looking to enable it for you.

00:08:11:05 - 00:08:15:07
So all looking for here within the scripts
tab of our MegaEdit configuration

00:08:15:07 - 00:08:18:16
for this particular product,
make sure barcode field is active

00:08:19:13 - 00:08:22:13
and then click on Save Changes

00:08:24:28 - 00:08:25:19
I’m then going to

00:08:25:19 - 00:08:28:19
relaunch our MegaEdit product.

00:08:30:05 - 00:08:31:15
Okay, so on here, I'm

00:08:31:15 - 00:08:34:15
going to add a barcode field.

00:08:34:26 - 00:08:38:24
So because we've got the barcode field
activated, if I go to my fields, tap

00:08:39:03 - 00:08:42:19
on my MegaEdit left pane,
I can add a new barcode

00:08:44:15 - 00:08:48:03
and I'm just going to double click
that to launch the configuration pop up

00:08:48:14 - 00:08:51:25
and I'm going to change the type
of that barcode to a QR code.

00:08:51:27 - 00:08:54:27
Next, I'm going to go over to the custom
tab for the form builder.

00:08:55:12 - 00:08:56:20
I'm just going to give that a name

00:08:58:13 - 00:09:02:05
of Let's say vCardQR that

00:09:02:05 - 00:09:05:05
I'm going to look at the advanced settings
for that particular field.

00:09:07:05 - 00:09:10:17
Now all we need to do here
is to actually tell the system

00:09:10:28 - 00:09:14:17
that this particular barcode
is going to be used for a v cart.

00:09:16:22 - 00:09:19:22
I just click toggle that

00:09:21:14 - 00:09:23:06
and I'm also going to activate

00:09:23:06 - 00:09:26:06
fixed barcode field

00:09:28:26 - 00:09:29:17
with our set.

00:09:29:17 - 00:09:32:17
I can click on back

00:09:34:03 - 00:09:37:03
and then I'm
just going to save our product.

00:09:44:19 - 00:09:45:11
So because we've got

00:09:45:11 - 00:09:49:08
that information in the config
in the background now, as soon as we

00:09:49:08 - 00:09:53:23
enter information onto our customer
facing form on the right hand side,

00:09:54:01 - 00:09:57:19
remember this is linked via

00:09:57:19 - 00:10:00:19
the config to that particular barcode.

00:10:02:12 - 00:10:04:22
You'll see that as I start
entering information,

00:10:04:22 - 00:10:07:22
I get information on the link
fields on the form itself,

00:10:08:05 - 00:10:11:18
but the barcode itself,
the QR code is also updating.

00:10:26:00 - 00:10:27:24
This creates a functional QR code.

00:10:27:24 - 00:10:32:27
So by scanning this QR code with my phone,
I get prompted to add a new contact

00:10:33:03 - 00:10:36:18
where the fields populated in our product
are already filled.

00:10:36:18 - 00:10:40:08
The just as a reminder
right at the end of the tango

00:10:40:08 - 00:10:44:11
that accompanies this particular video,
you'll find a more in-depth example

00:10:44:11 - 00:10:48:21
of a vCard configuration in the
in Infigo Form Builder script config.

00:10:49:09 - 00:10:53:01
Please do notes that some of
the properties are slightly more advanced

00:10:53:01 - 00:10:56:20
in their requirements and the basic ones
discussed in this video.

00:10:57:00 - 00:11:00:27
However, the format of those configs
is fundamentally the same.

00:11:01:28 - 00:11:03:22
Please do also note the script example

00:11:03:22 - 00:11:07:02
that we've provided contains
numerous notes to assist you.

00:11:07:15 - 00:11:10:03
These are identified with the forward
slash forward

00:11:10:03 - 00:11:13:04
slash tag
along with the text that follows it.

00:11:13:14 - 00:11:16:24
These should not be included
in your final script config.


Step by Step Guide

Populating a Vcard QR code using the Infigo Form Builder | FB_029

In this tutorial, we'll take a look at populating a QR code to function as a VCard using the Infigo Form Builder.

Our example will focus on populating a barcode with some basic data consisting of a name, organisation and email address. These pieces of data will be input into our product using fields and variables, the creation and configuration of which are covered in greater detail in other Infigo Academy tutorials. As such, this tutorial assumes some prior knowledge on the fundamental concepts of the Infigo Form Builder.

The vCard is not a concept created by Infigo, we are simply utilising an existing format. You can find more information on the available fields and format of the vCard using the following link:


We'll only look at a few basic examples of available fields an configuration options over the course of this guide. Take a look at the last steps of the Tango step-by-step guide to see a full copy of the VCard config for the Infigo Form Builder, as it existed during the creation of this content.

Creation Date: Feb 15, 2024
Created By: Sam Webster

1. Our initial product

We begin with a product which is already utilising some of the fundamental elements of the Infigo Form Builder, including:

  • Infigo Form Builder script activated on the product

  • A single line text field created

  • Two variables created, including both the script config and product-side elements. Here, we have placed both variables in one field.

As we can see, all three inputs are available on the customer-facing main form shown on the right.

Our initial product

2. vCard script config

We configure our vCard elements much in the same way as we configured out variables. There is a set format which we input into the script config.

Inform the script that you are to begin inputting vCard information using the code:

    vCardParts: [
vCard script config

3. Configuring vCard data (Example 1 - Name)

We will begin configuring our Name field. The name field (or N in the vCard properties) is a REQUIRED property.

In our example, the script config for the name field takes the following form:

            title: 'Name:',
            property: 'N',
            include: true,
            values: [
                    source: 'field',
                    value: 'Name'

The available inputs in this specification consist of:

  • title - The name you wish to give to this part of the vCard config

  • property - The property format expected for the vCard, taken from the provided web page (https://www.evenx.com/vcard-3-0-format-specification)

  • include - true or false. Is this property to be included in the creation of the vCard.

  • values - Where you begin specifying the Infigo Form Builder elements this vCard property will link to. Inputs in here consist of:

    • source - static, field or variable.

      • static - Link to some static, unchanging text from your script config

      • field - You wish to link to an entire named field on your product

      • variable - You wish to link to one of the variables you have configured earlier in the script config and that is to be populated in your product.

    • value - Either the static text, or the name of the field or variable as it is specified in your product.

So in our example, we are linking the N property of the vCard configuration to a field named "Name" on our Form Builder enabled product.

Configuring vCard data (Example 1 - Name)

4. Formatting vCard data (Example 2 - Formatted Name)

Formatted name (or FN in the vCard properties) is another REQUIRED vCard input.

We will format this similar to the Name property and again it will link to the name field on our product.

            title: 'Formatted Name:',
            property: 'FN',
            include: true,
            values: [
                    source: 'field', 
                    value: 'Name'
Formatting vCard data (Example 2 - Formatted Name)

5. Formatting vCard data (Example 3 - Email)

Our next step is to link an email address entered in our product to the EMAIL property of the vCard configuration.

In this example, we are linking this to a variable within our product rather than an entire field. To accomplish this, we have listed the source as 'variable' and have input the name of the variable specified elsewhere in the script config.

You will also see an additional entry in the config of the email named 'type'. This is a requirement for an email field, for which a value of 'internet' is the default.

Note, there are several vCard properties that will require a 'type' input. You can find the acceptable inputs for each of these properties on the provided web page (https://www.evenx.com/vcard-3-0-format-specification)

            title: 'E-mail:',
            property: 'EMAIL',
            include: true,
            values: [
                    source: 'variable',            
                    value: 'Email',
                    type: "internet"
Formatting vCard data (Example 3 - Email)

6. Formatting vCard data (Example 4 - Organisation)

We will repeat the methodology of the previous steps to specify the Organisation (or ORG vCard property).

This will again be linked to a variable in our Form Builder enabled product.

            title: 'Organization:',
            property: 'ORG',
            include: true,
            values: [
                    source: 'variable',
                    value: 'Organisation'
Formatting vCard data (Example 4 - Organisation)

7. Click on Save and Continue Edit

If you have trouble with the formatting (for example, if you receive an error stating it is not a correct JSON format), it can be useful to run your script config through freely available tools.

Some examples include:

JSON Formatter and Validator: https://jsonformatter.curiousconcept.com/#


For your reference, the complete script config for our example, including the two variables, is:

    textVariablesLookup: {
        "Organisation": {
            label: "Organisation",
            value: "",
            input: "TextField",
            uiPlacehodler: "",
            preFix: '',
            suFix: ''
        "Email": {
            label: "Email",
            value: "",
            input: "TextField",
            uiPlacehodler: "",
            preFix: '',
            suFix: ''
    vCardParts: [
            title: 'Name:',
            property: 'N',
            include: true,
            values: [
                    source: 'field',
                    value: 'Name'
            title: 'Formatted Name:',
            property: 'FN',
            include: true,
            values: [
                    source: 'field', 
                    value: 'Name'
            title: 'E-mail:',
            property: 'EMAIL',
            include: true,
            values: [
                    source: 'variable',            
                    value: 'Email',
                    type: "internet"
            title: 'Organization:',
            property: 'ORG',
            include: true,
            values: [
                    source: 'variable',
                    value: 'Organisation'

Click on Save and Continue Edit

8. Enable the Barcode Field script on your product

Before we launch the MegaEdit product, ensure the Barcode Field script is active. This allows us to add and define a barcode in numerous formats, including a QR code.

If you cannot access this script, please contact our Customer Support team.

Enable the Barcode Field script on your product

9. Click on Save changes

Click on Save changes

# Launch the MegaEdit product

10. Click on Fields

Click on Fields

11. Click on Add Barcode

This will be available if you enabled the Barcode Field script on this product.

Click on Add Barcode

12. Configure the barcode to display a QR format

Configure the barcode to display a QR format

13. Click on Custom Tab

Click on Custom Tab

14. Give a name to the newly created barcode field

Give a name to the newly created barcode field

15. Access the barcode field advanced configuration settings

Access the barcode field advanced configuration settings

16. Switch the vCard toggle

This will tell the field to utilise the vCard information you just configured in the script config.

Switch the vCard toggle

17. Check Fixed barcode field

Check Fixed barcode field

18. Click on Back

Click on Back

19. Click on Prep and save

This will save your updated product

Click on Prep and save

20. Entering information into the form fields will both populate the QR code contents, as well as the linked fields and variables

Entering information into the form fields will both populate the QR code contents, as well as the linked fields and variables

21. This creates a funcational vCard!

By scanning this QR code with my phone, I get prompted to add a contact, where the fields populated in our product are already filled.

This creates a funcational vCard!

22. vCard config

Below you will find a more in-depth example of vCard configuration in the Infigo Form Builder script config.

NOTE: that some properties have slightly more advanced requirements than the basics discussed here, however the format of the config is fundamentally the same.

NOTE: The script example below contains numerous notes to assist you. These are identified with the "//" along with the text that follows it. These should NOT be included in your final script config.

        vCardParts: [/*{
            title: 'Name:',
            property: 'N',
            include: true,
            values: [
                    source: 'field', // field, variable, static
                    value: 'Name' // field/variable name or static text
        }, {
            title: 'Formatted Name:',
            property: 'FN',
            include: true,
            values: [
                    source: 'field', // field, variable, static
                    value: 'Name' // field/variable name or static text
                    source: 'field', // field, variable, static
                    value: 'Surname' // field/variable name or static text
        }, {
            title: 'Address:',
            property: 'ADR',
            type: 'work', // dom,intl,postal,parcel,home,work
            include: true,
            values: [ // (content in order: Post Office Address; Extended Address; Street; Locality; Region; Postal Code; Country)
                    source: 'static', // field, variable, static 
                    value: '' // field/variable name or static text
                    source: 'static', // field, variable, static
                    value: '' // field/variable name or static text
                    source: 'variable', // field, variable, static
                    value: 'TVLStreet' // field/variable name or static text
                    source: 'variable', // field, variable, static
                    value: 'TVLCityTown' // field/variable name or static text
                    source: 'variable', // field, variable, static
                    value: 'TVLRegion' // field/variable name or static text
                    source: 'variable', // field, variable, static
                    value: 'TVLPostCode' // field/variable name or static text
                    source: 'variable', // field, variable, static
                    value: 'TVLCountry' // field/variable name or static text
        }, {
            title: 'Birthday:', //birthday (YYYY-MM-DD)
            property: 'BDAY',
            include: false,
            values: [
                    source: 'static', // field, variable, static 
                    value: '' // field/variable name or static text
        }, {
            title: 'E-mail:', //birthday (YYYY-MM-DD)
            property: 'EMAIL',
            include: true,
            values: [
                    source: 'field', // field, variable, static                    
                    value: 'E-mail', // field/variable name or static text
                    type: "internet"
        }, {
            title: 'Geo data:', //information related to the global position ex: 37.144534;-122.264581
            property: 'GEO',
            include: false,
            values: [
                    source: 'static', // field, variable, static 
                    value: '' // field/variable name or static text
        }, {
            title: 'KEY:', //Public key (type = X509; PGP)
            property: 'KEY',
            include: false,
            type: 'work',
            values: [
                    source: 'static', // field, variable, static 
                    value: '' // field/variable name or static text
        }, {
            title: 'Language :', //adding a language string as defined in RFC 1766 ex:en-US
            property: 'LANG',
            include: false,
            values: [
                    source: 'static', // field, variable, static 
                    value: 'en-US' // field/variable name or static text
        }, {
            title: 'Note:', //supplemental information ex: This number is operational 0800 to 1730 EST\, Mon-Fri.
            property: 'NOTE',
            include: false,
            values: [
                    source: 'static', // field, variable, static 
                    value: 'This number is operational 0800 to 1730 EST\, Mon-Fri.' // field/variable name or static text
        }, {
            title: 'Organization:', //supplemental information ex: This number is operational 0800 to 1730 EST\, Mon-Fri.
            property: 'ORG',
            include: true,
            values: [
                    source: 'field', // field, variable, static 
                    value: 'Company name' // field/variable name or static text
        }, {
            title: 'Revision:', //last revision , date of last update
            property: 'REV',
            include: false,
            values: [
                    source: 'field', // field, variable, static 
                    value: 'Revision' // field/variable name or static text
        }, {
            title: 'Role:', //	role, occupation or business category within an organization
            property: 'ROLE',
            include: true,
            values: [
                    source: 'field', // field, variable, static 
                    value: 'Department' // field/variable name or static text
        }, {
            title: 'Phone:', // telephone number with type
            property: 'TEL',
            include: true,
            values: [
                    source: 'field', // field, variable, static                    
                    value: 'Phone', // field/variable name or static text
                    type: "WORK" //PREF, WORK, HOME, VOICE(default), FAX, MSG, CELL, PAGER, BBS, MODEM, CAR, ISDN, VIDEO
                    source: 'field', // field, variable, static                    
                    value: 'Mobile', // field/variable name or static text
                    type: "CELL" //PREF, WORK, HOME, VOICE(default), FAX, MSG, CELL, PAGER, BBS, MODEM, CAR, ISDN, VIDEO
        }, {
            title: 'Title:', // Job title, functional position or function
            property: 'TITLE',
            include: true,
            values: [
                    source: 'field', // field, variable, static                    
                    value: 'Title' // field/variable name or static text
        }, {
            title: 'Time zone:', // Time zone
            property: 'TZ',
            include: false,
            values: [
                    source: 'field', // field, variable, static                    
                    value: 'Time zone' // field/variable name or static text
        }, {
            title: 'Unique identifier', // 	represents a persistent, globally unique identifier associated with the object
            property: 'UID',
            include: false,
            values: [
                    source: 'field', // field, variable, static                    
                    value: 'Time zone' // field/variable name or static text
        }, {
            title: 'Website url', // represents Uniform Resource Locator
            property: 'URL',
            include: true,
            values: [
                    source: 'field', // field, variable, static                    
                    value: 'Website' // field/variable name or static text

23. Untitled step

Individual Search Words:

QR code, vCard, barcode, fields, variables, format, JSON, script, configuration, data

Alternate Search Phrases:

generate vCard QR code, create barcode with vCard, QR code data input, populate vCard barcode, configure QR code fields, Infigo form builder barcode, JSON script for QR code, add vCard to QR code, setup vCard in MegaEdit, define vCard fields in form builder