Picture of Upload mode (Form Builder) | FB_032

Upload mode (Form Builder) | FB_032

In this tutorial, we'll take a look at one of the Form Builder's available modes, which tailor the experience directly to how you wish your end users to interact with this product. Here, we'll be taking a look at the Upload mode. This mode keeps the interface nice and simple, allowing end users to simply upload their own artwork to predefined frames via the user-facing form within MegaEdit. This is great primarily used for poster or canvas products, however has wide reaching potential.

Tutorial Video Transcript

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You can search this page to find the relevant time-stamp in the video. Also, this text can be used as part of the tutorial search feature.

00:00:05:15 - 00:00:07:25
In this tutorial, we'll take a look
at one of the form

00:00:07:25 - 00:00:11:22
builders available modes which tailor
the experience directly to how

00:00:11:22 - 00:00:15:08
you wish your end users
to interact with a particular product.

00:00:16:06 - 00:00:19:06
It will take a look at the upload mode.

00:00:19:09 - 00:00:22:03
This mode keeps the interface
nice and simple,

00:00:22:03 - 00:00:25:26
allowing end users to simplify,
uploading their own artwork

00:00:25:26 - 00:00:30:15
to predefined frames
via the user facing form within MegaEdit.

00:00:30:17 - 00:00:34:20
This is a great feature primarily used
for posters or canvas products,

00:00:34:27 - 00:00:37:27
however has wide reaching potential.

00:00:39:02 - 00:00:41:08
so I'm on the product details page.

00:00:41:08 - 00:00:44:07
For the product
I've started to configure for this.

00:00:44:07 - 00:00:45:01
I'm going to start off

00:00:45:01 - 00:00:48:19
just by going to the MegaEdit
config of this particular product.

00:00:49:12 - 00:00:51:21
And all I'm going to do in this example is

00:00:51:21 - 00:00:54:21
make sure that we apply more than one

00:00:54:23 - 00:00:58:23
This is allows me to demonstrate
how the upload mode can be effectively

00:00:58:23 - 00:01:03:06
used, so applying more than one
canvas will allow me to choose the canvas

00:01:03:06 - 00:01:04:21
it's utilized either

00:01:04:21 - 00:01:08:27
before we launch the product in MegaEdit
or during the MegaEdit session.

00:01:11:14 - 00:01:14:01
I'm also going to go over to scripts

00:01:14:01 - 00:01:17:13
and then start some basic
config of my Form

00:01:17:13 - 00:01:20:13
Builder script.

00:01:24:25 - 00:01:27:07
Now the only line we need to import here
is this one.

00:01:27:07 - 00:01:30:07
So instance mode editor upload

00:01:30:09 - 00:01:34:05
this sets the Infigo Form Builder
to utilize its upload mode.

00:01:34:05 - 00:01:37:06
This pre-configures
these capabilities to match this

00:01:37:06 - 00:01:40:06
particular mode.

00:01:40:29 - 00:01:43:29
Once that's been input,
click save and continue edit

00:01:44:02 - 00:01:47:02
and then launch the product
within MegaEdit.

00:01:54:02 - 00:01:57:00
Okay, so now we're going to add
an image field and perform

00:01:57:00 - 00:02:00:07
some basic configuration
using the Infigo form builder.

00:02:06:07 - 00:02:06:26
So this includes

00:02:06:26 - 00:02:09:26
the usual step of applying a field name,

00:02:10:17 - 00:02:13:17
which in this case
I'm going to call upload your artwork

00:02:21:16 - 00:02:24:07
and defining interactivity options.

00:02:24:07 - 00:02:27:04
This configuration is most likely
the user should not be able

00:02:27:04 - 00:02:28:19
to interact with the field.

00:02:28:19 - 00:02:32:09
So I'm going to d select
all of these interactivity toggles.

00:02:32:28 - 00:02:36:02
Basically all of the interactivity
is going to come from the form over on

00:02:36:02 - 00:02:36:27
the right hand side.

00:02:42:11 - 00:02:44:07
I'm going to go into the advanced settings

00:02:44:07 - 00:02:49:11
for this particular frame
and I'm going to choose user image Select.

00:02:50:22 - 00:02:52:24
This will allow users to upload custom

00:02:52:24 - 00:02:55:26
imagery to the field via
the customer facing form.

00:02:56:16 - 00:02:59:16
Using the button that you can see
has just appeared.

00:03:05:00 - 00:03:08:00
Next, I'm going to actually define the

00:03:08:11 - 00:03:11:15
the boundaries
in the extents of this particular frame.

00:03:11:15 - 00:03:14:00
So the one
which is going to receive the artwork.

00:03:14:00 - 00:03:16:20
And again,
this is covered in other tutorials.

00:03:16:20 - 00:03:19:20
But just to give you a summary of this,

00:03:19:27 - 00:03:23:12
I've got the ability in these manual field
tags down at the bottom

00:03:23:21 - 00:03:29:21
to assign fit, to bleed, fit to page
or fit to margin out with Fit to Bleed,

00:03:29:23 - 00:03:34:04
and then add that as a field tag and
you can see that it automatically resizes

00:03:34:04 - 00:03:38:14
that frame to actually match
the bleed of this particular product.

00:03:39:27 - 00:03:40:11
So this will

00:03:40:11 - 00:03:43:11
ensure that regardless of the canvas
that's used,

00:03:43:15 - 00:03:47:13
the field will always resize
to correspond to the canvas bleed.

00:03:47:13 - 00:03:51:18
And what we'll see is that
if we go ahead and change the canvas

00:03:51:18 - 00:03:54:18
that's utilized,

00:03:59:02 - 00:04:00:12
the frame still matches.

00:04:00:12 - 00:04:04:07
So the frame is still extending
to the bleed of that particular

00:04:04:10 - 00:04:07:10

00:04:08:17 - 00:04:09:15
and users will be able

00:04:09:15 - 00:04:12:25
to interact with an upward button
in the user facing form.

00:04:13:02 - 00:04:16:02
And this will allow them to upload imagery
from their computer.

00:04:32:19 - 00:04:33:10
So now if I go ahead

00:04:33:10 - 00:04:36:10
and just change that canvas back again,
we'll see that it's

00:04:37:13 - 00:04:40:17
still going to utilize that same imagery,
but it will update it

00:04:40:17 - 00:04:43:17
based on the available space,
but it will still extend

00:04:43:27 - 00:04:45:19
to where I set it to extend to.


Step by Step Guide

Upload mode (Form Builder) | FB_032

In this tutorial, we'll take a look at one of the Form Builder's available modes, which tailor the experience directly to how you wish your end users to interact with this product.

Here, we'll be taking a look at the Upload mode. This mode keeps the interface nice and simple, allowing end users to simply upload their own artwork to predefined frames via the user-facing form within MegaEdit. This is great primarily used for poster or canvas products, however has wide reaching potential.

Creation Date: Feb 20, 2024
Created By: Sam Webster

1. Begin by navigating to the MegaEdit Config of your product

Begin by navigating to the MegaEdit Config of your product

2. For this example, we will apply more than 1 canvas to demonstrate how the upload mode can be effectively utilised

For this example, we will apply more than 1 canvas to demonstrate how the upload mode can be effectively utilised

3. Click on Scripts

Click on Scripts

4. Navigate to the config of the Infigo Form Builder script

Navigate to the config of the Infigo Form Builder script

5. Input the line instanceEditorMode: 'Upload'

This sets the Infigo Form Builder to utilise its upload mode. This pre-configures its capabilities to match this particular mode.

Input the line instanceEditorMode: 'Upload'

6. Click on Save and Continue Edit

Click on Save and Continue Edit

7. Launch your product

Launch your product

8. Add an image field and perform basic configuration using the Infigo Form Builder

This includes the usual steps of applying a field name and defining interactivity options.

For this configuration, it is most likely the user should not be able to interact with the field (deselecting all interactivity toggles)

Add an image field and perform basic configuration using the Infigo Form Builder

9. Check User image select

This will allow our users to upload custom imagery to the field via the customer-facing form

Check User image select

10. Select FitToBleed

Select FitToBleed

11. Click the '+' icon to add the FitToBleed field tag to the field

This will ensure that, regardless of the canvas used, the field will always resize to correspond to the canvas bleed.

Other tutorials are available on the Infigo Academy going into this function in more detail.

Click the '+' icon to add the FitToBleed field tag to the field

12. Resized image field to match the canvas bleed

Resized image field to match the canvas bleed

13. If we change the canvas, the field will automatically resize

If we change the canvas, the field will automatically resize

14. End users will be able to interact with an upload button in the user-facing form

This will allow them to upload imagery from their computer.

End users will be able to interact with an upload button in the user-facing form

15. Uploaded image

Uploaded image

Alternate Search Phrases

upload images to form, configure upload mode, add artwork field, canvas product customization, simple image upload, user-friendly upload interface, interactive image fields, frame resizing options, upload functionality, form builder image upload