Picture of January 2024 Complete Release Notes

January 2024 Complete Release Notes

January 2024 Complete Release Notes

Welcome to the full release notes for the month mentioned in the title.

This page focuses on the facts, sharing with you the tasks completed by our development team.

Tutorials, explanations and demonstrations on the headline new features and updates are covered in the monthly "What's New" article (usually released in the first week of each month).


Release notes - Venture - Catfish Main Development - R24-02

VENTURE-4679 API Shipping validation

Release Notes

API validation improvements

VENTURE-5546 My account Orderline do not show custom or stock products

Release Notes

Now /customer/OrderLine page shows all types of products and Edit & Reorder works for this types

VENTURE-6556 Adding view product links and new tab cleaning

Release Notes

We improved some buttons in the admin. It's a minor adjustment, which I'm not user is needed in the release notes

VENTURE-6616 Insights platform level migration

Release Notes

fixed duplicated platform level storefronts in insights

VENTURE-7009 Required checkout attributes not allowing for 'Continue shopping' without the attributes being filled in

Release Notes

We fixed an issue where if the checkout attributes were present in the basket and they were required you could not: continue shopping, or update cart without supplying the required attributes

VENTURE-7038 [MegaEdit] - The text is cut off when changing color

Release Notes

Add skipTextAlign = false after ctx.restore()

VENTURE-7049 [MegaEdit] - Form does not appear in preview using mobile mode

Release Notes

Added configuration form for ME product to be on bottom side in preview view

VENTURE-7088 Insights dashboard title

Release Notes

Updated Insights dashboard title to include dashboard name instead of dashboard identifier.

VENTURE-7092 PostCoder to display full Address

Release Notes

Displayed extended address information in dropdown for each item of post coder input

VENTURE-7169 Attribute Logic only is different for different control types

Release Notes

Fixed the issue of displaying consistency for different attribute types from the attribute logic

VENTURE-7187 PDF's changing to PNG on my account album management

Release Notes

Now, we've implemented a new feature that automatically converts PDFs to PNGs when they are uploaded to a customer's album, which can be toggled on or off.

VENTURE-7192 [PrintIQ][Improvement] Update the setting "Item reference mapping"

Release Notes

We added more information to PrintIQ plugin "Item reference mapping" setting. The changes includes:
1. We updated setting label: Item reference mapping → Sync Stock additional mapping
2. Added "More Information" button for:

  • Mapping info

  • Possible values for Infigo settings

  • A payload example of sync stock products

VENTURE-7216 Print Owner email template sending to the wrong person

Release Notes

In hotfolders and print location, you can see assigned customers to it

VENTURE-7340 [PunchOut Plugin] PunchOut plugin will not stop notify other connect plugins by setting purchase not paid order in case NoPaymentRequired is selected

Release Notes

Fixed the order of plugins call. Now PunchOut will execute first, as Scripting.

VENTURE-7347 Clean assigned budget before deleting a customer in Cleanup task

Release Notes

fixed budget deletion for guest user cleanup task.
Added filtering for guest and system users in hardcoded budget megascript

VENTURE-7352 Handling fees Message tokens and Insights

Release Notes

Including new order fee in the api response, webhooks and JS objects

VENTURE-7375 PrintIQ Product Sync remove QTY based pricing if no tiers

Release Notes

We fixed an issue where we didn't mark Is quantity based pricing setting as false from product configuration if the sync says that it doesn't contain any tiers.

VENTURE-7378 Change page order on ME upload page causes pages to duplicate

Release Notes

Resolve preview duplication issue on ME Upload files

VENTURE-7382 Add Custom column names to timezone conversion logic for custom question

Release Notes

added visualisation settings support for metabase reports

VENTURE-7402 Pagination does not work on Inventory tab at the product variant level

Release Notes

We fixed a bug related to pagination of inventory in product configuration -> Inventory tab

VENTURE-7403 ME text options - changing one text line line size changes another

Release Notes

Fixed the issue when was changed one text line line size changed another

VENTURE-7428 ApproveWillCopyToApproverBasket setting causing error

Release Notes

We fixed an issue related to approval -> ApproveWillCopyToApproverBasket setting which was not working(a bug in our code). We fixed it, now approval are able to copy the item in basket.

VENTURE-7436 Bit Miracle License key update (2023-24)

Release Notes


VENTURE-7441 Shipping tax is not sent to Stripe

Release Notes

Stripe displays shipping tax amount on the checkout page

VENTURE-7459 Authorize.net - payments status is Pending in Infigo Take 2

Release Notes

We fixed a specific scenario for AuthorizeDotNet. Now the orders can be paid when the iFrame Protection setting is set as Standard.

VENTURE-7465 Last Log in fileBrowser is not downloadable

Release Notes

Fixed the issue with last file from the file browser of logs - it failed on download

VENTURE-7472 [PrintIQ] Item reference mapping setting allows to map invalid Additional delivery charge type values

Release Notes

We fixed an issue related to print iq sync stock product. The Item reference mapping passes invalid values for the Additional delivery charge type(possible values: 1,2). That invalid values causes failing process to add products in basket

VENTURE-7486 SPO small title tweak

Release Notes

Multiline attribute titles styled correctly in SPO

VENTURE-7533 Translation for '* Required Fields' on login page

Release Notes

We added a translation for the required field warning on the customer registration page.

VENTURE-7559 Default quantity higher than max

Release Notes

adjusted product variant validation to allow 0 for max quantity when it is smaller than default quantity

VENTURE-7585 [CERM] Prepayment total currency

Release Notes

Now when we place order to CERM, the prepayment.TransactionAmount has the CERM estimation currency, not the storefront one.

VENTURE-6222 Content templates improvements - Duplicate

Release Notes

We added the possibility of duplicating module fields and repeater items in content templates.

VENTURE-7272 Capture payments before confirm order & Paytrace Updates

Release Notes

Refactored checkout workflow to first authorize then place order then capture. Added new payment info email template to notify about any payment information like capture failed and can be used for other purposes too.
PayTrace iframe improvement and consistency. Added translations for UI errors.

VENTURE-7451 Barcode Creation - New Style

Release Notes

3 new types of barcode

GS1 128
GS1 DataBar extended
GS1 DataBar extended stacked

To show these new types we have to add this setting:

showExtendedBarcodes to the BarcodeField config



Release notes - Venture - Catfish Main Development - R24-04

VENTURE-5448 MegaEdit custom masks causing PDF preview failure

Release Notes

We handle the situations where the pdf is so big(when using masks) that it causes a pdf generation failure. In such cases we try to reduce the resolution based on the setting: Megaedit Product settings -> PageOutputCreationPixelLimit

VENTURE-5627 CAS and AutomaticallyProvisionUsersWithSSO

Release Notes

Bug fix fo CAS login when Registration dissabled

VENTURE-6076 Duplicated Content Template Fields

Release Notes

We added the possibility of importing content templates with the same system name as the ones from the platform storefront.

VENTURE-6594 AdvancedUIContentControl - Positioning issues in Portrait mode

Release Notes

AdvancedUIContentControl - Positioning issues in Portrait mode for the mask

VENTURE-6630 Clear_orphan_jobs_FK_reference_delete_error

Release Notes

Fixed orphan jobs cleanup

VENTURE-7031 [MegaEdit] - Invent Image variable infinite loading

Release Notes

Add dismissDialogOnCancelListeners to be able to add more callbacks into document.body.onfocus as array. This solved the problem because there was like a 'conflict' between two functions, that both of them asigned a function to document.body.onfocus at the same time.

VENTURE-7244 CERM Clear cache

Release Notes

Now the Clear cache button from admin area will clear the Cerm plugin cache too.

VENTURE-7390 Allow to create users by GUID

Release Notes

Now we can create the customer with specific GUID through the API

VENTURE-7455 CERM Version Product Id

Release Notes

Now the CERM ReferenceAtCustomer and Description sent on CERM product creation fallback(in case the product attributes are missing) can be configured, to use instead ProductId, JobId, VersionName etc.
Also the uniqueness validation for ReferenceAtCustomer can be disabled, and its done now based on current cerm customer existing products.

VENTURE-7495 TaxDisplayType is not updated when output cache is enabled

Release Notes

We fixed a specific scenario where the customer configured the
Tax display dropdown on the landing page, using editable templates. If the dropdown value is changed, the refresh of the page will put the previous value back and the price will not be updated based on the selected tax type. This issue was caused by the output cache.

VENTURE-7603 Skip shipping selection step doesn't work as expected

Release Notes

We fixed a specific scenario to allow customers to skip the shipping selection step in checkout when there is just a shipping option

VENTURE-7648 Deadlock handle

Release Notes

Code improvements to handle failing database operations

VENTURE-7729 PostCoder to display addressLine2

Release Notes

Populate Address Line 2 according with official PostCoder service

VENTURE-3459 PrintIQ Custom Quoting - Mapping UI Interface

Release Notes

We offered a way to create a mapping for PQ Custom Products that was too complex for simple customers. To make life easier, we created a user interface that allows us to easily map the data for a PQ custom product. The values in the settings are consistent with the data in the Printiq system. The hardcoded mapping still can be usable and will have priority in building the custom product object to create a quote in PrintIQ.
We also improved the stock product. We added the ability to choose the stock products which are consistent with the data in the Printiq system

VENTURE-6923 Updated Scripts to use our NPM package

Release Notes

Used types from NPM

VENTURE-7480 Invoice Line Items

Release Notes

Now when placing order in CERM, and enable specific invoices in CERM Plugin settings, we send as invoice the order discount, order shipping charge and orderline discounts.

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