Rounding adjustment on pricing

Rounding adjustment on pricing

You can choose to round prices when they are being calculated, to do this

Go to Configuration > Settings > Order Settings

Scroll down until you see the setting 'Round Price during calculation'


When the setting 'Round Price during calculation' is enabled we have two rounding options, which will round 3 or more decimal places to 2, but in different ways. 



Banking rounding will be the default option when the setting is first enabled, and it will round 0.5 the nearest even number.



Commercial rounding is the other option, it will round 0.5 and higher up and 0.4 and lower down.

Don't forget to 'Save' any changes made.



However when using 'Quantity Based Pricing' the system interrogates the pricing bands, and the quantities and divides them down. In some cases, this can lead to rounding taking place which causes incorrect formatting within the shopping basket.


Then you will need to disable 'Round Price during calculation'.

Your shopping cart values should now work as expected.





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