Picture of Date picker/Calendar pop-up field control

Date picker/Calendar pop-up field control

Date picker/Calendar pop-up field control

This allows for a calendar popup field in the data entry form used for date fields.

  • The field/variable type must be Text (nothing else)
  • Change FormatSpecifier to "Date" ("Text" does nothing at the moment and is only there for future use)
  • Optional: the field FormatSpecifierPattern can contain a date format pattern to use. If none is set, it defaults to dd/mm/yy
    E.g. use "DD, d MM, yy" to output something like "Tuesday, 7 January, 2014" instead
  • The date will be used in the text form for the field/variable

Please note: You will need to enable advanced mode to allow the Add button feature mentioned below. Go to Infigo Designer menu item and select configuration.  Enable Advanced version and close and re open Acrobat to proceed.


In order to create the FormatSpecifier property, open the field that allows for the "Date" option and navigate to Properties


Click Add in order to create the new property.


1. Type in FormatSpecifier.
2. Tick Set
3. Tick Create as predefined property
4. Click OK


Click "ADD" and insert the following Items

1. None
2. Date
3. Text

Once all the items are added, Click OK.


Ensure None is selected on default.


If you want to add in your own custom date pattern then you follow the same steps above but add in a property for FormatSpecifierPattern and set the field to Text type - not Set.


On "Select the field type to which this property applies" select Text Fields and Click OK


The property is now added to the list. In order to use the date popup, make sure Date is selected from the dropdown.

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