Picture of How to add a new Category?

How to add a new Category?

How to add a new Category?

Infigo Academy: Create your first category 


Categories are a way of visually grouping products and presenting them to your users. How you group your products is completely up to you but it is key to focus on making the navigation and location of products within categories as simple and as intuitive as possible.


For example: Business Cards, Letterheads and Compliment Slips Calendars can be added under a single category called Stationery.



To add a new category,

1. On the Infigo administration page, navigate to Catalogue > Categories > Manage Categories

Category Info

The Category Info tab helps you add the basic information for your category.

  • Name - Enter a name for the category.
  • Short Description - a short description for the category
  • Price From - allows you to add a descriptor that says when the prices start in the category
  • Description - Enter the category description. You can use the format bar to change the font, color, and other properties for the description.
    • Alternatively, you can make HTML changes. Simply change the Description editor to Code Mirror Editor, press Save and Continue Edit and then you can make changes via HTML. 
  • Bottom Description - Same as above.

The SEO tab helps you add information to make this category SEO friendly.


  • Meta title - Give an SEO title for this category.
  • Meta description - Enter a description. 
  • Search engine friendly page name - Give a friendly name for the category
  • Meta keywords - Enter the keywords for this category. 

Open Graph Data

  • Title - give an OGD title
  • Site Name - this is generate from General Settings
  • Description - an OGD description
  • URL - dynamically generated
  • Image - supported file types are JPG, JPEG, and PNG

Tracking Scripts

  • You can now add a tracking script for your page

Be sure to save your category first. If you have products on the site, simply press Add a new product, toggle the checkbox against the product, and press Save. 


DiscountsWhen you have a discount that is assigned to categories, this is where you can enable it. .

4. Ensure that the details entered are correct.

5. Click Save and the category will be added and listed.



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