New Approval options:
We have made upgrades to the approval workflow options:
- Multiple approval requirements - example 4 approvers MUST sign off/approve before orderline is placed.
- Approvers can be assigned to products directly - example approvers can control specific products in specific catergories
- Approvers can be assigned to product Groups - example approvers can control specific product groups
You are still required to make products require approval on a product basis or global through the approval workflow settings (WorkflowEnabled = ALL products - WorkflowEnabled + PerProductApprovalSettingEnabled = Individual product level)
All previous settings for approval workflow still apply - ie if per product approval is switched on then you must tick each product that requires approval.
Multiple approvers required:
If a user/product has multiple approvers then ALL assigned approvers MUST approve the job before it is marked as approved.
A setting is required to activate this which is off by default. The settings are in Configuration > Settings > Approval Workflow Settings labelled “MultipleApproval”. This enables the visibility of the 'Awaiting Approval (X/X)’ in the approval status column of Approval tab.

You can also set different required approver numbers using the ‘MinimumApproversNeeded’. example: Product A has 5 approvers assigned to it - if you set the minimum approvers needed to 2, the first 2 approvers to sign off the job will send the job through. The setting has a default of 0 which means that ALL approvers must give approval.
Now in the approval workflow tab view, the approval status of 'Awaiting approval' will now show how many out of the set required approvers have approved it. For example, if 'Test User' has 2 approvers and they place an order and none of the approvers has approved it then the status would show - 'Awaiting Approval (0/2)' etc - as below:

If the job is rejected by ANY of the approvers then it must be re-submitted and go through the approval process again for ALL of the assigned approvers (even if they had previously approved it).
The email notifications for approvers (Approval Workflow Submitted Email, Approval Workflow Submitted Instant Email, Approval Workflow Submitted Reminder Email) have been updated to support sending to multiple emails to all assigned approvers. The Approval Workflow Submitted Reminder Email will ONLY be sent to the remaining approvers who have not yet approved the job. Approvers who already have signed off will NOT receive a reminder.
Assigning Approvers to products:
Under the product info tab there is now an additional tab “Approval”

Here you will find a list of ALL approvers for the storefront of which you can freely assign to the product.
Depending on the level/number of approvers on any given storefront there is also a search field at the top of the tab to aid locating certain users etc.
Assigning Approvers to product groups:
Under the product group info tab there is now an additional tab “Approval”

Here you will find a list of ALL approvers for the storefront of which you can freely assign to the product group.
Depending on the level/number of approvers on any given storefront there is also a search field at the top of the tab to aid locating certain users etc.