In Infigo, it is possible to have certain attributes of your MegaEdit product be controlled or chosen on the product landing page. This includes attributes such as the chosen canvas, the canvas size (if using a dynamic canvas), the stock, and other attributes which will be covered in this article.
To enable these attributes, you need to navigate to:
Configuration > Settings > Product and Editor settings > MegaEdit Product Settings
Select the Product Attributes tab:

To enable this feature, you will need to check Show Canvas Options on Product Landing Page and click Save.
Once this has been enabled, the attributes will start to appear on the landing pages of all relevant dynamic products. An example of relevance in this context would be if a product has two or more canvases applied to it, then there is an option to make so the Canvas attribute will appear on that product's landing page. However, if that product only had one stock option applied to it, then this attribute will not appear on the product's landing page.
Enabling this setting will also allow you to display these attributes on the checkout page. If an attribute is given an attribute name in the text box beside it, then it will appear on the checkout page with this name whilst this setting is enabled.
If no name is provided in this menu, the system will use the default one instead, with the default name being the text in the first column with the prefix CATFISH_ME_. For example, if you do not provide a name for Canvas then the default attribute name will be CATFISH_ME_CANVAS.
*All named Dynamic Attributes have Product Attributes created for them whenever a user places a MegaEdit product in the basket, and these attributes will be added to the product placed.
Note: Be careful when renaming these attributes as the system will not recognize that these have been renamed and will create a new attribute.
Below is a list of all the dynamic attributes and some corresponding information about each one:
This attribute is used to control and display the MegaEdit canvas used for the product, if multiple canvases are applied. On the landing page, this will either appear as a dropdown list, or a series of radio buttons. This can be controlled through the dropdown beside the attribute which has the following values:
- DropdownList - This will cause the attribute to be controlled by a dropdown menu
- RadioList - This will cause the attribute to be controlled by a list of radio buttons
- SmartSelection - This will display as either a dropdown list or a series of radio buttons, depending on the number of available choices. When you select this setting, a new field will appear to the right of it - the number in this field is what will be checked to see whether the attribute should display as a dropdown or a radio menu.
In the basket, this will display the name of the selected canvas.
Canvas Size:
This attribute will display the name of the chosen canvas size anywhere this attribute is referenced post-editor. This attribute will not hold any value on the product's landing page as this value is not decided until the editor (even if there is only one canvas size assigned to the canvas, this attribute will have no value in the editor).
Note: If you are intending to use Dynamic Canvas Sizes (allowing your users to control the size of the canvas from the landing page) then you can only assign one Canvas to the product. See this article for more details.
Output Type:
This attribute will allow the user to select the output type if multiple types are assigned to the product. This will be controlled in the same way as the Canvas, in that it can be controlled through either a dropdown list or a radio menu - with the option of SmartSelection to make it customized to each product.
Note: For the product to work, you will need to ensure that either all of the assigned output types have covers enabled, or none of them.
This is one of the attributes which can be configured on the landing page, and so it can be controlled via a dropdown menu or a radio menu. As with the Canvas attribute, this option will only appear on the landing page if the product has two or more stock options assigned to it.
Page Count:
This attribute does not have any value on the landing page, rather it is used to display the number of pages in the basket, the checkout, and anywhere its value is called post-order placement i.e. on the job ticket.
Note: This value will not include the covers when calculating the number of pages
Spine Width:
Similarly to the "Page Count" attribute, this attribute is only used to display its calculated value once the job has been created through the editor. The Spine Width is automatically calculated by multiplying the micron thickness (set in the product's stock) by the number of pages. However, if "Duplex Printing" is enabled in the product's output type, this number will be halved.
This will display the weight of the job once it has been created through the editor - again, this does not hold any value on the landing page. This will be automatically calculated by multiplying the number of pages by the weight of the stock and is measured in g/m^2 (grams per meter squared).
Width and Height:
Width and Height are grouped together as both of these only appear when a Dynamic Canvas is being used. These will produce sliders and an entry box for each value to allow the user to control the size of the canvas on the landing page, and can do so in the following units:
- Millimeters
- Centimeters
- Meters
- Points
- Inches
- Feet
Number of Records:
This attribute only applies to MegaEdit products which are utilizing the Batch Upload feature - allowing the users to upload a CSV to the editor in order to place a batch order. This attribute will display nothing on the landing page, but at every point of reference after the job has been added to the basket, it will display the total number of records contained within the uploaded CSV.
Below are two screenshots of a product's landing page which has:
- 2 stocks assigned, with a radio menu to control which one is used.
- 2 output types assigned, with a dropdown menu to control which one is used.
- A canvas assigned which utilizes the Dynamic Canvas feature to control the size of the canvas on the landing page
These will show off the Stock, Output Type, Canvas Size, Width and Height attributes.

And in the screenshots below, you can see the same product, only it has had two non-dynamic canvases assigned to it, and now we are able to choose between the assigned canvases using a dropdown menu, as per the configuration.

And finally, the screenshot below shows the calculated values for Page Count, Spine Width, Weight, and Number of Records. You can also see that as I did not assign a value for the number of records, it is using the default name of Catfish_ME_NumRecords.

Note: The Weight is measured in g/m^2, and the Spine Width is measured in mm.