There are situations when the personalised artwork that is generated in Infigo needs to be generated not as a single output file, but instead split into meaningful parts.
A good example of this is book printing, where the cover and contents parts both need to go down different production routes and therefore need to be be split. Using the page split rules in Infigo, you can create a rule that will split an output file based on specific criteria which you can then assign to a product.
To setup a page split rule, navigate to Admin -> Settings -> Product and Editor Settings -> Page Split Settings.
To create a new rule click on the Add new record button.
The first thing you then need to do is name your split rule, make this something meaningful to identify the split you are setting up as this name will be what you select from and assign to your products once ready.
Now you have named your split rule click Insert. This will add your split rule to the library and make it available to be used within the system. At this point though it will not do anything as you have not yet setup any splits.
Click on the plus (+) against your Split rule you have created to expand the selection. Once expanded you can click on the 'Add new record' to create a split.
As before, this will ask you to name your split, this is important in situations where you are integrating with Connect Site Flow as the name of the split becomes the Connect Site Flow component name that is sent in the request.
Once named you can also determine the order of your splits (the order in which they are run against the output file), you also need to define your page range which controls how and where the split happens.
Page range examples:
- 1 - 3 : pages 1,2,3 will be selected for this part
- 1,4,10 : pages 1,4 & 10 will be selected
- 1,4,6 - 9 : pages 1,4,6,7,8,9 will be selected
- 3 - : pages 3,4,5,6... until the last page
- - 3 : pages 1,2 & 3
The final configuration is Page Type, where the options here are All, Odd, Even, which can be used as part of your split definition to better determine the split. All will consider all pages in the rule, Odd will only look at odd pages and Even will only look at even pages.
It is possible to create multiple page split setups, and within them create multiple splits depending on your requirements.
If we use the example mentioned previously where you have a book and you want to print the cover and contents separately you might create a split rule that looks like this:
- Name: Cover, Order: 1, Pages: 1, Page Type: All
- Name: Content, Order: 2, Pages: 2 -, Page Type: All
Assigning splits to a product
Supported product types: Static, MegaEdit, Variable, Multi Part
It is possible to define multiple Page Split setups. However when assigning them to a product you can assign only one split.
To do this simply navigate to one of the supported product types and you will find a Page Split Setup drop down containing all your split rules. Select the one you want to apply to this product and save.

To do that - go to the MegaEdit Product, and there you will find a dropdown: Page Split Setup.
Page split is always run on the Output file, it does not affect the actual output creation itself.
Page splitting can be used by MIS plugins or MegaScripts. As mentioned above when using this in conjunction with Site Flow, it will pass the split files as separate components with the component names inheriting the split names.