Picture of A Summary of all Email Message Templates

A Summary of all Email Message Templates

A Summary of all Email Message Templates

Infigo Academy: Email accounts and message templates


Infigo allows you to customise the email message block that is sent to Admin / Customers.

This can be found in Content Management > Email Message Templates.


The list below briefly details each template's use.

*Please note that the message tokens displayed above each template are NOT all valid against every template.  Example for Approval workflow templates: ONLY Tokens that are denoted by "%Store./%Customer./%Product./%ProductVariant./%Workflow. "  We advise that you place Test orders when you change your message content from the default to ensure that the info returned is accurate for your needs*

Approval Workflow Approved Email - email sent when approver approves a job (sent to customer placing original order)

Approval Workflow Rejected Email  - email sent when approver rejects a job (sent to customer placing original order)
Approval Workflow Resubmitted Email - email sent when customer resubmits a job for approval (sent to approver)
Approval Workflow Submitted Email - email sent to the approver when a job requires approval (once a day send)
Approval Workflow Submitted Instant Email - email sent to the approver when a job requires approval (sent instantly)
Blog.BlogComment  - we currently do not support blogs
Customer.BackInStock - notification that a product that is out of stock is now in stock. so backorders will be fulfilled (sent to customer)
Customer.EmailValidationMessage  - If registration requires validation, the email that is sent to customers to validate themselves
Customer.NewPM - we currently do not support PM
Customer.PasswordRecovery - Sent to a customer when they click the forgotten password link
Customer.WelcomeMessage  - sent to a customer on successful registration
Forums.NewForumTopic - We do not currently support forums
GiftCard.Notification - We do not currently support giftcards
NewCustomer.Notification - Sent to store admin when a new customer successfully registers
NewReturnRequest.StoreOwnerNotification  - we do not currently support store returns
News.NewsComment  - We do not currently support forums
NewsLetterSubscription.DeactivationMessage - Sent to users when signing up or unsubscribing to the newsletter through the newsletter module
NewVATSubmitted.StoreOwnerNotification - We do not currently support customers changing VAT levels
OrderCancelled.CustomerNotification - as described
OrderCompleted.CustomerNotification - as described
OrderDelivered.CustomerNotification - as described
OrderPlaced.CustomerNotification - as described
OrderPlaced.StoreOwnerNotification - as described
OrderShipped.CustomerNotification - as described
PrePayOrderCompleted.CustomerNotification - notification to a customer that an order for prepay top up is complete
Product.ProductReview  - notification to the Administrator of a review placed on a product
QuantityBelow.StoreOwnerNotification - Stock level warning when a products stock drops below a threshold. Sent to Admin
ReturnRequestStatusChanged.CustomerNotification - We do not currently support return requests
Service.EmailAFriend - The email template sent when a customer chooses to recommend to a friend
Wishlist.EmailAFriend - Wishlist not currently supported

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