Picture of July 2024 Complete Release Notes

July 2024 Complete Release Notes

July 2024 Complete Release Notes

Welcome to the full release notes for this month.

This page focuses on the facts, sharing with you the tasks completed by our development team.

Tutorials, explanations and demonstrations on the headline new features and updates are covered in the monthly "What's New" article (usually released in the first week of the following month).



Release notes - Venture - Catfish Main Development - R24-26


VENTURE-9060 Output PDF clipart is shrunk and offset in position (Take 2)

Release Notes

Fixed issue of cutting and shifting pdf images in Output

VENTURE-4449 Update Catfish sync installer

Release Notes

Rebrand Catfish Sync => Infigo Sync

VENTURE-7194 [CERM] Customer creation adjustments

Release Notes

Added the possibility to set the default CERM customer group Id.

VENTURE-7258 The ProductPageQuantityValidation is not shown on product landing page

Release Notes

Corrected validation errors on the product landing page that were previously hidden which was caused by updates for minimum and maximum order quantities.
Resolved an issue preventing order placement when minimum and maximum order quantities were equal, which also caused duplicate error messages.
Enhanced stock validation on the product landing page to account for items in the shopping cart.

VENTURE-7276 Classes Updates needed for automation V5

Release Notes

Added distinguish class for image variable type in ME

VENTURE-7584 Add the ability to set a default category sort order

Release Notes

Added the ability to change default category sort order on the homepage and for sub categories with in a parent category
Created a new "Categories" section in Catalogue Settings and moved some related settings here

VENTURE-7749 Log not found exception for log files storage

Release Notes

fixed log error not found in log list by adjusting the search algorithm for file storage

VENTURE-8132 Invent inline variable placeholders not working

Release Notes

Fixed the issue invent inline variable placeholders not displayed

VENTURE-8219 SPO - Recreate, Resubmit and Recreate/Resubmit in Batch

Release Notes

Added the ability to recreate output and re-trigger Connect Plugins for multiple jobs simultaneously on the Shared Print Operations page.

VENTURE-8226 Suggested Improvement - Unpaid orders showing in 'Approvals'

Release Notes

We added the Payment status for the approval items on the approval page.

VENTURE-8404 Checkout attribute config for PrintOS

Release Notes

Fixed the Checkout attribute Value external reference for Print OS.
Fixed the table for Checkout attribute form on Print OS Plugin config.

VENTURE-8468 Address book address entry name being changed

Release Notes

We add a fix to avoid editing of common addresses like department and address book ones

VENTURE-8480 Invent: Validate only if the variable is directly mapped to the field (not via token / placeholder)

Release Notes

Invent: Validate text area inputs only if the variable is directly mapped to the field (not via token / placeholder)

VENTURE-8482 [ME] Previews Model Chunk

Release Notes

Optimisation for 3d preview on ME products

VENTURE-8505 Billing Address is being used when not usable

Release Notes

Clear customer default shipping and billing addresses during checkout if they are not valid.

VENTURE-8558 Checkout - missing payment step

Release Notes

fixed payment step not loading for products with price 0 and no delivery address

VENTURE-8566 [Type Bug] ME Scripting documentation

Release Notes

Fixed type issue of the parameter in the method that get LayoutItems

VENTURE-8575 Output PDF clipart is shrunk and offset in position

Release Notes

Fixed issue of cutting and shifting pdf images in Output

VENTURE-8577 Error message on downloadable product

Release Notes

Bug fix for downloadable products from my account.

VENTURE-8621 Failing to compute the price

Release Notes

Fixed the issue of computing the price for the ME product with a dynamic canvas after the default canvas was changed

VENTURE-8623 Tracking number message template mulptiple sends from Tharstern

Release Notes

Fixed the issue when the `Order Tracking` message template was sent multiple times when the tracking number was set from Tharstern.

VENTURE-8645 Webhook tool adjustments

Release Notes

Connect Webhook tool API adjustments:

  • possibility not to pass certificate

  • possibility to have the same instanceId for different platforms

VENTURE-8775 REDO - Wrong confirmation page when registering

Release Notes

Fixed the issue when wrong message was shown for Registration method: `Email Validation`

Fixed the issue when the customer created through SSO was inactive when the registration method was: `Admin Approval`

VENTURE-8814 Infigo Iframe updates

Release Notes
  • added ability to broadcast and to listen in ME scripting engine iframe events

VENTURE-6632 Authorize capture in Authorize.net

Release Notes

When in checkout payment method step with Authorize.NET and the payment is cancelled or is failed, the order will not be placed until the payment amount is authorized. Avoid placing orders that have not been paid yet by first authorizing the payment amount then creating the order. After the order is created you can choose the Capture Mode using the payment plugin setting, which determines when the authorized payment amount will be captured: On Checkout - meaning as soon as you place the order
Manually - meaning the admin captures the payment manually from order details in admin page
On Shipped - when the order gets shipped, the payment automatically gets captured.
Authorized payments can be voided / cancelled.

VENTURE-7692 Content templates Updates - 2

Release Notes

We fixed a few specific issues related to content templates

VENTURE-7782 API v2 Products

Release Notes

We created a new version(v2) of the product API endpoint. The new endpoints are:

services/api/v2/catalog/product - GET All with pagination

services/api/v2/catalog/product/1 - Get By Id

services/api/v2/catalog/product - POST create a new product

services/api/v2/catalog/product - PUT - update existing product

The new api endpoints will work similar to existing v1 endpoints, but will contain more properties than the existing ones, including:

  • Description: this is ShortDescription in the Product details

  • LongDescription

  • AdminComment

  • CategoryIds

  • Tags

  • SKU

  • Published

  • AvailableStartDateTimeUtc

  • AvailableEndDateTimeUtc

  • SkipProductDetails

  • DefaultBasketQuantity

  • MinimumBasketQuantity

  • MaximumBasketQuantity

  • OrderPackQuantity

  • QuantitySelectorMode

  • Price

  • HasQuantityBasedPricing

  • ShowOrderlineTotal

  • TierPrices

  • Quantity

  • Price

  • CustomerRole (if not supplied is all)

  • MisConfigurations The one for the product, and then on each of the objects:

  • ProductAttributes

  • ProductAttributesValues

  • SpecificationAttributes

The postman collection is attached. The new API endpoints(v2) are visible in the documentation now.




Release notes - Venture - Catfish Main Development - R24-27

VENTURE-8704 Customer csv upload causing an error for "Failed customer import from csv"

Release Notes

fixed customer import from csv issue that failed to update the customer roles.

VENTURE-8519 [PrintIQ] Custom Quoting Additional improvements

Release Notes

Added the ability to inherit specific properties for a PrintIQ Custom product config from the main configuration(Product Variant/Product group)

The handling of different levels of PrintIQ Custom product configuration has been updated. Instead of overriding the configuration, new elements are now merged if found.

Added the ability to consider the Attribute Combination's PrintIQ Custom product config as a Standalone Config.




Release notes - Venture - Catfish Main Development - R24-28

VENTURE-7769 Search in 'Kit Products'

Release Notes

Fixed custom product search to show results that "contains" the search query not only "starts with".

VENTURE-7934 PitStop report settings

Release Notes

migrated create pdf and xml report options for pdf profiles into a single dropdown option with all the available and correct options. Excluded the possiblity of a config issue when the user selects CreateXmlReport without selecting CreatePdfReport which does not work by default in Enfocus tool.
Now we have 3 options: No, Pdf and PdfAndXml

VENTURE-8191 [PrintIQ] Could not set the job reference from acceptance details if the job has back ordered option set

Release Notes

Issue Resolved: Jobs Not Dispatched

We identified an issue where some jobs were not dispatched as expected.

The issue occurred because Infigo did not have the necessary reference link to the PQ job. As a result, these jobs were placed on backorder.

We have updated our system to ensure that jobs are correctly mapped and dispatched, even when they are on backorder.

VENTURE-8335 Line Height feature doesn't work correctly for Text Field on canvas

Release Notes

Fixed the issue for the first line that was cropped upper side if the line height is less than 100.

VENTURE-8358 Language string for default value on Checkout Attribute Dropdown

Release Notes

Changed default value of Tax Category drop-down list to a language string that can be changed easily in admin
Changed default value of drop-down CheckoutAttribute that appears in the Basket to a language string that can be changed easily in admin

VENTURE-8578 Copy to hotfolder object reference exception

Release Notes

Bug fix for copy to hotfolders

VENTURE-8625 Output file wrong fonts

Release Notes

The fix prevents multiple cases of output failures caused by the absence of the font family on the text field in Mega Editor.

VENTURE-8710 CDN - Some files not being loaded from CDN

Release Notes

CDN fixes

VENTURE-8715 Installing Welsh Language

Release Notes

Fix languages being uninstalled after being installed. If the customer makes no changes to the language for 30 days (update locales, publish the language), it will be deleted.

VENTURE-8722 Load sets are not loading after template updates

Release Notes

We fixed a bug to allow the loading of content sets after the content template updates.

VENTURE-8783 [CERM] Null reference exception on Get Price

Release Notes

Fixed the issue when after the CERM API was down there was a probability that the product landing page wasn't accessible due to a pricing error.

VENTURE-8810 Failed to create thumbnail in cross-sells for the product with megascript

Release Notes

fixed bug with thumbnails not getting generated for cross sell products with output megascript attached.

VENTURE-8821 Slow uploading of file on MegaEdit Upload UI

Release Notes

adjusted megaedit upload ui to be able to be processed in parallel.
So when you upload a pdf, it can process 2 at the same time and the others will get queued

VENTURE-8835 HTML language is "en" - the customer would like this changed to "en-GB (for SEO)

Release Notes

Added possibility to set the HTML lang attribute to be longer than 2 characters for SEO

VENTURE-8839 Invalid URL pattern using the /Enqueue API batch update stock option

Release Notes

Fixed batch/enqueue POST API

VENTURE-8979 Unknown appearing from Teaser pages

Release Notes

Fixed a bug when origin=Unknown was added for product link when product is accessed from category page

VENTURE-8281 CERM Address District/House Number

Release Notes

Added the ability to set custom mappings for CERM address and customer fields related to addresses.

VENTURE-8546 Combine job tickets per order to send to hotfolder

Release Notes

We added the possibility of combining all job tickets from an order in a single PDF and copy to hot folder. This will work by enabling "Order combined job tickets hotfolder" hotfolder setting.

VENTURE-8824 Add to cart redirection setting on the product page

Release Notes

We changed the way we add to cart from the product landing page to work based on "Redirect on add to cart" catalog setting. We have 3 options to redirect on add to basket:

  • Cart -> the standard approach that we have

  • Checkout -> that will redirect the customer to the checkout straight away,

  • No redirect -> adds to the cart without redirect
    In general, the quick add to cart approach works only in case the product is nop or static and if the quote is not enabled (unless auto create quote is enabled). Other products are required to go through the editors.

VENTURE-8836 Multipart Output Profiles

Release Notes

added output pdf profile for multipart products




Release notes - Venture - Catfish Main Development - R24-29

VENTURE-8822 Order Processing Task Concurrency handling

Release Notes

Fixed the Create order for Connect: Flow when the connect plugin failed due to a concurrency issue.

Fixed the Order Processing Task failing due to a concurrency issue.

VENTURE-9002 Retry for order creation

Release Notes

We sorted a issue when in some circustamnces order was not pushed to MIS after order creation



Release notes - Venture - Catfish Main Development - R24-30

VENTURE-8409 Product is showing in search results when it's not available

Release Notes

Fix product search showing not available products on the landing page. If the product available was in the future, it appeared in searched, this was fixed.

VENTURE-8435 [iframe] Validate cart API endpoint

Release Notes

Added a new endpoint to validate order in order controller, on API documentation ReOrder

VENTURE-8595 [Veracore] Do not process order shipping information if the order has the same status or tracking information on Sync

Release Notes

Fixed issue with Veracore orders causing duplicate Order Tracking emails.

VENTURE-8656 Production restriction skipping Sunday

Release Notes

Bug fix product restriction being calculated wrong, adding a day

VENTURE-8679 Performance optimisations

Release Notes

We made some performance improvements around permissions, shopping cart, attribute logic, etc.

VENTURE-8725 Block infigosoftware.com sites from being indexed

Release Notes

Block infigosoftware.com sites from being indexed for better indexes

VENTURE-8739 General settings URL not used for SEO

Release Notes

SEO Improvements:

We have made enhancements to our SEO functionality. Our URLs are now consistently built based on the "Storefront name" setting found under Admin -> General Settings. This applies even when accessing the site using different storefront bindings. The following properties have been adjusted:

VENTURE-8769 [Magento] Ensure that the JSON string is properly escaped on PostMessage ExternalDataUpdate

Release Notes

We fixed an issue in Magento where a single quote in the product name caused an error in the browser, preventing the product from being added to the basket.

VENTURE-8802 'Approval Workflow Order Reviewed' email not generating

Release Notes

Fix email not being send when cancel button is pressed from the approval page

VENTURE-8817 'Jobs Pending Approval Reminder' email not sending

Release Notes

Bug fix approval emails not being sent

VENTURE-8843 Fix Jpeg download for reorders

Release Notes

Fix JPEG download for re-orders

VENTURE-8853 Job did not get to "verified" in SPO - job in hotfolder only

Release Notes

Fixed Catfish Sync small chance error (“Error downloading the file (starting the stream?): The process cannot access the file - because it is being used by another process”)

VENTURE-8860 Validation on products that require quote

Release Notes

We fixed an issue related to quote validation during the cart and checkout stages. The improvements are as follows:

If the quote is missing but required based on product configuration, a validation message will be displayed.
If the quote exists but is invalid due to quantity or attribute updates, and the price is based on the quote's response, an error message will be shown.

VENTURE-8877 Failing to import mex package with "Update product image" setting enabled

Release Notes

Fixed issue with imported mex for the same product in short time.

VENTURE-8879 Empty Time Variable stops any other time changes

Release Notes

Implemented a fix to set the time variable to the minimum value if it is empty or non-numeric.

VENTURE-8919 Fee Tax Total Miscalculations

Release Notes

Bug fix for order fees in the checkout

VENTURE-8937 [Automation] Fix config issues for product that use MeTestSript

Release Notes

Rectifications in config of the hardcoded ME script: "Scripting Tests Sample"

VENTURE-6958 Advanced passwords

Release Notes

We added a new Customer settings: Require Password Change -> If this setting is enabled, customers created only from admin, API or CSV will have to change their password the first time they log in. If the customer registers, the password will not be expired.
We added a new password requirement: Special Characters -> Must contain at least one special character when enabled.


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