Welcome to the full release notes for this month.
This page focuses on the facts, sharing with you the tasks completed by our development team.
Tutorials, explanations and demonstrations on the headline new features and updates are covered in the monthly "What's New" article (usually released in the first week of the following month).
Release notes - Venture - Catfish Main Development - R24-18
VENTURE-1690 Stroke feature follow up
Release Notes
We have added styling for the Render Mode section from the Text Options popup
VENTURE-7374 SPO output creation failed - error message amendment suggestion
Release Notes
Introduced a new setting in the Mega Editor menu called 'Error Debugging.' When selected, this option opens a popup window where users can populate into an input - Id of the field from the canvas. After clicking on Select button the field will be selected and we will be redirect to the page where is amplasated
VENTURE-7843 Fix the install patch to have the correct plugin name for CustomLinks
Release Notes
Custom links installed on all platforms
VENTURE-7846 Deleting API authentication token
Release Notes
Updated an issue where pressing the delete button on an API token would not redirect you to the API token list
VENTURE-7949 delivery method name error hides save buttons
Release Notes
Fixed validation summary for Delivery Methods edit page
VENTURE-7960 Unable to download PO docs from SPO
Release Notes
Fixed interpolation for Purchase Document download link in SPO page
VENTURE-7987 Modify "Notify customer" BG task execution mode
Release Notes
Schedule task updates to run daily
VENTURE-8001 Email to review and email message comments
Release Notes
New column in the message queue, called comments, will tell the customer the reason why the email is not getting sent
VENTURE-8051 Tooltip title should only show in the “Content template” modals
Release Notes
Tooltip title will only show in content template modals
VENTURE-8147 Quick Access templates for pdf upload showing duplicated form for each window
Release Notes
Fix duplicated info section
VENTURE-8168 Avoid collecting data for the Advanced dropdown component if not needed
Release Notes
We fixed a bug that caused an issue with placing orders as a guest.
VENTURE-8176 MegaEdit Image Edit Mobile Function
Release Notes
Indesign free target container moved to the bottom of the editor experience to allow for basic editing on mobile.
VENTURE-8201 Notification center counter adjustments
Release Notes
Now the notification count is not updated each minute automatically, but is updated only when refresh the page and it was 10 minutes after the last update (Now it is not updating automatically).
VENTURE-8222 Wrong product price at category level using pricing script
Release Notes
Fixed wrong product price at category level using pricing script based on the attributes with preselected values
VENTURE-8224 The last address from Departments page does not get deleted
Release Notes
Fixed the issue: the last address from Departments page does not get deleted
VENTURE-8257 Access Permission Queue Slowness
Release Notes
improved speed for access permission target rule sync.
Improved the way we handle sync in the background to avoid redundant and duplicated queue entries.
VENTURE-8266 remove 'word-break' style
Release Notes
Word break removed from product title in basket
VENTURE-8321 Versions Parcel Calculations
Release Notes
We now manage product versions when generating parcels in CERM and EasyPost, grouping the parcels based on their respective versions.
VENTURE-8322 Media Album -> Close button doesn't work
Release Notes
Fix bug: Album Management -> Upload image popup did not close on close button click.
VENTURE-8355 [CERM] Clone Estimate feature switch
Release Notes
Added possibility to choose when the CERM calculation will be cloned:
1. On landing page
2. On placing order
VENTURE-8359 Pricing script to use quantity across all order line items
Release Notes
Created pricing script calculating base price considering all similar items in the basket
VENTURE-8370 Search engine updates
Release Notes
We added more restrictions for search engines, to have better control of pages/links that are available for them. In this way, we reduce the number of unneeded calls to the client's platform.
VENTURE-8440 GetStoreUrlProperFormat for Sagepay
Release Notes
Fixed the issue when SagePay transaction authorization loaded until the timeout when the Store Url had HTTP schema.
Release Notes
Set the Avatax external id from department CERM external id
Release Notes
Fix a the new ME script issue when multiple customers assigned to a department without a external reference.
VENTURE-8273 Tax updates (tax exempt, avalara, cerm)
Release Notes
Created megascript product that will copy external id from CERM on AvaTax Mis plugin
Release notes - Venture - Catfish Main Development - R24-20_CachePricing
VENTURE-8553 Pricing Script not calculating the correct price
Release Notes
added setting to disable cache execution for pricing script in checkout
VENTURE-7248 MegaEdit Multipage PDF Child item issue
Release Notes
We added a Megaedit product setting, and based on it we load only the used media album items.
VENTURE-7601 Wrong confirmation page when registering
Release Notes
Bug fix for the registration more
VENTURE-7652 Stock availability message changes when using track inventory using product attributes (combinations)
Release Notes
Stock availability message changes when using track inventory using product attributes (combinations)
VENTURE-7883 Address Book - Import and Export
Release Notes
We added the possibility to export and import CSV files with values that contain commas or double quotes. This is available for:
Address book
Address book addresses
Customer addresses
Department addresses
VENTURE-8247 Kit products added to cart in case of warnings
Release Notes
We fixed a bug in the logic that clears the basket in case of adding a kit with out-of-stock items.
VENTURE-8309 PrintIQ - connect asset failed messages
Release Notes
We fixed a bug that manifests rarely, and it can be reproduced when downloading job assets. The functionality is used when pq try to download the job asset from PQ.
VENTURE-8387 Connect failed saving extra data entity
Release Notes
adjusted order processing task to not fail on order notes save error and fixed concurrency issue with saving order notes and extra data
VENTURE-8413 [PrintIQ] Custom Product StockItem api updates
Release Notes
We fixed a bug related to the wrong available options for the PrintIQ custom product configuration -> Stock field.
We use the new endpoint provided by PQ to get the stock available options
VENTURE-8369 Groups: Support for dynamic size and position
Release Notes
Groups: Support for dynamic size and position. A simple way to set up dynamic content
Release notes - Venture - Catfish Main Development - R24-21_Magento
VENTURE-8058 [Magento] Support reorder
Release Notes
We fixed an issue where Reorder was not done in Infigo. This was caused by previous extension update where we updated our plugin to be supported on higher version of magento