Picture of FedEx



Go to Shipping / Delivery Computation in admin, and you will see FedEx in the list. To enable the plugin, click edit and tick "is active", hit save. 

To configure the plugin you will need to go to "configure". 


How To 

  • You will get the following information from your FedEx merchant account. Infigo cannot provide you with these details: URL, Key, Password, Account Number, Meter number.

  • Residential rates: When residential rates is enabled, our FedEx plugin we will send the residential flag to FedEx in the request for any address that they use. This then overrides FedEx to say that it is a residential address (even if it is not) and they will treat it as such and return residential services (rates) back to us. If we do not set that residential setting, then we do not set the address as residential and it treats it as commercial.

    • If you have residential rates enabled (ticked) then commercial shipping options won't be returned by FedEx (for example FedEx Ground). It will instead return FedEx Ground Home Delivery. 
    • If you leave residential rates disabled (unticked) then FedEx Ground Home Delivery will not be returned, and FedEx Ground will be
  • Use discounted Rates: This will check what you have configured in your FedEx account and as per the hint (?) it will override list rates.

  • Include insurance in price: enable this setting if you would like the price returned to include insurance 

  • Is additional handling charge specific in percentage: if this setting is enabled the "additional handling charge" value will be taken as a percentage. 

    • Additional handling charge can be entered here.

Carrier Services Offered: in this section you can tick the FedEx services that you would like to be displayed at checkout. Please note, if for any reason the FedEx plugin cannot return one of the desired services then it will not display. You will need to contact Infigo Support to find out why services aren't being displayed - please submit a ticket with an example order so we can replicate and obtain logs. 

  • Origin address information: this is where items will be shipped from. You can only enter one ship from location. 

  • Parcel calculations: 

    • max weight (lbs) and length (inches) will dictate how much any one parcel can be. 

    • packing type can be by dimensions or volume. Please see plugin for explanations of both. 


A common FedEx error: "FedEx Metering number is missing or invalid"
If you see this on your storefront please raise a ticket with FedEx Support. They will need to reset your credentials for the API integration to work. This happens when your FedEx password is changed.




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