Picture of Infigo Designer HKCU Error

Infigo Designer HKCU Error

Infigo Designer HKCU Error

If you see the error "Can't open registry key 'HKCU\Software\Mapsoft\InfigoDesigner' (error 5: access is denied.)" when using Infigo Designer please follow these steps: 


Before continuing please ensure you are using 32-bit version of Acrobat (not Acrobat Reader). For more information please see https://infigosoftware.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/7404898160657-Install-32-bit-Acrobat-DC 

Step 1: Open regedit in admin and go to Computer HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\ - right click set permissions for ALLOW full control on the ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES 

Step 1 (1).png

Step 2: Close Acrobat
Step 3: Open regedit in admin and go to Computer HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\ - right click UNSET permissions for ALLOW full control on the ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES 

Step 2 (1).png

Step 4: Open regedit in admin and go to Computer HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\Mapsoft - right click set permissions for ALLOW full control on the ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES 

Step 3 (1).png
5: Re open Adobe Acrobat
6: Check tools section - should see Infigo designer icons and in Top Menu. 

Step 4 (1).png

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