Picture of Managing New Pages

Managing New Pages

Managing New Pages


In order to provide all the information you need to customers that supplements your e-commerce website Catfish allows you to create Content or Topic Pages.

Most commonly Topic Pages are used for things like:

  • Contact Us page
  • About Us
  • FAQs
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Privacy Policy

Essentially any additional content you want to create and provide to your customers you can do so using Topic Pages.

A Topic Page is essentially a blank canvas for you to either use our WYSIWYG editor or insert HTML to create a custom static page of your choosing.



To do this, log in as an administrator to the management screen of the storefront you wish to adjust.

Navigate to Content Management -> Content Pages

Here you will find existing pages on your storefront. If you want to edit one of these, click the edit button to the right hand side.


If you want to add a page, click Add in the top right.

All pages MUST have a system name. Its Title can be left blank, as you may want to incorporate this into the content of the page. The body of the page can be as simple (text and images) or as complex (HTML content) as you require.

The toolbar along the top allows you to adjust text formatting, along with uploading images. Clicking the Cog button shows your HTML.


When you have finished adding page content, click Save and Continue to edit in the top right corner.

You will now see the full page link URL appear in the form. This can be used if you need to link to this page from somewhere else on the site or externally.


The secondary tab at the top of the page allows you to set Search Engine terms to this specific page, making your site search engine friendly throughout will mean key words return higher search engine placement.


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