Picture of Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager

In order to use the Google Tag Manager you need to ensure you follow these steps:

  •  Create a Google Tag Manager account
  •  If required, you can download and import the example container JSON attached. Just amend the account ID to your own account ID before importing (gtm.json) this will create 4 tags for you

Affiliate Window Tag

TagServe HTML Tag

TagServe Tag

TradeDoubler Tag

  • Navigate to Admin (In your Google Tag Manager account) then Import Container - here you can choose to overwrite which will amend all the account and container IDs with your own.
  • Now when you navigate to your Tags under the Container section you should see your newly created tags.
  • You will now need to go into each and ensure that the IDs used are correct for your account with each. At this point, you can also delete any that you do not require.
  • Along with the created user-defined variables you can create your own, depending on the Affiliate Tag:mceclip0.png 
  • User-defined variables are set in Catfish and are mapped to:

OrderId: Catfish Order Id

OrderTotal: Catfish Order Total

OrderShipping: Catfish Order Shipping

OrderTax: Catfish Order Tax

StorefrontName: Catfish Storefront Name

Products: A list of catfish order line items based on Quantity and Unit Price Including Tax

CheckSum: Checksum Value based on Catfish Order ID and Catfish Order Total

TduId: TradeDoubler unique ID from cookie (specific per customer)

  • You can also configure the trigger when the tag will be triggered: 
  • Now in Infigo, you need to navigate to Configuration > Settings > General Settings > Tab 'Google Tag Manager Settings'
  • Check the 'Enable Google Tab Manager' setting

  • Enter your Container ID in the 'Google Tag Manager ID' field. (This should look something like - GTM-XXXXXXXX)


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