We have recently introduced the ability in MegaEdit to assign specific background categories to specific layouts. Previously, the only way you could limit a background was with page tags, now, you can manually assign a background category to a certain layout, and that background category will only appear for that layout.
For example, you may have a layout that only fits with a very specific background category - such as a 2 Column Layout with a 2 Column Background Category. Previously users would be able to choose backgrounds found in other categories. Now, you can assign the 2 Column Background Category, to the 2 Column Layout, therefore restricting users to use only that specific background for that layout.
In the steps below, we will show you two simple layouts, assigned to two different background categories.
1. Open your MegaEdit product, in the editor, go to Show Menu > Product Options. Under the Left Pane, enable Layout Restrictions.

2. In this example, two layouts have already been setup. Please either apply your layout to the page, or, create a new layout. Currently, we have Layout 1 applied to the canvas. From the image below, you can see that there are two background categories enabled.

We want to only show the first background category on this layout.
3. Now, save your layout, be sure it is in the correct layout category. Please select the background category you want available for this specific layout. In this example, we chose 'Backgrounds' as this one has the solid colors.

Press OK. Then either save if this is new, or overwrite the existing layout.
4. To see the changes take effect, either reapply the layout to the canvas, or refresh the page. You can see now, that the Background Category that was assigned, is the only one available for this layout.

5. Similarly, we want to limit the backgrounds for our other layout. Using the steps above, we are limiting Background 2 to Layout 2:

You will see, this layout does not have the same background category available as Layout 1: