Picture of Invent FAQs

Invent FAQs

Invent FAQs

Have a look through some of our most commonly asked questions to see if yours has already been asked, and ideally answered.


Does Invent support Master Pages?

Master Pages can only be used with static content. If you are wanting to create variable fields on a Master Page and use them throughout your document then unfortunately this is not currently supported. Variables fields used on a Master Page will just be ignored.


How can I tell what version of the Invent plugin I am using?

If you want to find out that you are using the latest version, or if our support team ask you the question to help with a support ticket, then in the Invent panel in InDesign click on the burger menu button in the top right hand corner. Then click 'About'.


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Where can I find my log files?

If you have encountered an issue it is likely that our Support Team will ask you to provide your InDesign file along with the Invent logs plus the mex file in order for us to help troubleshoot.

In order to locate your Invent log files simply navigate to the following directory:

PC - C:|Users\YOURUSER\AppData\Roaming\InfigoInvent

Mac - ~/Library/Preferences/InfigoInvent

In here you will find two log files - infigo-combined.log and infigo-error.log OR

We have linked the log files to the ABOUT pop up window as listed above - see image below




What versions of InDesign are supported?

Officially, we test against and actively support the latest version of InDesign (currently 16+)


Does Invent support Elipse and Polygon Frames?

No. Invent only supports rectangle frames.


Does Invent support Adobe Cloud Fonts?

No. Currently the plugin will not include Adobe Cloud Fonts in a succesful export package.


Can you have multiple line heights in a single Text Frame?

Yes, however at the moment Invent only supports a uniformed line height to be applied to different text within a Text Frame. Similarly to how it works in MegaEdit a percentage can be applied to the whole frame so this percentage between the text height and line height needs to be consistent within a single Frame. 


Can I use Invent to create my MegaEdit product and then make further changes in MegaEdit directly?

Yes, this is a valid scenario - especially if there are things that you find that Invent doesn't support yet. For example Batch, which is coming, but you could use Invent to create your product and then from admin enable and configure batch directly. Please note if you upload a new mex package it will update and overwrite any changes you have made previously in Megaedit directly.



Is Invent taking over from Infigo Designer and making it redundant?

Certainly not yet. Until all the functionality that we want to support in Invent that exists in Infigo Designer is implemented it would be difficult for us to retire it as a product. Our plan as a business though is to focus all our attention on Invent and so as the feature set improves there will be less and less need for Infigo Designer.


How do I install an updated version of the Invent plugin if I already have one installed?

Its very simple infact. Download the latest Invent plugin and then open up your Anastasiy Extension Manager. Highlight your version of InDesign from the list of Adobe Products in the left hand menu and then click on Install. Select the newly downloaded Invent plugin file and BOOM, your plugin is updated.

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      Rob Whitney

      In the paragraph that says "... you could use Invent to create your product and then from admin enable and configure batch directly" for Invent .MEX files - where is that setting exactly? I do have the Batch Source set for my Product to the CSVPlugin dropdown but I don't see anything in the live Product area to allow the upload of data.

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