Submit a request Sign inInfigo Help Desk MegaEdit Basics and FundamentalsFollowUsing the MegaEdit EditorMegaEdit’s web to print feature offers an intuitive built-in editor to customize your printing needs. The editor is user-friendly, simple, and easy to use.The following figure illustrates the various features available in the editor.OptionDescriptionThe Main Canvas area helps you drag and drop images and edit the front/back and other pages of your phonebook or photo gifts.This section helps you:- Add images from your album to the editor- Select background color- Edit layouts- Select clip art- DrawingThis section helps you:- Change the Editor to Snap to grid, Snap to Objects, Free Mode, and you can enable a ruler- Autofill set of images on the canvas.- Add images on to the canvas.- Add text and captions for the images.- Remove and reset all the elements of the page.- Revert all the changes made to the page.- If enabled, the tooltip for all the options will be available.This section helps you:- Open the editor in fullscreen mode- Zoom in /Zoom out page view.- Reset the zoom to default setting.- Navigate between left and right pages.- Preview the product in a new window as photobook pages.This section shows the list of pages that will be included in the photobook or photo gifts. - add a new page to your productThis section helps you:- add to basket after completing editing- Save the project for later use.DevOps - May 31, 2022 11:06Have more questions? Submit a request0 CommentsArticle is closed for comments.
Using the MegaEdit EditorMegaEdit’s web to print feature offers an intuitive built-in editor to customize your printing needs. The editor is user-friendly, simple, and easy to use.The following figure illustrates the various features available in the editor.OptionDescriptionThe Main Canvas area helps you drag and drop images and edit the front/back and other pages of your phonebook or photo gifts.This section helps you:- Add images from your album to the editor- Select background color- Edit layouts- Select clip art- DrawingThis section helps you:- Change the Editor to Snap to grid, Snap to Objects, Free Mode, and you can enable a ruler- Autofill set of images on the canvas.- Add images on to the canvas.- Add text and captions for the images.- Remove and reset all the elements of the page.- Revert all the changes made to the page.- If enabled, the tooltip for all the options will be available.This section helps you:- Open the editor in fullscreen mode- Zoom in /Zoom out page view.- Reset the zoom to default setting.- Navigate between left and right pages.- Preview the product in a new window as photobook pages.This section shows the list of pages that will be included in the photobook or photo gifts. - add a new page to your productThis section helps you:- add to basket after completing editing- Save the project for later use.DevOps - May 31, 2022 11:06