Picture of Cookie Information

Cookie Information

Cookie Information

Infigo uses by default only technical cookies. No tracking cookies will be set unless features are enabled in admin - most tracking code has to be pasted in explicitely.


The following cookies are used by the platform for end users

AWSALBServer affinity cookie. Due to the load balanced web farm, this cookie will ensure subsequent requests are handled by the same server.1 week
AWSALBCORSServer affinity cookie. Due to the load balanced web farm, this cookie will ensure subsequent requests are handled by the same server.1 week
[PlatformName].AUTHAuthentication cookie for a logged in user. This will be used to authenticate the requests.10 hours
CFTDCSession cookie to identify the currently running server session.session
INF.CUSTUnique customer identifier. When no authentication cookie is available, this will uniquely identify guest sessions1 year
__RequestVerificationTokenUsed as anti forgery tokensession


In addition, we have a few admin only cookies

collapsedSidebarFrontend cookie to handle the state of the admin sidebar
CF_SelectedStorefrontUsed for platform admins to switch accounts


Optional cookies - active only when the feature is enabled and used

cas_gateway_statusCookie name for the CAS SSO implementation. Can be adjusted in the CAS configuration.
_samlIdpCookie name for the SAML2 SSO implementation.

Cookie name for the SAML2 SSO implementation

OAuthTokenUsed by the Flickr Image plugin to maintain the authentication. Only set when this feature is used.
INF.CompareProductsCookie used for product comparison feature. Only set when this feature is enabled.
INF.RecentlyViewedProductsCookie used to control the recently viewed product feature. Only set when this feature is enabled.
TDUID_TEMPGoogle Pixel Cookie
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