Infigo allows you to create a Background Category that can be used in your Dynamic Product within MegaEdit. This will then allow you to access the Background selection tab in your product, see image below.

This article shows you how to create a background category in Infigo's Admin to access this feature in MegaEdit.
Admin Steps
1. Navigate to MegaEdit Canvas:
Catalog > Product Types > MegaEdit > MegaEdit Canvas
2. Select Edit for the canvas of the product you want to edit

3. You must Create a Canvas in order to access the Background Categories tab.
4. Navigate to the Background Categories tab

5. Press Add new record, then name your category, then press Insert.
6. Once your record is created, press Configure
7. To add an image for your background, navigate to the Background Images section. Press Choose Files to upload your image(s).

8. To add a background color first press Add Background Color.

Background Colors can either be added by Choosing an RGB Value with the Color Selector or by typing the color directly. Once your color is selected, name it and press Ok.
The name of the color does not necessarily have to match the exact color, nor does typing the color drive the color value.

9. After you have your background images/colors created, you are now able to change your background color!