Infigo Academy: Shared Print Operations:
This article will help you with filtering through jobs in SPO to find a specific order or orderline item.
If you do not want your admin to see other stores orders in SPO, please enable LimitStorefrontAdminsToTheirOwnStorefront.
Product Types
There is a tab for each product type to help make filtering easier. Each tab needs to be enabled in Configuration > Settings > Product and Editor Settings > Infigo Settings:

Here is exactly what will show when enabling these:
- PrintOpsShowVariable - Infigo Variable products
- PrintOpsShowStatic - Static Infigo products (PDF)
- PrintOpsShowMultiPart - MultiPart - also called Uploadable PDF Products (separate from Uploadable Dynamic Products
- PrintOpsShowOrdinary - NOP Products
- PrintOpsShowDynamic - Dynamic or MegaEdit Products
- PrintOpsShowSymphony - Symphony Products (if using the symphony module)
- PrintOpsShowExternal - Jobs that appear here are for the jobs placed with the API call "CreateOutputFor"
- PrintOpsShowCustom - Custom products like KitCustom, MultiProductCustomProduct, AttritbutesAsProductsCustomProduct
The tabs in SPO:

Searching for Specific Orders or Orderlines
You will be able to search for specific OrderIDs, JobIDs, Usernames, and Emails within each product type in the 'Search for' field:

Filtering Jobs
If you like, you can filter job by Order Status, Payment Status, Job Status, Search Status History, Storefront, Cancelled Jobs, and Orders Requiring Approval.

Please Note that to see canceled jobs in SPO, you will need to select "Show Canceled Jobs" otherwise it will only display activate orders.
If you do not see the specific order you are looking for, adjust the filters to "All" for each option. If the specific order or job is not there still, check Sales > Orders in the correct storefront to see if the order has been deleted or not.
Approval Workflow
Often times orders will come in, but you never receive the output to a hotfolder. If you have this happen, it is very likely that the orderline was rejected by an approver and never resubmitted. To find these, simply type in the OrderID, and change the Approval Workflow to Show only unapproved orders. You will then be able to see a rejected status message and notify the user they need to resubmit their product.