August 2023 saw two general Infigo deployments, plus a new release of our Invent plugin for InDesign. From a revamped Storefront creation process to sweeping performance improvements, last month saw a diverse array of new capabilities and enhancements in the Infigo software.
Read on to learn more about the new features made available to you, our valued customers.
Storefront creation form
Placing orders without artwork
Improved site performance with Access Permissions
Taxable shipping by tax provider
New Invent release
Feature of the month | Access Permissions
Infigo Academy webinar | Access Permissions
The best of the rest
Bug fixes and general improvements
Storefront creation form
Set up new storefronts with ease, with our new and improved storefront creation form.
This new form, which appears automatically when adding a new storefront, allows you to define critical storefront information such as branding, alias URL and purpose of the storefront, all in one place.
Placing orders without artwork
We have introduced the ability to place orders without the completed specification of artwork. These jobs would not be passed into the production process until the user uploads artwork and finalizes the job via their My Orders area.
This setting can be configured on a global storefront or product-by-product basis.
Improved site performance with Access Permissions
We are pleased to inform our customers that improvements have been made to how indexing is carried out using our Access Permissions functionality, resulting in a significant increase in speed when navigating storefronts using this functionality.
New to Access Permissions? Find out more below!
Taxable shipping by tax provider
We have introduced the ability to control if shipping is taxable by the selected tax providers.
This has been developed to work for the following tax provider options:
- TaxJar
- Tax By Country State Zip.
Check out the step-by-step guide below to see how it's done.
New Invent release
A new version of Invent, Infigo's plugin for Adobe InDesign is now available for our customers to download. This release sees a range of bug fixes and minor updates, and paves the way for a larger release, crammed with new features, expected in the coming months.
As always, the latest version of Invent can be obtained from our help centre. Click the following link to get your hands on the new version:
Let's take a quick look at some of the changes in this version:
Batch creation of variables
A new feature has been introduced to allow the creation of multiple variables at once. A set of identical variables can be created with ease, with the only variation being in he variable name.
This is a useful tool in rapidly creating sets of virtually identical variables.
Maximum page limit increased
The maximum number of pages allowed in an Invent document has been increased to 100.
Invent version checks
Additional verification checks have been added to prevent the opening of templates created in more recent versions of the Invent plugin.
Alphanumeric character restrictions
Spot colour allowable names have been updated to allow only alphanumeric characters, hypens and underscores.
Multi-frame operations
The capability has been added to "Enable" multiple InDesign frames at once. Instead of setting frames to dynamic one at a time, they can now be multi-selected and a new "Enable all" button is available.
Batch font loading
Improved performance when loading fonts. This reduces amount of time the UI may be unresponsive when loading fonts.
Feature of the month | Access Permissions
Our feature of the month is Access Permissions, a powerful piece of functionality allowing you to control access to products based on the logged in user.
Control access to products based on location, department, customer or role. Products themselves can be grouped by category, tag, product group and more!
Take a look at the video below for a quick introduction to Access Permissions. September's Infigo Academy webinar will also cover this topic. It's free for any of our customers, click here to register.
Infigo Academy webinar | Access Permissions
August's webinar tackled the interesting topic of Infigo's Content Template functionality. We provided an overview of the entire functionality, ranging from the basics of setting up default templates to an introduction to creating your own customised Content Templates!
If you missed it, you can watch on demand. Just click here!
For September, we'll be taking a closer look at Access Permissions.
In this 1-hour webinar, we will show you the capabilities of this powerful functionality, including:
- What are Access Permissions?
- When are Access Permissions used?
- Access Permissions terminology
- Creating effective Access Permission rules
- Rule groups
- Stock Management and limiting order quantity
- Troubleshooting your rules
The Infigo Academy customer webinars are free for any of our customers, simply fill in your details below to register!
Understanding Access Permissions | Webinar Sign-Up
The best of the rest
Refund confirmation pop up
A pop up has been added asking administrators to confirm refunding an order. A simple change aimed at eliminating accidental clicks!

Hiding the MegaEdit left pane | Usability updates
Small usability updates have been made to the visibility of the left pane in MegaEdit.
Always a popular topic, check out the video below to learn how to manage the tabs and overall visibility of the MegaEdit left pane in your products.
Quote creation dates
The date a quote was generated is now displayed in the Saved Quotes page.

Bug Fixes and General Improvements
A selection of fixes and general improvements made to the software in these deployments. This does not constitute a full list!
- Default colour selection in MegaEdit updated to CMYK format
- Confirmation pop up added when deleting resources from CSS Override.
- Additional log messages added for clarity.
- Removal of setting "Notify about new customer registration". This is now based on the active/inactive status of the New Customers email message template.
- Font size "fit to box" bug repair, allowing the maximum value to now be reached.
- Repair of address selection problem in Postcoder. All required address properties are correctly displayed from received data.
- Fixed an issue with the combined use of ParcelForce and Department Shipping Restrictions when using Easypost.
- When using the Excel import for products, tax categories are now replaced instead of new ones being added to the existing selection of tax categories.
- Updates made to the FileUpload and DatePicker attribute types when used with Attribute Combinations.
- Additional MegaEdit language strings added.
- Updates to the Entity Framework library
- Updates to the Docotic library
- Tokens now function on the 404 error page
- Additional setting added to control the persistence and frequency of the cookie banner being displayed.
- Change implemented so canvas' changed via scripts are correctly reflected in the canvas selector pop up in the MegaEdit editor.
- Improvements to the Magento extension to react on Infigo record order failing. If the order is failing on Infigo platform side, send an email to the store owner about the order that failed and the error message. The store owner can navigate to Magento order at Infigo order status section and retrigger a record order again.
Deployments: R23-31 & 33
Deployed: August 2023