Basic Metadata
- Specifies the job type character:
- d for
- s for Static PDF
- m for Upload and MultiPart editor
Job ID:
- The identifier for the job as a number
Order ID:
Full Job ID:
- The identifier including type as a storefront-wide unique
- Specifies how the job got into the system (Polling or Webhooks).
Definition: This interface represents the advanced metadata structure provided by Infigo Connect.
export interface InfigoAdvancedMetaData {
order?: InfigoOrderMetaData,
lineItem?: InfigoOrderlineMetaData,
customer?: InfigoCustomerMetaData,
impersonator?: InfigoCustomerMetaData,
storefrontName: string
- order: Metadata about the order (optional).
- lineItem: Metadata about the order line item (optional).
- customer: Metadata about the customer (optional).
- impersonator: Metadata about the impersonator (optional).
- storefrontName: Name of the storefront (required).
Definition: This interface represents detailed metadata about an order.
export interface InfigoOrderMetaData {
orderId: number,
orderGuid: string,
payment: InfigoPaymentMetaData,
orderStatus: OrderStatus,
paymentStatus: PaymentStatus,
shippingStatus: ShippingStatus,
shippingMethod: string,
shippingMethodExternalId: string,
paymentMethod: string,
paymentTransactionId: string,
vatNumber: string,
orderWeight: number,
purchaseOrderNumber: string,
orderNotes: string[],
orderDate: string,
dispatchBy: string,
deliverBy: string,
billingAddress?: InfigoAddressMetaData,
shippingAddress?: InfigoAddressMetaData,
extraData: Record<string, string>,
checkoutAttributes: InfigoAttribute[]
- orderId: The unique identifier for the
- orderGuid: The globally unique identifier for the
- payment: Metadata about the payment (see InfigoPaymentMetaData).
- orderStatus: The current status of the
- paymentStatus: The status of the
- shippingStatus: The status of the
- shippingMethod: The shipping method
- shippingMethodExternalId: The external ID for the shipping
- paymentMethod: The payment method
- paymentTransactionId: The transaction ID for the
- vatNumber: The VAT number associated with the
- orderWeight: The weight of the
- purchaseOrderNumber: The purchase order
- orderNotes: Notes associated with the
- orderDate: The date the order was
- dispatchBy: The date by which the order should be
- deliverBy: The date by which the order should be
- billingAddress: Metadata about the billing address (optional).
- shippingAddress: Metadata about the shipping address (optional).
- extraData: Additional data related to the
- checkoutAttributes: Attributes related to the checkout
Definition: This interface represents detailed metadata about an address.
export interface InfigoAddressMetaData { externalId: string,
email: string,
firstName: string,
lastName: string,
phoneNumber: string,
company: string,
addressLine1: string,
addressLine2: string,
town: string,
county: string,
country: string,
countryCode: string,
zipCode: string,
fax: string
- externalId: The external ID for the
- email: The email
- firstName: The first
- lastName: The last
- phoneNumber: The phone
- company: The company
- addressLine1: The first line of the
- addressLine2: The second line of the address (optional).
- town: The town or
- county: The county or
- country: The
- countryCode: The country
- zipCode: The postal
- fax: The fax number (optional).
Definition: This interface represents detailed metadata about a customer.
export interface InfigoCustomerMetaData {
infigoId: number,
externalId: string,
details: InfigoAddressMetaData
- infigoId: The unique identifier for the customer within
- externalId: The external ID for the
- details: Metadata about the customer's address (see InfigoAddressMetaData).
Definition: This interface represents detailed metadata about a payment.
export interface InfigoPaymentMetaData {
totalPrice: number,
taxes: number,
discount: number,
subTotalDiscountInclTax: number,
subTotalDiscountExclTax: number,
shippingTax: number,
shippingPrice: number,
currency: string,
- totalPrice: The total price of the
- taxes: The total taxes applied to the
- discount: The total discount applied to the
- subTotalDiscountInclTax: The subtotal discount including
- subTotalDiscountExclTax: The subtotal discount excluding
- shippingTax: The tax applied to
- shippingPrice: The price of
- currency: The currency used for the
Definition: This interface represents an attribute with a key-value pair.
export interface InfigoAttribute {
externalId: string,
key: string, value: string
- externalId: The external ID for the
- key: The key of the
- value: The value of the
Definition: This interface represents detailed metadata about an order line item.
export interface InfigoOrderlineMetaData {
orderlineId: string,
externalId: string,
attributeCombinationExternalId: string,
infigoProductId: number,
sku: string,
productName: string,
customName: string,
shortDescription: string,
description: string,
quantity: number,
unitPrice: number,
totalPrice: number,
totalTax: number,
weight: number,
discountAmountInclTax: number,
discountAmountExclTax: number,
extraData: Record<string, string>,
productAttributes: InfigoAttribute[],
specificationAttributes: InfigoAttribute[]
- orderlineId: The unique identifier for the order line
- externalId: The external ID for the order line
- attributeCombinationExternalId: The external ID for the attribute
- infigoProductId: The Infigo product
- sku: The stock keeping
- productName: The name of the
- customName: The custom name for the
- shortDescription: A short description of the
- description: A detailed description of the
- quantity: The quantity of the product
- unitPrice: The unit price of the
- totalPrice: The total price for the order line
- totalTax: The total tax applied to the order line
- weight: The weight of the order line
- discountAmountInclTax: The discount amount including
- discountAmountExclTax: The discount amount excluding
- extraData: Additional data related to the order line
- productAttributes: A list of product attributes (see InfigoAttribute).
- specificationAttributes: A list of specification attributes (see InfigoAttribute).