Welcome to the full release notes for this month.
This page focuses on the facts, sharing with you the tasks completed by our development team.
Tutorials, explanations and demonstrations on the headline new features and updates are covered in the monthly "What's New" article (usually released in the first week of the following month).
Release notes - Venture - Catfish Main Development - R24-40
VENTURE-7741 Add unique target to delivery countdown banner
Release Notes
Delivery countdown banner now has a unique id in the parent container for better styling and targeting.
VENTURE-7810 Create documentation section for Google Merchant
Release Notes
Google Merchant configuration page (text instruction tutorial) on configure plugin page on how to configure it
VENTURE-8794 No validation error for a required marked field in checkout addresses
Release Notes
Showing 'required marker' conditionally based on “'Zip / postal code' required“ setting
VENTURE-9024 Deleting file that is being used by another process
Release Notes
Fixed Infigo Sync chance to fail due to file been using by another process.
VENTURE-9040 Product Variant Home page display order is not responsible
Release Notes
The homepage order settings on the product page has been moved to the correct settings structure
VENTURE-9066 Remove Easypost hidden settings
Release Notes
Mis settings removed
VENTURE-9075 Products showing the same price as the previously viewed product
Release Notes
fixed mis tharstern caching issue for prices
VENTURE-9090 'Order Cancelled' email is not sent if the order is cancelled from 'Work in Progress' or SPO.
Release Notes
Enabled the feature to notify user on email when the order is cancelled from order details from admin
VENTURE-9105 Easypost shipping methods ignoring usage rules
Release Notes
Fix easypost methods not being ignored when Usage Rules are configured
VENTURE-9174 remove "catfish" from storefront management "Core Catfish Platform"
Release Notes
Updated Portal description from "Core Catfish Platform" to "Core Infigo Platform"
VENTURE-9233 Object null refference when trying to edit profile data while creating the PDF Profile
Release Notes
Make "Edit Profile Data" button disabled when adding new PDF Profiles, in order to avoid null reference error
VENTURE-9255 deleting an empty version in a multi part product specifically after uploading artwork does not allow user to checkout: “attempt to order a multi part product without a multi part product setup”
Release Notes
Bug fix for versioning deletion not allowing to checkout
VENTURE-9322 [PrintIQ] Make nullable ImageId and ImageThumbnailID fields on product sync
Release Notes
Fixed error in PIQ with sync that has not gone through to Infigo.
VENTURE-9415 Getting 500 Error when adding to Cart - Button not being dissabled
Release Notes
We have addressed two issues that were introduced in a previous release, aimed at optimizing the retrieval of price and product attribute combination information on the product landing page:
Debounce for Quantity Updates: We have implemented a debounce mechanism for the AJAX call triggered when updating the quantity. This ensures that rapid changes in the quantity input field result in a single API call, reflecting the latest quantity update.
Add to Basket Button Disabled During Quantity Update: To enhance user experience and prevent premature actions, the 'Add to Basket' button is now disabled while the quantity update is being processed. Once the update is complete, the button will be re-enabled.
VENTURE-7453 SAML instructions easyness
Release Notes
Improved the SAML configuration to be more user-friendly. Resolved the issue preventing customers with specific email addresses from being created via SSO.
Release notes - Venture - Catfish Main Development - R24-41
VENTURE-9317 Skip Cross sale thumb creation per product
Release Notes
We allow to have dynamic preview (headless outputs into) in the cross sells to be able to control per product level and not just globally
VENTURE-9516 Multipart profile
Release Notes
Add fix profile for multipart
VENTURE-9532 Megaedit - Scale canvas based on screen DPI
Release Notes
Scale the canvas based on the screen DPI (configurable) by default disabled
VENTURE-3666 Product Management list updates
Release Notes
Refactor the entire product management page
New design
New functionalities
Release notes - Venture - Catfish Main Development - R24-42
VENTURE-8129 Error with an unpublished item in the basket
Release Notes
Added possibility to add unpublished products to the cart from different places (saved baskets, saved projects, reorder)
VENTURE-8791 Category tree performance
Release Notes
added improvements to category load speed in the UI by improving the way we retrieve the linked subcategories.
VENTURE-8911 Content Templates areas missing default templates
Release Notes
Updated Content Template: Content* to be used for 'Predefined Product Attribute Value' and 'Multi Part product'
VENTURE-9020 [CERM] Versions for My Estimations orders
Release Notes
Added the versioning support for CERM estimates orders;
VENTURE-9172 Product Versions Editor restructure
Release Notes
Versioning UI and editor UI responsive fixes
VENTURE-9192 Slider not showing with content page is password protected
Release Notes
VENTURE-9195 Cannot Change Display order in specification attribute option
Release Notes
Fix display order not being changeable on product attributes option page
VENTURE-9214 Wrong price for Kit product with tier pricing
Release Notes
Fixed issues with prices for Kit products
VENTURE-9241 [PrintIQ] Support Sales order reference for stock products
Release Notes
The Infigo order reference is now sent in the SalesOrderReference property when calling the GetPrice endpoint to notify PrintIQ.
VENTURE-9284 Edit versions from cart
Release Notes
Remove action column from multipart versioning product (only for versions, not the main job)
Hide attributes for versions at all because they duplicate the attributes from the main job and that does not make sense to duplciate the info
VENTURE-9328 Audit CERM integration pages for translation
Release Notes
Added localizations for all elements from CERM page.
VENTURE-9340 Output creation - Retrieving Media albums is very slow
Release Notes
Optimized Media Album query data for performance
VENTURE-9350 Default billing address changes after adding new shipping address
Release Notes
Bug fix for shipping address being used against default billing address
VENTURE-9365 Multipart UI (New) - Fix 2, 15
Release Notes
Fix the multipart verisoning issue that you cant save the product if preview is disabled
VENTURE-9436 Remove Product attributes combinations AllowOutOfStockOrders column
Release Notes
Fixed issue related to AllowOutOfStockOrders column (deleted column from database)
VENTURE-9495 Parameter mismatch count broker
Release Notes
Fixed the issue when the clear cache/storefront init didn't work for platforms without Broker.
VENTURE-9504 Kit products and edit options removal
Release Notes
removed editoptions for virtual cart items that can't be edited from basket - kit products
VENTURE-9565 Fix storefront binding title in admin
Release Notes
bindings text in admin reduced in size
VENTURE-8260 [API] Product Groups v2 Endpoint
Release Notes
Product group managing throw API
VENTURE-8780 Enfocus Pitstop support for custom report template PDFs
Release Notes
Added the support for Custom Report Template for Enfocus Pitstop
Updated the Enfocus Pitstop library to the latest version(24.07.2024)
VENTURE-9101 Connect:Site Flow - Return Address
Release Notes
Grouped Settings: We have reorganized the settings on the Connect settings page for a more intuitive user experience.
New Setting - Vendor Address: A new 'Vendor Address' setting has been added, which will be used when raising orders through the plugin. This helps streamline order management by automatically associating the correct vendor details.
VENTURE-9125 MegaEdit Upload product edit form SPO and Approval
Release Notes
We have improved our MegaEdit upload product by adding the ability to edit jobs in the editor from the following locations:
By admins in the Shared Print Operations page.
By approvers in the Approval Job List.
By customers on the Work in Progress page.