1. Overview
This guide provides a step-by-step process to set up and use the digital download feature in Infigo. With this functionality, you can enable customers to download digital files directly from their accounts or receive download links via email upon completing their order. You also have the ability to collect a digital download email address, allowing for emails containing download links to be directly sent to email addresses not associated with the Infigo account.
For additional resources and tutorials, visit the Infigo Academy .
2. Contents
Setting Up Digital Downloads
Configuring Digital Delivery Emails
FAQs and Troubleshooting
Alternate Search Terms
3. Setting Up Digital Downloads
Step 1: Enable the Digital Download Option
Navigate to Product Management > Edit [chosen product] > Product Variants [tab] > Edit > Info [tab] .
Locate the Downloadable Product section.
Enable the Downloadable Product checkbox.(Screenshot placeholder: Checkbox location in Product Variant Settings.)
Step 2: Upload the Digital File
In the same section, upload the file you want customers to download.
Alternatively, use the Use Download URL option to specify an external URL for the downloadable file.(Note: Using a URL disables the file upload option.)
Save the settings.
Step 3: Set the Download Activation Type
Choose when the download link will be activated:
Manual Activation: Requires manual approval in the sales orders section.
When Order is Paid: Automatically activates the download link once payment is received.
Save the changes.
4. Configuring Digital Delivery Emails
Step 1: Enable Email Collection During Checkout
Navigate to Order Settings > Collect Digital Delivery Email .
Enable the option to collect the recipient’s email during checkout.
Step 2: Activate the Digital Delivery Email Template
Go to Email Message Templates > Order Management .
Locate the Digital Delivery Output Ready template and activate it.
Add either of the following tokens to the email body:
Step 3: Customize the Email
Modify the email content to suit your branding and communication style.
Save the changes.
5. FAQs and Troubleshooting
Q: How can customers access their download links? A: Customers can download their files directly from their "My Account" section under "Orders" once the link is activated.
Q: How can I automate the activation of download links? A: Set the Download Activation Type to When Order is Paid in the product variant settings. This automatically enables the download link upon payment.
Q: What if the digital delivery email doesn’t send? A: Ensure that the "Collect Digital Delivery Email" option is enabled and the "Digital Delivery Output Ready" template is active with the required tokens. Check the message queue to verify email activity.
Q: Can I test the setup without placing an order? A: Yes, use the Send Test Email feature in the email template editor to ensure the email is configured correctly.
Q: Can I upload multiple files for a single product? A: No, the downloadable product option currently supports a single file or URL per product variant. To deliver multiple files, consider bundling them into a ZIP archive.
Q: I'm not receiving the digital download email, what could be wrong? A: At the time of writing this article, the task responsible for sending digital download emails runs once per hour, so you may not see the email being queued or sent immediately. This frequency is under review and may change in the future.
For additional resources and tutorials, visit the Infigo Academy .