Release notes - Venture - Catfish Main Development - R25-09
VENTURE-5204 0. Cleanup task to clean MS logs
Release Notes
Moved the Mega Script run logs into the files. Added the periodical cleanup.
VENTURE-6725 Checkout attribute input and label IDs not unique
Release Notes
Fix checkbox behaviour in checkout attributes,
VENTURE-8983 External API Exposure
Release Notes
Removed some exposed/unused external APIs
VENTURE-9385 Add order id to authorize dotnet transaction after order
is placed
Release Notes
added infigo transaction id field to the order search in admin. added
the infigo transaction id field to the order details page. added the
new field to the excel and xml order export files
VENTURE-9388 [CERM] Product proof approval
Release Notes
Cerm approve modal adjustments/fixes
VENTURE-9487 Fix global store notification center details being popualted
Release Notes
Remove the notificationCenter date from frontend area
VENTURE-9571 Multipart fix profile add "Critical failure" in the validation
Release Notes
Read from profile result the failures and show them on the profile validation
We have a specific case when the profile validation fails if you try
to fix a signed pdf, and it should say you that the file is not editable.
Now it will show this error if it will be
VENTURE-9605 Address book addresses are not deleted
Release Notes
delete addresses when an address book is delete
VENTURE-9643 Filter show in search in access permissions
Release Notes
fixed product search in access permission
VENTURE-9688 [Invent] - unique data-testid for each variable type in
ui + index of component in the form
Release Notes
Set unique data-testid attribute for each component in the form of MegaEdit
created by InDesign script
VENTURE-9833 Saving logo logs user out
Release Notes
Fix the customer being logged out when he changes the logo from the appearance
VENTURE-9911 Additional UPS Service
Release Notes
Added new settings to UPS to be able to control API version and the service
we call
VENTURE-9938 reCAPTCHA login quota preventing users from logging into
Release Notes
Captcha email to notify customer about Quote exceeded
VENTURE-9970 PrintIQ stock handling issues
Release Notes
We updated our PQ inventory logic to exclude the cancelled jobs in PQ
VENTURE-10027 [ME]-Missing Scrollbar in the Left Panel Toolbar
Release Notes
Added missing scrollbar in the left panel toolbar
VENTURE-10058 Invent script - hide Edit button for gallery when transformation
is disabled
Release Notes
Hide edit button in Invent Plugin when translation is disabled
And if the image is set, instead of select image button text will be
replace image
VENTURE-10080 Megascript LPI Services
Release Notes
Created a MegaScript Event Collector Service in TypeScript to intercept
events and trigger customer notifications, reusable in LPI scripts.
VENTURE-10117 Multipart - Product Description(Product name) - Added to
Order Details
Release Notes
Fixed the issue when the Version name couldn't be seen on order details
VENTURE-10165 Mis.CERM: Failed to get price
Release Notes
CERM adjustments:
1. Added fallback to the web user customer id when retrieving the product
for guests
2. Added specific error for end of life products
VENTURE-10326 [PrintIQ] Adjust dimension rotation setting logic
Release Notes
This release introduces refinements to the finished size width and height
settings to better align with user expectations. These improvements ensure
that dimension rotation behaviour is more intuitive and only available
when relevant.
Key Updates:
Conditional Display of ‘Pass the Shortest Length as the Width’ Setting
The ‘Pass the Shortest Length as the Width’ setting will now only be
visible when ‘Roll on Shortest Length’ is enabled.
This ensures that users only see the option to rotate dimensions when
rolling the artwork, as requested by the Big Display Company.
Updated Logic for Dimension Rotation
Previously, when ‘Roll on Shortest Length’ was enabled, the shortest
dimension was always assigned as the width. However, due to pre-conversion
of dimensions, this logic did not always produce the expected result.
To correct this, the setting has been renamed to ‘Pass the Longest Length
as the Width’ to reflect that the unrolled (longest) length should always
be specified as the width.
The logic has been updated to ensure that the longest length is consistently
assigned as the width, providing a more predictable and accurate output.
VENTURE-10363 Insights - Customer Login Report generating Error on Export
Release Notes
Fixed issue when could not download some specific Insights reports
VENTURE-10378 Create a navigation menu for insights configuration
Release Notes
added insights settings config link to the nav bar in admin
VENTURE-10400 Fix insights reports follow-up
Release Notes
Fixed issue when in some cases an error was thrown when trying to download
a report from Insights
VENTURE-10411 Address book addresses are not deleted - delete billing/shipping
Release Notes
VENTURE-10413 Multiple product tags visualization
Release Notes
Fixed product tags height editor in the product edit page
Now you can open product tags editor by clicking on the list
VENTURE-10448 Send shipping emails to the shipping email address
Release Notes
Shipping emails will be sent to the shipping address email if the new
setting will be enabled "Use shipping address for shipping notifications:"
from customer settings
VENTURE-10479 Update vectors version mapping
Release Notes
VENTURE-10486 Missing Infigo editor additional data
Release Notes
We fixed an issue introduced in the R07 release. After the refactoring
for the global additional data we broke the Infigo editor additional
VENTURE-5832 [Bundles] Storefront Creation Settings
Release Notes
On creating new storefront added the ability to inherit the Settings,
Editable Content, and Content Pages from the Platform level
VENTURE-9187 MegaEdit back button behaviour change - return to parent
product, not child
Release Notes
fixed ME back button to redirect to previous page
VENTURE-9691 SFTP for Connect Flow
Release Notes
Extend Connect Flow to be able to push files via SFTP instead of FTP.
As that give us more security control.