In certain scenarios, the Add to Cart button on a product page may disappear if a setting called Use Preview Directly (or its equivalent) becomes enabled—often through a newly uploaded MEX file from Invent. Here’s how to identify and fix the issue, plus prevent it from happening again.
1. Scenario Overview
You’ve set up a product in MegaEdit and everything worked correctly—users could customize the product and see the Add to Cart button. After uploading a new MEX file from Invent, the Add to Cart button vanished. The editor still loads, but there’s no obvious way for customers to proceed with adding the product to their shopping cart.
2. Why This Happens
When exporting from Invent, certain editor settings (including Use Preview Directly) can be enabled. If Use Preview Directly is turned on in MegaEdit, it hides the Add to Cart button by displaying the editor preview in a single combined screen. Disabling Use Preview Directly restores the standard layout, including the Add to Cart button.
Note: In Invent, the setting might have a different name but performs the same function when imported into MegaEdit.
3. Step-by-Step Resolution
Follow these steps to disable the Use Preview Directly setting (or its equivalent) and restore the Add to Cart button.
Go to the Product Settings in MegaEdit
- In your Admin area, locate the product you’re troubleshooting.
- Open the MegaEdit (ME) configuration for that product.

Locate the “Use Preview Directly” Setting
- Within the ME configuration, find the Use Preview Directly toggle.
- If it’s enabled, this is the likely cause of your missing Add to Cart button.

Disable the Setting
- Turn Use Preview Directly Off.
- Save your changes.
Check the Product Page
4. Preventing Future Issues
Check Invent Settings
Before exporting your MEX file from Invent, confirm whether any “Preview Directly” or similarly named setting is enabled. Disabling it in Invent helps ensure it remains off when imported into MegaEdit.
Use a Consistent Process
If multiple team members update MEX files, share these instructions so that settings in Invent and MegaEdit remain consistent.
5. Additional Tips & Resources
Further Learning
Check out more articles and tutorials in our Infigo Academy for a deeper dive into MegaEdit, Invent, and other customizations.
Contact Support
If you’ve disabled the setting and still don’t see the Add to Cart button, contact Infigo Support with details on your product configuration and any custom scripts or plugins in use.