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In this
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tutorial, we'll learn how to create and utilise color, set resources
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and link them to the background
of one of our variable fields.
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We'll begin by creating a color set
resource containing several color options.
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Next will create a color variable
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and link it to that color resource set.
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And finally, we'll link the image variable
to the backgrounds
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of an image frame on our canvas.
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So we're going to start off
by creating our resource set.
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So within the Invent plugin.
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Go to the resources tab
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and click on Add resource set.
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That gives you the option
of a few different sets.
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I'm going to choose color set.
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So, a colour set allows you to actually define
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some colors that you want to utilize
within your template.
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So for example,
if you have branding colors that you want
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to be able to readily access,
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or if you want to apply a color
to the background of an image
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and want some predefined colours,
you might use this color set.
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And like we've seen with other resource
sets, we can link those to variables.
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We can link those to the properties
of different frames
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and they work in a very similar way
to those different resource sets.
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So to
start off with, you just need to enter
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a name of this resource set
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and then it's just a case
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of filling out
this small bits of information here.
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So we need a user interface
name for each of the colors
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that we want to add.
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And then we click on Select Color.
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You'll see there we got the ability
to either use the color picker itself
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or we can directly specify an RGB
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or a CMYK value, specify the color
you want to use,
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click, select, and the background of that
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box which displays our RGB value in
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this case
will actually show you what that colour is.
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Then you click on Add Color
and that will be added
00:02:32:29 - 00:02:36:05
to our resource set.
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Now you can add multiple colors in here,
so I'll just add a few
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additional options. Now
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so that we have a few different color
options defined.
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We can reorder those using these up
and down arrows if we wish to do so,
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or we can edit them or delete any of them.
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Once we're happy with our selection,
we'll click on Save.
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A Resource has been created
and now we can go across to the Variables
00:03:05:19 - 00:03:10:18
tab and create a variable
which is linking to that resource.
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So I'm going to click on add variable.
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That again comes up
with a few different options
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of variable type that we can add.
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And we could do this as a dropdown
if we wish to do so,
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and we'll see that in future tutorials.
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But we can also do it
as a specific variable which is designed
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to show us different
color swatches in a very aesthetically
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pleasing way.
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We assign a name to the variable
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and then all
we're doing is either specifying a color
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or we can link it to one of our resources.
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So that's going to show us
relevant resource sets
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and then show us the options that we can
have as the default value
00:04:08:10 - 00:04:10:16
when the product first loads.
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So next we're going to select an image
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or a text field for which
we will amend the background color.
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If selecting an image field, the image
that's placed within it
00:04:20:25 - 00:04:24:25
requires a transparent background
for any background color specification
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to take effect.
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In our example here,
the selected image frame,
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which is the same one we saw
in the previous tutorial which holds
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this graphic, has been resized
to cover the whole canvas.
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So this will result in an effect
of adjusting
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the background color of the whole canvas
and is an alternative method
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to the background selection options
which we covered in a previous tutorial.
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The difference between this method
and the background selection method
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is that this method,
so the background of a frame itself
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can be controlled
from a form entry, a form variable.
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So if we select the
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frame, we want to modify
and go to properties,
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make sure that our frame
has our properties
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enabled to make it dynamic within Invent.
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And the background properties
are controlled on the general tab.
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From here we're going to scroll down
to the background section
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which is currently specified as unlinked
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and we can change that to be a solid color
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or we can link it to one of our resources
or one of our variables.
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In this case,
I'll connect it to a variable
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and it's showing me
relevant variables to use
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so I can select that.
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Next, I'm going to go and export
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this MEX file,
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this MEX file,
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and then I'm going to re-upload it
into our MegaEdit product
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so we can view those changes
in the MegaEdit
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So with that
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loaded, we can see that
there is a colour selection variable
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now available over on the form
on the right hand side.
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At the moment it's saying white, which is
what background is coming through us.
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But if I change that option, you can see
that it comes up with a very clear
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swatch of available colors.
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The background will be changed to suit.