Picture of Connect: Flow General Settings | CI_Flow_003

Connect: Flow General Settings | CI_Flow_003

In this tutorial, we will take a look at the options available in the General Settings of the Connect: Flow plugin. This includes options such as configuring your output file and specifying which products are able to trigger the Connect: Flow plugin.

Tutorial Video Transcript

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00:00:07:22 - 00:00:10:19
In this tutorial, we're going
to take a look at some of the options

00:00:10:19 - 00:00:15:19
that are available in the general settings
of the Connect Flow plugin.

00:00:16:22 - 00:00:21:00
This includes options such as configuring
your output file and specifying

00:00:21:00 - 00:00:25:01
whether products are able to trigger
the Connect Flow plugin.

00:00:27:06 - 00:00:30:13
So starting off with use data
format XML.

00:00:31:09 - 00:00:34:06
This is a toggle switch
between the creation of your output

00:00:34:06 - 00:00:37:15
file and XML or JSON format.

00:00:38:00 - 00:00:41:26
Having the option selected results in XML
being produced.

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Having the option deelected results
in a JSON being produced.

00:00:47:08 - 00:00:49:15
Options further down this setting list

00:00:49:15 - 00:00:54:24
allow configuration of an XSLT file.

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If they are utilized,
then this setting is ignored.

00:01:02:12 - 00:01:05:23
Next setting down
we have escape special characters.

00:01:06:03 - 00:01:07:19
so in an XML file.

00:01:07:19 - 00:01:12:23
Special characters are those that have
special meaning within the XML syntax.

00:01:13:12 - 00:01:16:26
These characters are reserved
and cannot be used directly

00:01:16:26 - 00:01:19:13
as text within the XML content.

00:01:20:00 - 00:01:23:15
they need to be escaped using specific

00:01:23:15 - 00:01:26:26
sequences of characters
called escape sequences.

00:01:27:17 - 00:01:31:17
So there's five different characters
that are considered special characters.

00:01:31:17 - 00:01:35:00
In the example, you can find more details
on those in the step

00:01:35:00 - 00:01:37:13
by step guide
that accompanies this tutorial.

00:01:38:15 - 00:01:39:15
But just as an overview,

00:01:39:15 - 00:01:43:03
we've got <,
>, &

00:01:43:07 - 00:01:47:17
‘, “

00:01:47:24 - 00:01:50:02
By using these escape sequences.

00:01:50:03 - 00:01:53:21
You can include these special characters
within XML content

00:01:53:28 - 00:01:57:02
without conflicting with your XML syntax.

00:01:57:21 - 00:02:00:09
it's important to properly escape
special characters

00:02:00:09 - 00:02:04:15
in XML to ensure valid and well-formed
XML documents.

00:02:05:00 - 00:02:07:27
Failing to escape
these characters can lead to parsing

00:02:07:27 - 00:02:12:29
or misinterpretation of the XML data.

00:02:14:03 - 00:02:16:25
Next time we have pause order processing.

00:02:18:18 - 00:02:20:23
So this is a stop toggle switch.

00:02:20:23 - 00:02:23:28
Enabling this setting means
that the connect flow plugin

00:02:24:03 - 00:02:28:08
is not triggered by any orders.

00:02:31:03 - 00:02:33:21
Next we have date time format pattern.

00:02:33:28 - 00:02:37:00
This provides the ability
to specify a date format.

00:02:37:18 - 00:02:40:15
predefined XSLT

00:02:40:23 - 00:02:44:18
So an XSLT file can be used to transform

00:02:44:18 - 00:02:50:03
the standard XML into any format
required by your third party software.

00:02:50:18 - 00:02:51:09
we provide a

00:02:51:09 - 00:02:54:10
range of preconfigured XSLT templates

00:02:54:10 - 00:02:58:07
which can be freely utilized
and modified as required.

00:02:58:07 - 00:03:01:19
So at a predefined XSLT

00:03:02:00 - 00:03:04:15
format and Click Apply XSLT

00:03:06:17 - 00:03:07:24
to generate the content

00:03:07:24 - 00:03:17:09
within the textbox.

00:03:17:24 - 00:03:20:10
So XSLT for submit order.

00:03:20:21 - 00:03:24:10
This is the XSLT script
to be utilized upon

00:03:24:10 - 00:03:26:19
the submission of relevant orders.

00:03:26:19 - 00:03:30:07
It works by transforming
XML content into a format

00:03:30:07 - 00:03:34:25
which can be utilized by your third
party system. Infigo offers

00:03:34:25 - 00:03:39:12
Generation of XSLT files
as a professional service

00:03:39:20 - 00:03:48:14
for an additional development charge.

00:03:48:14 - 00:03:52:19
Growing down, we have delivery type
so available options in this dropdown.

00:03:52:19 - 00:03:58:00
I'll print digital and all this allows you
to specify which products trigger

00:03:58:00 - 00:04:01:00
the connect flow plugin
based on their delivery

00:04:01:00 - 00:04:02:13

00:04:09:06 - 00:04:11:28
include file upload attribute link.

00:04:12:07 - 00:04:15:15
So a product attribute can be configured
to allow users

00:04:15:15 - 00:04:18:27
to upload additional files
as part of an order.

00:04:18:27 - 00:04:23:04
This option within the Connect Flow
plugin ensures information

00:04:23:04 - 00:04:27:02
on these uploaded
files is captured within the output file

00:04:27:09 - 00:04:30:07
by providing a downloadable link
for the uploaded

00:04:30:07 - 00:04:35:23

00:04:35:23 - 00:04:40:01
The next series of options are various
different naming options.

00:04:40:10 - 00:04:43:03
So this set of options allows you
to configure the naming

00:04:43:03 - 00:04:46:14
of many areas of the output file.

00:04:46:28 - 00:04:50:02
So the majority of the users
that utilize the Connect Flow plugin

00:04:50:10 - 00:05:00:17
don't tend to adjust the settings.

00:05:00:17 - 00:05:05:20
So underneath the mapping settings section
we have include only mapped products.

00:05:05:29 - 00:05:07:04
So this allows

00:05:08:04 - 00:05:09:00
this option

00:05:09:00 - 00:05:12:27
allows granular control over
which products will trigger

00:05:12:27 - 00:05:16:06
the connect flow plugin with this checkbox

00:05:17:02 - 00:05:20:00
only products with an external ID specify

00:05:20:01 - 00:05:22:12
it will be considered by the plugin

00:05:23:08 - 00:05:26:16
The next steps will briefly cover
how to specify an external

00:05:26:16 - 00:05:30:27
ID on a product by product basis.

00:05:30:27 - 00:05:34:04
So what I'm going to do
is navigate to my product management

00:05:34:04 - 00:05:38:21
screen, and in my case

00:05:38:21 - 00:05:41:19
I'll open that in a new tab
so I don't lose my initial page.

00:05:43:04 - 00:05:46:11
Click on the ‘+’ icon
next to your relevant product

00:05:46:20 - 00:05:49:11
and then you'll see
we have this connect link icon

00:05:49:12 - 00:05:52:19
within the product variant table

00:05:53:05 - 00:05:55:15
clicking this will load a separate screen

00:05:56:22 - 00:05:58:09
and all you have here

00:05:58:09 - 00:06:02:05
is the selection of the relevant plugin
that you want to utilize.

00:06:02:05 - 00:06:04:22
So we only have connect
flow activated in this case

00:06:05:07 - 00:06:07:18
and then we have a box for external ID.

00:06:08:11 - 00:06:12:16
So this is a perfect location
to import and identifier for this product

00:06:12:25 - 00:06:21:15
from your third party system.

00:06:21:15 - 00:06:25:05
So for example, I'm test mapping user.

00:06:25:05 - 00:06:32:13
I want just as a sample.

00:06:32:13 - 00:06:35:14
If you want to do something
a bit more detailed, then specify

00:06:35:14 - 00:06:38:12
the connection for an entire product.

00:06:38:24 - 00:06:43:00
Then you can go into more detail
inside the product variant details itself

00:06:43:14 - 00:06:46:09
where you can do
the same process with attributes.

00:06:46:09 - 00:06:48:01
If you had attributes assigned

00:06:48:01 - 00:06:51:29
and attribute combinations,
so you can link those combinations

00:06:52:04 - 00:06:55:09
as you would
the same method as the entire product

00:06:58:12 - 00:07:01:06
include only mapped product attributes.

00:07:01:26 - 00:07:05:10
So this option has the same behavior
as the setting above it,

00:07:05:17 - 00:07:09:23
but applies to product attributes
of which there may be multiple per product

00:07:10:03 - 00:07:12:05
rather than simply an entire product.

00:07:12:24 - 00:07:16:20
So more information on product attributes
can be found within the Infigo Academy

00:07:16:26 - 00:07:21:11
or within our help center.

00:07:21:11 - 00:07:23:23
The next section is asset configuration,

00:07:23:29 - 00:07:27:06
with the first option
being is asset download link enabled.

00:07:27:21 - 00:07:31:23
So if selected, this provides
a link in the output file

00:07:31:23 - 00:07:38:16
to download the artwork
produced by that Infigo job.

00:07:38:16 - 00:07:40:29
Then we have include asset details.

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Note If I click on that, I get access
to a couple more options there.

00:07:48:12 - 00:07:52:28
So this allows the generation or
the inclusion of an image of your artwork.

00:07:53:10 - 00:07:55:01
So three formats are available.

00:07:55:01 - 00:07:56:19
You can do a PDF.

00:07:56:19 - 00:08:01:25
So this is simply utilizing
the artwork output produced by Infigo

00:08:02:17 - 00:08:03:23
You can do a PNG.

00:08:03:23 - 00:08:07:11
So the PNG is generated
from the artwork output file

00:08:08:23 - 00:08:09:27
or you could do a jpeg.

00:08:09:27 - 00:08:15:14
So a jpeg is generated again
from the artwork output pdf.

00:08:15:14 - 00:08:19:07
If you specify a PNG or a JPEG,

00:08:20:24 - 00:08:22:29
you're also able to specify the resolution

00:08:22:29 - 00:08:32:10
of that resulting output.

00:08:32:10 - 00:08:37:00
Next, we have related PDFs,
so this adds links in the output

00:08:37:00 - 00:08:41:11
file related to additional PDFs
about the job in question.

00:08:41:27 - 00:08:46:04
So you can choose to include invoices,
you can include packaging slips,

00:08:46:14 - 00:08:49:24
and you can include job ticket links.

