Picture of Discounts | Example - Applying a 25% discount to orders over £20 | BG_DISC_001

Discounts | Example - Applying a 25% discount to orders over £20 | BG_DISC_001

In this tutorial, we'll take a look at how to create discounts for use by your customers on your storefronts. In this specific example, we'll create a blanket discount, which applies a 25% discount to any basket which exceeds £20.

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00:00:07:12 - 00:00:08:07
In this tutorial.

00:00:08:07 - 00:00:08:24
We'll take a look

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at how to create discounts for use
by your customers on your storefronts.

00:00:13:27 - 00:00:17:24
In this specific example,
we'll create a blanket discount,

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which applies a 25% discount to any basket

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which exceeds £20.

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The first thing we're going to do
is to navigate to the discounts section

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Infigo admin.

00:00:31:19 - 00:00:33:18
Now the discounts area
is where you can create

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multiple types of discount
for use on your storefronts.

00:00:37:08 - 00:00:40:08
These discounts
can take many different forms

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and have many different restrictions,
such as using or not

00:00:44:11 - 00:00:47:16
using coupon codes, date
limits, usage limits,

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and more.

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At the top right of the screen
you'll find an add new button

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and here
you'll be taken to a separate screen

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where your specific
discount can be configured.

00:01:05:15 - 00:01:06:19
Start off by typing a

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name for your discount.

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This is used for reference purposes

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and will not be seen by a customer.

00:01:22:00 - 00:01:26:25
Next, we need to select a discount type
so discounts can be applied in numerous

00:01:26:25 - 00:01:31:20
different ways which can be selected
from the discount type dropdown.

00:01:31:22 - 00:01:34:14
There are some examples
that are contained within here include

00:01:34:14 - 00:01:38:16
assigning discounts
to order totals or order subtitles.

00:01:38:18 - 00:01:42:10
Assigning discounts directly to product
groups or product variants.

00:01:42:10 - 00:01:47:01
If you want to associate
just with specific products

00:01:47:04 - 00:01:49:28
or assigning discounts
on delivery, for example,

00:01:49:28 - 00:01:54:15
those are just a few of the examples
that we have available.

00:01:54:17 - 00:01:57:21
In this example, will choose the option
to apply this discount

00:01:57:21 - 00:02:05:11
to the order Subtotal.

00:02:05:14 - 00:02:07:00
Discounts can be applied either

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a monetary value or as a percentage
of the price covered by that discount.

00:02:12:24 - 00:02:14:05
In this example, we'll input

00:02:14:05 - 00:02:18:26
a 25% discount
and based on our discount type selection,

00:02:19:01 - 00:02:22:09
this will be applied to the entire order

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But to get this, we just want a change
from using a static monetary value,

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which it does by default,
utilizing a percentage.

00:02:30:05 - 00:02:36:03
And that input percentage discount.

00:02:36:05 - 00:02:37:14
Now, further down this page,

00:02:37:14 - 00:02:41:23
we have some additional settings
that we can but don't have to configure.

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So this includes, for example,

00:02:43:19 - 00:02:47:05
the start and end date
for the use of that particular discount,

00:02:47:07 - 00:02:51:22
outside of which the discount
will not be usable or be applied.

00:02:51:24 - 00:02:56:01
Whether the discount requires a coupon
code to be input in order to use it.

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And some of the later examples
that we do will show this in action.

00:02:59:29 - 00:03:02:20
And then how many times

00:03:02:23 - 00:03:05:05
are the total or per user

00:03:05:05 - 00:03:10:11
that this particular discount
can be utilized?

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In this particular example, we'll say that

00:03:12:10 - 00:03:17:01
this discount can only be used one time
per customer,

00:03:17:04 - 00:03:18:16
so end times per customer

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and then select the number

00:03:22:16 - 00:03:23:25
with a specified click

00:03:23:25 - 00:03:29:27
save and continue. Edit

00:03:30:00 - 00:03:30:21
Next across

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we have the requirements tab
so we can apply additional requirements

00:03:34:18 - 00:03:41:09
to this discount giving us granular
control over when this will be applied.

00:03:41:12 - 00:03:41:27
And here

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we need to focus on the discount
requirements type.

00:03:45:03 - 00:03:50:15
So this dropdown allows us to apply these
additional requirements to this discount.

00:03:50:17 - 00:03:55:03
In our example, we're going to select
customer has spent X amount

00:03:55:06 - 00:03:57:14
to ensure that the discount isn't applied

00:03:57:14 - 00:04:00:14
unless the order
total exceeds a certain value.

00:04:00:18 - 00:04:03:08
So in our case it's going to be £20.

00:04:03:08 - 00:04:09:03
And then click on
Save to confirm that value.

00:04:09:05 - 00:04:09:19
Now, other

00:04:09:19 - 00:04:12:25
potential options that we have
within this discount requirement type

00:04:12:25 - 00:04:17:22
include things such as specific
billing or shipping countries, customer

00:04:17:22 - 00:04:23:27
purchase history and customer department
or customer roll, for example.

00:04:24:00 - 00:04:28:03
it's also worth noting that you can apply
multiple requirements per discount

00:04:28:03 - 00:04:36:07
so you're not limited
to just the one requirement.

00:04:36:10 - 00:04:36:23
With all this

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specified, we'll click on Save
and continue edit to confirm

00:04:40:20 - 00:04:47:07
that particular discount

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because this is applied to an entire order

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We don't need to assign it to any products
or anything like that.

00:04:53:12 - 00:04:58:11
That discount will now
be applied in the relevant scenarios

00:04:58:14 - 00:04:59:05
and we're good to go.

