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In this tutorial, we'll take
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a look at the rewards points
capabilities of Infigo.
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This functionality allows you
to apply points to a customer account
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for various actions such as registration
and for purchases.
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These points can
then be applied to future purchases
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at an exchange rate of your choosing.
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We'll start by navigating to the Rewards
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Points section.
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The first thing we're going to do
is to click enabled.
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The reward points are disabled by default
unless this checkbox is ticked.
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This will activate the use
of reward points across this storefront.
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We're going to click Save
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now as a few of the settings
we want to work with.
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So one of them is the entering
of an exchange rate.
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This is where you specify how much reward
points are worth in monetary value
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by default.
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You get £1 or one of your
00:01:08:08 - 00:01:12:04
default currency from the storefront
equals one reward point.
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You can change that as you see fit.
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If required, you can also specify
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how many reward points customers
receive upon registering for the site.
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So by default
it will say ten points for registration,
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but you can change that
to whatever you like.
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We can also specify
how many reward points customers receive.
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A set amount of spend
that's in this box here.
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So points for purchases.
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what we're saying
is that, well, by default, for each £10
00:01:44:15 - 00:01:47:20
that spend,
you will earn one reward point.
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But again,
you can change that as you see fit.
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Then the last two settings here
00:01:54:16 - 00:01:58:05
are to specify at which point
of the ordering and fulfillment process.
00:01:58:11 - 00:02:01:23
The reward points are applied
to the customer account.
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So awarded order status
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by default is when the order is completed.
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But you can do other options here as well.
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And then we have a cancel status as well.
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So when the points will be removed,
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if the order is canceled,
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00:02:22:20 - 00:02:25:20
click on Save to confirm those options.
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Next, we'll take a look
at how to manually change
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the number of reward points
that a customer has.
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We'll start off
by navigating to our customer
00:02:33:11 - 00:02:39:25
management screen
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and then click on edit
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next to one of our customer entries.
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Now, when the reward points active,
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we now have a reward points
tab associated with the customer.
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Click on that to see the amount of points
that they have available.
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Now you can see I've previously done
something on reward points
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with this particular customer,
so you can see that we've got a track
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of the current balance of reward points
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as well as the history of their rewards
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So we've added a menu ten points
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for sign up bonus
and then they've removed ten points
00:03:19:08 - 00:03:21:18
because they've actually utilized
that in one of their orders.
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So keep track of the points
used by that particular customer.
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Now we can also manually add or modify
reward points.
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You can specify the amount of points
to reward.
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So if I set ten points, for example,
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you can specify whether this is
an amendment to the existing number
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of points, or you can say it's
an absolute adjustment if you want to just
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create this many points
on that entire customer account.
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You can also optionally put a message
in here
00:03:53:16 - 00:03:58:27
to explain why these points were awarded.
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Click on Add reward points
and you'll see those are now
00:04:01:08 - 00:04:05:02
added to that particular customer.
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I just go ahead and save that and
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move back to my reward points tab.
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We can see that our entire balance
has been updated as well.
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That just needed a refresh.
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The next let's
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take a look at how our customers interact
with and utilize
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their reward points on the front end
experience with items in the baskets.
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We're going to proceed
through the checkout
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on the payment method screen.
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Your customers will have the option
to utilize their accrued
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reward points
with this little checkbox here.
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This is saying that we have ten reward
points, which is worth £10 available
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for use.
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The use of reward points is detailed
in the order summary page
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prior to the order that's been placed.
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If I go back to the sales area
inside admin, we can also see
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that the use of reward points
is noted within this sales app area.