Picture of Setting default MegaEdit product settings | ME_028

Setting default MegaEdit product settings | ME_028

This short tutorial will show you how to create a default set of product settings for a MegaEdit product.

Tutorial Video Transcript

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00:00:05:15 - 00:00:07:09
This short tutorial will show you

00:00:07:09 - 00:00:12:08
how to create a default set of product
settings for a MegaEdit product.

00:00:12:10 - 00:00:18:03
First, we'll take a look at these settings
in one specific product.

00:00:18:06 - 00:00:22:07
So start off by loading the MegaEdits
editor as an administrator,

00:00:22:09 - 00:00:27:07
and then once you're on the MegaEdit
editor screen, click on the menu tab

00:00:27:09 - 00:00:34:07
and go to product options.

00:00:34:09 - 00:00:37:20
Accessing the product options in this way
allows you to modify

00:00:37:20 - 00:00:41:15
the settings
for this individual MegaEdit product.

00:00:41:17 - 00:00:44:25
The settings contained within
this menu are vast.

00:00:44:28 - 00:00:48:04
It should really be considered
your first port of call when looking for

00:00:48:04 - 00:00:52:01
settings to modify
your MegaEdit product configuration.

00:00:52:04 - 00:00:55:23
So this menu covers everything
from different color modes

00:00:55:23 - 00:00:58:23
to the management of visible tabs
on the MegaEdit

00:00:58:23 - 00:01:04:00
left pane.

00:01:04:03 - 00:01:04:15
So next

00:01:04:15 - 00:01:08:20
I take a look at
how we can define these settings globally.

00:01:08:22 - 00:01:11:25
So I'm going to
go to my Infigo admin area.

00:01:11:28 - 00:01:13:06
I'm going to navigate

00:01:13:06 - 00:01:20:09
to MegaEdit product settings.

00:01:20:11 - 00:01:21:25
But then here there's three tabs

00:01:21:25 - 00:01:26:06
I'm going to navigate to default product

00:01:26:09 - 00:01:30:04
This list of settings mimics
those that you've seen in the individual

00:01:30:04 - 00:01:35:00
MegaEdit products when modified in here
and then saved

00:01:35:03 - 00:01:39:14
any newly created MegaEdit products
will then have these settings.

00:01:39:17 - 00:01:43:02
changes to these settings
will not be retrospectively applied

00:01:43:03 - 00:01:44:27
to existing MegaEdit products.

