Picture of Formatting rules on fields and variables (Form Builder) | FB_020

Formatting rules on fields and variables (Form Builder) | FB_020

In this tutorial, we will learn how to apply formatting rules to our MegaEdit fields and to variables contained within our MegaEdit fields. This formatting includes options such as limiting input characters (such as numbers only) and formatting the input characters via regex terms. This example will focus on a common use case, formatting an input string of numbers into a phone number. This tutorial assumes prior experience with configuring the Form Builder script and using the Form Builder within MegaEdit.

Tutorial Video Transcript

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00:00:05:15 - 00:00:08:22
In this tutorial, we'll learn how to apply
formatting rules

00:00:08:22 - 00:00:14:11
to our MegaEdit fields and to variables
contained within MegaEdit fields.

00:00:14:11 - 00:00:19:06
This formatting includes options
such as limiting input characters such as

00:00:19:08 - 00:00:22:01
allowing numbers only
and formatting the input

00:00:22:01 - 00:00:26:07
characters using regex terms.

00:00:26:09 - 00:00:29:27
This example will focus on a fairly common
use case, which is formatting

00:00:29:27 - 00:00:34:03
an input string of numbers
into a telephone number.

00:00:34:05 - 00:00:36:14
This tutorial assumes prior experience

00:00:36:14 - 00:00:40:20
with configuring the Form Builder script
and using the Infigo form.

00:00:40:20 - 00:00:48:10
Build that within MegaEdit.

00:00:48:13 - 00:00:48:21
All right,

00:00:48:21 - 00:00:51:23
so we're going to start off
on the actual script config and you'll see

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I've done some prior work here,
but I'm just going to explain

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what I've done.

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What we're focusing on

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is this formatting rules section here.

00:01:09:13 - 00:01:12:11
So the formatting rules are
what actually allows us

00:01:12:11 - 00:01:17:28
to format the contents of our fields
or our variables in a certain way.

00:01:18:00 - 00:01:20:11
These lines we've got
here are the primarily

00:01:20:11 - 00:01:24:25
accepted terms
within Form Builder's formatting rules.

00:01:24:28 - 00:01:26:02
Let's go through some of these.

00:01:26:02 - 00:01:29:16
We've got the tagline,
and that is the name of this particular

00:01:29:16 - 00:01:32:29
formatting rule,
and we'll use this to assign

00:01:32:29 - 00:01:36:25
the defined rule to both fields
and to variables.

00:01:36:25 - 00:01:40:23
And we'll see how to do this later on.

00:01:40:25 - 00:01:42:09
Next down is type.

00:01:42:09 - 00:01:45:24
This allows you to define
what is allowable within that rule.

00:01:45:26 - 00:01:50:02
So for example, we have number here
and that will allow only

00:01:50:02 - 00:01:54:02
numeric input letters will not be placed
within the field at all.

00:01:54:02 - 00:01:58:23
So it just will not allow you to type

00:01:58:25 - 00:02:00:10
We've got regex.

00:02:00:10 - 00:02:03:16
So this section defines
a regular expression pattern.

00:02:03:22 - 00:02:07:13
The specifies
the format that the input should match.

00:02:07:15 - 00:02:11:18
So for example,
this regex term that we've got here

00:02:11:20 - 00:02:13:28
represents a pattern for a phone number

00:02:13:28 - 00:02:19:06
where the first three digits are grouped,

00:02:19:09 - 00:02:21:26
followed by the next three digits

00:02:21:26 - 00:02:26:20
and then the last four digits

00:02:26:22 - 00:02:28:07
coming down to the parts line.

00:02:28:07 - 00:02:31:21
This section specifies
how the matched parts of the input

00:02:31:25 - 00:02:35:05
as defined in the regex line
should it be formatted.

00:02:35:08 - 00:02:38:08
So in this example, we've got

00:02:38:12 - 00:02:40:00
this string here.

00:02:40:00 - 00:02:43:12
This specifies the desired formatting
for the phone number

00:02:43:14 - 00:02:48:23
where $1, $2 and $3 represents

00:02:48:23 - 00:02:54:19
the matched groups from the regex pattern
corresponding to the first three digits,

00:02:54:19 - 00:02:59:29
the next three digits
and the last four digits respectively.

00:03:00:02 - 00:03:02:21
This formatting rule applies parentheses

00:03:02:21 - 00:03:07:11
around the first three
digits, adds a space

00:03:07:13 - 00:03:10:13
and then formats the next three digits

00:03:10:14 - 00:03:13:24
followed by a hyphen
and then the last four digits.

00:03:13:27 - 00:03:20:02
So you can see how it's representing group
one here, the group one there,

00:03:20:05 - 00:03:22:29
group two two

00:03:22:29 - 00:03:25:24
and so on.

00:03:25:24 - 00:03:29:09
Please note
that regex is not an Infigo specific term.

00:03:29:09 - 00:03:33:03
There are many resources available
on the web to aid you in the construction

00:03:33:08 - 00:03:41:02
of these terms.

00:03:41:05 - 00:03:41:16

00:03:41:16 - 00:03:48:04
So we're also going to create a variable
within this script config.

00:03:48:06 - 00:03:51:00
So we're not going to show you how
to do this in this particular tutorial.

00:03:51:00 - 00:03:54:02
How to accomplish
the creation of a variable is covered in

00:03:54:02 - 00:03:59:09
other resources on the Infigo Academy.

00:03:59:11 - 00:04:02:11
The only difference here
to what we've covered in other tutorials

00:04:02:16 - 00:04:05:23
is the use of use formatting rules

00:04:05:23 - 00:04:09:07
as a term
to the end of our variable configuration.

00:04:09:09 - 00:04:10:11
So all I've done is added

00:04:10:11 - 00:04:14:10
an additional line to the end
of my variable configuration here

00:04:14:12 - 00:04:19:03
and we input the name into here,
matching the tag field

00:04:19:05 - 00:04:22:01
of the formatting rule
that we wish to utilize.

00:04:22:01 - 00:04:22:21
And what it means

00:04:22:21 - 00:04:31:11
is that this particular variable
will utilize these formatting rules.

00:04:31:13 - 00:04:31:26
All right.

00:04:31:26 - 00:04:37:15
So with that configured, I'm
just going to go ahead and save

00:04:37:18 - 00:04:42:00
and then relaunch our MegaEdit product.

00:04:42:02 - 00:04:44:29
So we're going to start off
by applying this defined formatting

00:04:44:29 - 00:04:49:01
to an entire field
that is going to contain a phone number.

00:04:49:04 - 00:04:51:11
So within MegaEdit, configure

00:04:51:11 - 00:04:54:25
a text field in the usual method
when using the Form Builder.

00:04:54:25 - 00:04:59:08
So a complete field,
so such as a single line of text

00:04:59:15 - 00:05:03:01
and not one where any variables
are going to be used requires

00:05:03:01 - 00:05:06:20
you only to input the tag
name of the formatting rule

00:05:06:26 - 00:05:11:18
as a tag field.

00:05:11:20 - 00:05:13:16
So this is done
just by going to the advanced

00:05:13:16 - 00:05:16:16
configuration options
for that particular field,

00:05:16:20 - 00:05:22:09
going down to the field tag section
and then inputs the name

00:05:22:11 - 00:05:25:02
of that formatting rule
that we've specified.

00:05:25:02 - 00:05:28:18
I'm going to take this name here,

00:05:28:20 - 00:05:30:14
enter it into a new field tag,

00:05:30:14 - 00:05:35:18
and click the plus icon.

00:05:35:20 - 00:05:38:26
As soon as that's been done,
the formatting rule will take effect.

00:05:38:28 - 00:05:39:14
So you'll see.

00:05:39:14 - 00:05:43:11
Now, if I start adding additional
characters to here, I can't apply letters.

00:05:43:11 - 00:05:47:14
It simply won't allow me to type them in
If I start applying more numbers.

00:05:47:17 - 00:05:51:08
Once it reaches
the required number of characters,

00:05:51:10 - 00:05:58:27
we can see that
the formatting rule takes effect

00:05:59:00 - 00:06:00:24
now through an actual variable.

00:06:00:24 - 00:06:06:00
So such as this one here, where
we've put a variable into a field,

00:06:06:03 - 00:06:08:16
the work has actually already been done.

00:06:08:16 - 00:06:11:16
So simply ensure that the variable is
added in the usual way

00:06:11:21 - 00:06:14:16
for the Form Builder,
which is seen in other tutorials.

00:06:14:16 - 00:06:17:06
Remember that we already defined
which formatting rule

00:06:17:06 - 00:06:24:18
this variable was going to
use within the script config.

00:06:24:21 - 00:06:26:17
If I start

00:06:26:17 - 00:06:29:17
applying additional numbers

00:06:29:24 - 00:06:33:01
again when we reach the required amount,
the formatting takes effect.


Step by Step Guide

Formatting rules on fields and variables (Form Builder) | FB_020

In this tutorial, we will learn how to apply formatting rules to our MegaEdit fields and to variables contained within our MegaEdit fields. This formatting includes options such as limiting input characters (such as numbers only) and formatting the input characters via regex terms.

This example will focus on a common use case, formatting an input string of numbers into a phone number.

This tutorial assumes prior experience with configuring the Form Builder script and using the Form Builder within MegaEdit.

Creation Date: Feb 06, 2024
Created By: Sam Webster

1. The format for formatting rules in the Form Builder script config

These are the primary accepted terms within Form Builder's formatting rules.

The Tag line is the name of this particular formatting rule. We will use this to assign to defined rule to both fields and variables. We will see how to do this later on.

Type allows you to define what is allowable within this rule. For example, "number" will allow only numeric input. Letters will not be placed in the field at all.

Regex: This section defines a regular expression pattern that specifies the format the input should match. For example, this regex (\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4}) represents a pattern for a phone number format where the first three digits are grouped, followed by the next three digits, and then the last four digits.

Parts: This section specifies how the matched parts of the input, as defined by the regex, should be formatted. In the example, "($1) $2-$3" specifies the desired formatting for the phone number, where $1, $2, and $3 represent the matched groups from the regex pattern, corresponding to the first three digits, next three digits, and last four digits respectively. This formatting rule applies parentheses around the first three digits, adds a space, and then formats the next three digits followed by a hyphen and the last four digits.

Note: Regex is not an Infigo specific term. There are many resources available on the web to aid you in the construction of these terms.

The format for formatting rules in the Form Builder script config

2. We will also create a variable within this script config

How to accomplish the creation of a variable is covered in other resources on the Infigo Academy.

We will also create a variable within this script config

3. Add the useFormattingRule term to the end of your variable configuration. Input a name into here matching the tag field of the formatting rule you wish to utilise

Add the useFormattingRule term to the end of your variable configuration. Input a name into here matching the tag field of the formatting rule you wish to utilise

4. Click on Save and Continue Edit

Click on Save and Continue Edit

5. Apply the formatting to an entire field

Within MegaEdit, configure a text field in the usual method when using the Form Builder.

A complete field (such as single line text and not one where variables are being used), requires you only to input the Tag name of the formatting rule as a Field Tag

Once you've input the name, click the + icon to add the tag.

Apply the formatting to an entire field

6. As soon as this is done, the formatting rule will take effect

In this example, we can see entering a certain number of numerical characters results in automatic formatting of the field contents. In addition, letters cannot be added.

As soon as this is done, the formatting rule will take effect

7. For a variable, the work has already been done

Simply ensure the variable is added in the usual way for the Form Builder (seen in other tutorials).

Remember, we already defined which formatting rule this variable was to use.

For a variable, the work has already been done

8. Entering a number into the variable's text box will result in the formatting being applied.

Entering a number into the variable's text box will result in the formatting being applied.

Individual Search Words:

restrictions, validation, input, characters, pattern, expression, modify, constraints, guide, parameters

Alternate Search Phrases:

field input limitations, text validation rules, configure field format, regex patterns, number input only, set input constraints, define field validation, format phone number input, restrict field characters, use regex for formatting