Picture of Recent Orders Table | GT_GEN_009

Recent Orders Table | GT_GEN_009

There are some scenarios where a large amount of orders from certain Storefronts are re-orders of previously placed orders. In order to simplify the re-ordering process, a module has been developed which can be placed on any required area of your site (such as the home page) showing previous orders placed by the logged in user. This provides quick access to the order details page and subsequent quick access to re-ordering.

Tutorial Video Transcript

A transcript of our tutorial video, ensuring you can find exactly what you need, when you need it.

You can search this page to find the relevant time-stamp in the video. Also, this text can be used as part of the tutorial search feature.

00:00:05:15 - 00:00:05:20

00:00:05:20 - 00:00:09:17
are some scenarios
where large amounts of orders from certain

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storefronts are reorders
of previously placed orders.

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In order
to simplify the reordering process,

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a module has been developed
which can be placed on

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any required area of your site,
such as the home page,

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showing previous orders
placed by the logged in user.

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This provides quick access
to the order details page and subsequent

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quick access to reordering.

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So we're going to begin

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by clicking the show
Layout Administration panel.

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So navigate to the front end
of your storefront and to whatever page

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you wish
the recent orders module to be located.

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And then once you're there,
click on this icon, which will appear

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when you logged in as an administrator.

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Now, other resources exist on the academy.

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Going into more detail

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on the use of the Layout Administration
panel, which appears here.

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We're just going to be focusing
on the one required module.

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So I'm just going to select the order

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history table from the modules list

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and determine
where I want this to be located.

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From the containers list

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and then click Add module to container.

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The My recent orders
table will now be available on your page.

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This contains information
such as clickable order numbers,

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order dates, order status,

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and also a tracking number
if it's applicable to the specific order.

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If the tracking number was set
by means such as the easy post plugin,

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it may also contain a clickable link
which will take you to the relevant page

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on that external system.

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If we click on the order ID,

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it takes us to our relevant
order details page.

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And from there, if you go to activate it
on your storefront,

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you have the easy ability
to reorder that specific order.

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Next, we'll take a look at

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configuration options that you have
for the My recent Orders table.

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To do this, I'm going to go to the back
end of my storefront

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and navigate to the SEO settings.

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So although it's not directly related,
the SEO

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settings page contains a section
allowing the input of tracking scripts.

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This also gives us the opportunity
to apply other scripts to run on the page.

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We can input a script
related to our My recent Orders table,

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allowing us to control the quantity
of previous orders

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shown at one time.

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So we've located our module
on the home page so I can go there.

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And then we just want to make sure
that we add a new item to the tracking

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script section.

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Now you can see I've already got one

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so I'm just going to edit my existing one.

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Enter a name
where the script is going to be located

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and then this is the script
that we want to copy

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and paste into this particular section.

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There's a copy of the script
which you can just paste into here

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available in the attached Tango.
var recentOrdersTableConfig =

00:03:18:16 - 00:03:18:28
{ defaultPerPage: 11, availablePageSizes:
[11, 21, 31, 40] } </script>

00:03:18:28 - 00:03:20:28
Once you've pasted
the new script into here,

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you have the ability to modify the numbers
to suit your requirements.

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So you see, we have a default value
per page and default

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available page sizes
that we can choose from

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also as input.

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Scroll to the top and click on Save.

