Picture of Content Management Quick Access | BG_061

Content Management Quick Access | BG_061

This short tutorial details the quick access feature for Storefront-wide content management. This seamlessly links Infigo's front and back ends, allowing you to browse the front end of your Storefront and instantly access the relevant back-end configuration in the Infigo admin area.

Tutorial Video Transcript

A transcript of our tutorial video, ensuring you can find exactly what you need, when you need it.

You can search this page to find the relevant time-stamp in the video. Also, this text can be used as part of the tutorial search feature.

00:00:05:15 - 00:00:07:00
This short tutorial details

00:00:07:00 - 00:00:10:28
the quick Access feature
for storefront wide content management.

00:00:11:15 - 00:00:14:03
This seamlessly links in Infigo's
front and back

00:00:14:03 - 00:00:18:22
ends, allowing you to browse the front end
of your storefront and instantly access

00:00:18:22 - 00:00:22:00
the relevant backend
configuration in the Infigo

00:00:22:03 - 00:00:25:03
admin area.

00:00:25:20 - 00:00:28:04
Whilst browsing
the front end of your storefront

00:00:28:04 - 00:00:29:29
and logged in as an administrator,

00:00:29:29 - 00:00:32:29
you will see two icons in the bottom
left of your screen.

00:00:33:19 - 00:00:37:11
The rightmost icon grants
access to the content overlay bar.

00:00:38:01 - 00:00:42:08
This contains several areas and may differ
slightly based on the type of page

00:00:42:08 - 00:00:46:00
that you're currently on,
such as the home page or on product pages.

00:00:47:27 - 00:00:50:27
We'll start off with the active editable
content list.

00:00:51:03 - 00:00:51:25
This will provide

00:00:51:25 - 00:00:56:01
a list of editable content areas
which are active on the current page.

00:00:57:11 - 00:00:58:27
So for example, if I click on

00:00:58:27 - 00:01:01:27
the homepage banner
which is active up here,

00:01:03:22 - 00:01:05:16
clicking on one of these links takes

00:01:05:16 - 00:01:08:16
you directly to the relevant
area of your Infigo

00:01:08:24 - 00:01:11:24
admin area.

00:01:14:12 - 00:01:17:12
Next, I'm going to click on the content
overlay toggle.

00:01:17:21 - 00:01:20:21
This feature provides
an interactive overlay

00:01:20:21 - 00:01:23:21
on your current frontend page,

00:01:25:02 - 00:01:26:04
So the relevant areas of

00:01:26:04 - 00:01:29:04
content management
are highlighted with a red box.

00:01:29:11 - 00:01:33:08
Hovering over this box will reveal
an edit button in the top right corner,

00:01:33:18 - 00:01:37:12
allowing you to jump straight
to the relevant area in the Infigo admin.

00:01:37:12 - 00:01:41:12
Finally, if this quick demo I'm
going to load up a product landing page

00:01:42:02 - 00:01:45:26
similar options are available
on various page types within in Infigo.

00:01:46:02 - 00:01:49:29
With this functionality
available on for example, content pages,

00:01:50:08 - 00:01:53:23
blogs, category pages, and product pages.

00:01:59:03 - 00:02:02:10
So on a product page, for example,
you will see a button on the content

00:02:02:10 - 00:02:04:28
giving you the ability to jump straight

00:02:04:28 - 00:02:07:08
to the product details
page for further editing.


Step by Step Guide

Content Management Quick Access | BG_061

This short tutorial details the quick access feature for Storefront-wide content management.

This seamlessly links Infigo's front and back ends, allowing you to browse the front end of your Storefront and instantly access the relevant back-end configuration in the Infigo admin area.

Creation Date: Mar 13, 2024
Created By: Sam Webster

1. Click on Show content overlay

Whilst browsing the front end of your Storefront and logged in as an administrator, you will see two icons on the bottom left of the screen.

The rightmost icon grants access to the Content Overlay bar. This contains several areas and may differ slightly based on the type of page you are currently on (such as homepage or product page)

Click on Show content overlay

2. Click on Active Editable Content List

This will provide a list of editable content areas which are active on the current page.

Click on Active Editable Content List

3. Click on Homepage Banner

Clicking on one of these links takes you directly to the relevant area in the Infigo admin area.

Click on  Homepage Banner

4. Relevant Editable Content page

Relevant Editable Content page

5. Check the Content Overlay toggle

This feature provides an interactive overlay on your current front end page.

Check the Content Overlay toggle

6. Relevant areas of content management are highlighted with a red box

Hovering over this box will reveal an "Edit" button, allowing you to jump straight to the relevant area in the Infigo admin area.

Relevant areas of content management are highlighted with a red box

7. Click on Edit

Click on Edit

8. Relevant Editable Content area

Relevant Editable Content area

9. Load up a product landing page

Similar options are available on various different page types within Infigo, with this functionality available on:

  • Content pages

  • Blogs

  • Category pages

  • Product pages

Load up a product landing page

10. Click on Show content overlay

Click on Show content overlay

11. On a product page, for example, you will see a button on the Content Overlay giving you the ability to jump straight to the product details page for further editing.

On a product page, for example, you will see a button on the Content Overlay giving you the ability to jump straight to the product details page for further editing.

Individual Search Words: quick, access, management, storefront, content, backend, configuration, admin, overlay, edit

Alternate Search Phrases: quick content access, storefront content management, backend configuration tool, admin content editing, content overlay feature, instant content editing, manage storefront content, edit product page content, content management tools, seamless admin access