Picture of Saving Content Template Sets | BG_062

Saving Content Template Sets | BG_062

In this tutorial, we'll take a look at how you can save as templates, then reuse, your page content configured using Content Templates. This allows you to create complex page content using our Content Template editor, then reuse it time and time again to save a lot of time and ensure a consistent layout between pages.

Tutorial Video Transcript

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00:00:05:15 - 00:00:05:22
In this

00:00:05:22 - 00:00:09:00
tutorial, we'll take a look
at how you can save as templates

00:00:09:00 - 00:00:13:16
and then reuse your page content
configured using content templates.

00:00:14:17 - 00:00:17:03
This allows you to create complex
page content

00:00:17:03 - 00:00:21:19
using a content templates editor
and then reuse it time and time again.

00:00:21:19 - 00:00:24:29
Save a lot of time
and to ensure a consistent way out

00:00:24:29 - 00:00:27:29
between pages.

00:00:28:28 - 00:00:31:24
So starting
from an existing configuration page

00:00:31:24 - 00:00:35:14
where content templates
have been used to create the content page.

00:00:35:25 - 00:00:39:01
So I've just gone to my editable
content area, for example.

00:00:39:13 - 00:00:42:25
I'm just going to go to my home
page banner, just as one example of where

00:00:42:25 - 00:00:45:25
these are located.

00:00:48:07 - 00:00:51:26
Now coming down to the sections Builder.

00:00:51:26 - 00:00:55:07
So where we start to actually build
our content template content,

00:00:55:20 - 00:00:59:10
you will notice that each of these areas,
including the subsections,

00:00:59:14 - 00:01:03:01
has a save icon
next to the different building blocks.

00:01:07:23 - 00:01:08:02
You can

00:01:08:02 - 00:01:11:02
save your
set at any of these available levels,

00:01:11:07 - 00:01:14:13
although you will only be able
to add them again to a new content

00:01:14:13 - 00:01:18:04
and templates in areas where they are,
where they are directly applicable.

00:01:18:26 - 00:01:22:19
For example, here
I'm saving a slider which is placed

00:01:22:19 - 00:01:27:05
directly into the sections
area of the builder template,

00:01:27:26 - 00:01:31:09
the build a template,
and it's within the sections area.

00:01:31:27 - 00:01:35:21
You will only be able to add
a duplicate of this slider into areas

00:01:35:21 - 00:01:38:21
where a slider
could also be manually constructed.

00:01:41:05 - 00:01:44:05
So once again, I'm going to hit, save set

00:01:44:21 - 00:01:47:21
and apply that to a name

00:01:50:26 - 00:01:53:26
and hit save.

00:01:54:09 - 00:01:56:24
So the template,
including all of its contents

00:01:56:24 - 00:02:00:12
such as images and text,
are now saved as a set

00:02:01:26 - 00:02:02:27
to test this in action.

00:02:02:27 - 00:02:06:20
Navigate to a different area
where content templates can be utilized.

00:02:06:26 - 00:02:10:04
So in my example,
I'm going to go to a content page

00:02:10:15 - 00:02:14:02
and I'm just going to create
a brand new content page as an example.

00:02:21:25 - 00:02:27:07
I can switch that to use

00:02:27:08 - 00:02:30:08
content templates

00:02:31:20 - 00:02:32:12
and builder.

00:02:32:12 - 00:02:36:26
So now we're in the same position
where we were when we saved

00:02:37:06 - 00:02:39:20
that slide a template.

00:02:39:20 - 00:02:43:01
I've got the ability now
to load existing sets and you'll see that

00:02:43:01 - 00:02:46:02
my slider template is available to import.

00:02:46:28 - 00:02:49:28
It can go on that my slider is added,

00:02:50:00 - 00:02:53:10
including all of the contents
that were within that slider.

00:02:53:10 - 00:02:57:04
One last thing to show you
here is the ability to manage saved sets.

00:02:57:15 - 00:03:01:09
So if I go back to the load sets dropdown,
I've also got the ability to manage

00:03:01:09 - 00:03:05:19
existing sets That would just show me a
list of all of these sets that I've saved

00:03:06:17 - 00:03:09:18
and I've got the ability to delete
the ones that I want to get rid of.

00:03:09:26 - 00:03:12:28
It will also show me information
on the name we've applied

00:03:13:05 - 00:03:15:28
where they can be utilized,
so what they're associated with.

00:03:15:28 - 00:03:16:16
So we'll see here.

00:03:16:16 - 00:03:19:14
This is a slider, for example,
and the date they were created.

