Picture of An introduction to the Form Builder script config | FB_022

An introduction to the Form Builder script config | FB_022

Learn the basics of script config within the Infigo Form Builder.

Tutorial Video Transcript

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00:00:06:04 - 00:00:09:04
Now the next section

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is the actual script

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config of the Infigo form builder.

00:00:18:16 - 00:00:21:05
So what we've seen

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in terms of the user interface type
side of things

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is that it's very easy to configure,
but there's a limited set of options

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at the moment.

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So the user interface
will get gradually get better over time,

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but at the moment to access
some of the more advanced capabilities

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we do need to access
some of these script config

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and these advanced capabilities
in a nutshell, and I'll show you them

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in a moment of things like variables or

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pre formatted text
or for you defined lists of text

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or formatting rules of V card population,
which you can do as well.

00:00:55:04 - 00:00:57:06
So all that needs
a little bit of script config

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when we're actually

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So there's a few different levels
of the script config

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and let me just give you a bit
of a reference as to what I mean here.

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So if I go back to my product

00:01:18:09 - 00:01:22:00
where we were actually applying
the scripts, you'll see that next to that

00:01:22:00 - 00:01:25:00
particular script,
there's a config button here

00:01:26:05 - 00:01:29:27
that will take us to the product level
script config.

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So there's a few different options
that you have,

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but two primarily.

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So one is a product level.

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So this allows you to configure
the scripts on a product by product basis.

00:01:41:09 - 00:01:43:23
If everything is completely independent,

00:01:43:23 - 00:01:46:13
does not think shared between products.

00:01:46:13 - 00:01:49:13
you can do a global script config.

00:01:49:26 - 00:01:52:16
So let's say
you want to reuse the same variables

00:01:52:16 - 00:01:56:18
or the same V card properties
over and over again in different products.

00:01:56:18 - 00:01:58:24
You don't want to have to copy
and paste it and tweak it all

00:01:58:24 - 00:02:00:21
every single time you use it.

00:02:00:21 - 00:02:04:05
So you can just put it into the
global config of the script.

00:02:07:04 - 00:02:08:26
So two ways you can access that.

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One is when you're on the product config,
you can just click on the global

00:02:12:28 - 00:02:13:24
config at the bottom.

00:02:13:24 - 00:02:17:20
That's it, go straight to it
or alternatively, it's located

00:02:17:20 - 00:02:20:20
in MegaEdit scripts

00:02:23:11 - 00:02:26:11
and you'll see it as a global config.

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Now there is also another level up from
that as well,

00:02:29:17 - 00:02:32:17
which is the sort of general script config

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and that's up to you
just by clicking this editor button

00:02:35:27 - 00:02:38:07
and this is what the script is at
the moment.

00:02:38:07 - 00:02:38:28
Can't promise

00:02:38:28 - 00:02:42:12
it will look exactly the same or
be accessed exactly the same on release,

00:02:42:24 - 00:02:47:16
but this is full of code
but also notes to try and assist

00:02:47:16 - 00:02:50:11
with various different processes
and different parts of it.

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And of course, as I mentioned, we'll
provide additional resources as well.

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But a good way to

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think about this
in terms of how these operates.

00:02:59:09 - 00:03:02:04
So the general config sits on the bottom.

00:03:02:04 - 00:03:05:04
This is kind of the base
functionality of the Form Builder script

00:03:05:14 - 00:03:09:18
and controls the sort of general behavior
of the entire Form Builder functionality.

00:03:10:25 - 00:03:13:25
The next webhook from
that is the global config of the script.

00:03:14:11 - 00:03:16:29
And if you've got

00:03:16:29 - 00:03:20:29
matching sections of code
in both the default config

00:03:20:29 - 00:03:24:16
and the global config,
then the global config will override it.

00:03:24:18 - 00:03:29:11
So let's say that
you specify a variable in both,

00:03:29:18 - 00:03:32:08
but the details are slightly different
in the global config.

00:03:32:08 - 00:03:34:13
That's the one that will take priority.

00:03:34:13 - 00:03:37:13
So you can override
just certain bits of the script.

00:03:37:22 - 00:03:40:25
And the same applies when you're going
between global and product level.

00:03:41:12 - 00:03:45:03
So if used, I've got loads of stuff
applied in your global script,

00:03:45:13 - 00:03:48:13
but then there's certain
that you want to just override or tweak.

00:03:48:14 - 00:03:51:26
You can do that by putting just certain
bits in the product level as well.

00:03:52:03 - 00:03:53:07
So you can override each level,



Individual Search Words

configuration, advanced, variables, global, product, script, override, notes, levels, behavior

Alternate Search Phrases

form builder configuration guide, setting global scripts, advanced script settings, managing product scripts, customizing form behavior, accessing script config, defining variables in scripts, script override methods, product-specific scripts, global script management