Occasionally, when placing an order, you may find that the output file fails to generate. Infigo's Shared Print Operations (SPO) will give additional details on this error.
If the cause of the failure is to do with one particular field on the artwor, we also provide you with the ability to quickly and easily locate the problem so steps to resolve it can be taken.
In this tutorial, we'll take a look at MegaEdit's debugging tool, which is aimed at allowing you to easily find problem
Creation Date: Jun 04, 2024
Created By: Sam Webster
1. Navigate to SPO and expand the job with the output creation failure error
2. Navigate to the Change Status area
This section will allow you to see additional details on the output creation failure. In the example shown here, we can see that one particular field on the artwork is causing the problem. The ID of that field has been provided for your reference.
3. In order to locate the problem on the submitted artwork, first copy the field ID provided.
4. Click on Edit Job in the Product section of the job in SPO
This will launch MegaEdit for this particular jobs artwork.
5. To locate the problem field, click Menu
6. Click on Error debugging
7. Paste the field ID taken from SPO
8. Click on Select
9. The problem field will now be highlighted, giving you the ability to take steps to modifying it and resolving the issue.
Once changes have been made, click Save to save changes to this job.