00:00:06:08 - 00:00:07:05
Now setting this
00:00:07:05 - 00:00:10:05
up is actually really, really simple.
00:00:10:05 - 00:00:12:01
So I'm going to jump to InDesign.
00:00:12:01 - 00:00:15:01
I realize that the text I've got on here
00:00:15:07 - 00:00:18:27
is quite small,
but I hope it's okay for everybody.
00:00:19:19 - 00:00:22:19
and I'll try and keep the products
themselves as large as possible.
00:00:23:27 - 00:00:27:14
So let me just find the right products
just to show this as an example.
00:00:28:22 - 00:00:30:26
Now, as I said, setting
this up is really simple.
00:00:30:26 - 00:00:34:21
It all revolves around
creating groups in InDesign itself.
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Now the InDesign bit of functionality.
00:00:36:15 - 00:00:39:08
This is not to do with Invent per se.
00:00:39:08 - 00:00:42:26
so what you'll see here, for example, is
I've got a group,
00:00:44:01 - 00:00:46:22
we can create a group
just by multi selecting
00:00:46:22 - 00:00:49:22
different fields on our canvas
right clicking.
00:00:49:26 - 00:00:52:18
And then you'll have an option
around here which says group.
00:00:55:02 - 00:00:57:18
It's always a good idea at that point
to actually rename
00:00:57:18 - 00:01:01:08
your groups and your fields
that are contained within the groups.
00:01:01:19 - 00:01:02:25
You don't have to do this.
00:01:02:25 - 00:01:06:18
It just makes it much, much easier,
when you're trying to work with it
00:01:06:18 - 00:01:07:29
a little bit later on.
00:01:07:29 - 00:01:11:18
So you do that within the layers
tab inside InDesign itself.
00:01:11:26 - 00:01:14:21
Just use that to rename the actual group
you've created
00:01:14:21 - 00:01:17:21
and the fields that contained
within the group.
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From their two steps.
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One of them is to make sure
that the invent can actually operate
00:01:25:28 - 00:01:28:29
on the individual fields
that you've got present within that group.
00:01:29:11 - 00:01:33:01
So what that means is going
and selecting all of the fields
00:01:33:01 - 00:01:35:11
individually that are within that group.
00:01:35:11 - 00:01:38:19
Going to the properties tab on Invent
and then making sure that
00:01:38:19 - 00:01:40:05
you've enabled each of those.
00:01:41:16 - 00:01:44:16
Now once you've
done that and that is an important step,
00:01:44:18 - 00:01:48:04
you can actually go ahead and select
the group itself that you've created.
00:01:48:21 - 00:01:51:04
And then make sure the group is enabled.
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Now you won't be able to do this,
if you haven't enabled
00:01:55:19 - 00:01:57:19
all of the individual fields as well,
00:01:57:19 - 00:02:00:19
because it needs to be able
to operate on all of them.
00:02:00:20 - 00:02:03:20
If you want them to,
to work with this behavior.
00:02:05:09 - 00:02:06:12
Now, when you've enabled that
00:02:06:12 - 00:02:09:12
group, there's a few options
that you'll have available here.
00:02:09:18 - 00:02:12:27
And I'm going to show you loads of
different example configurations of these.
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So in a nutshell the options here are
the ability to specify spread behavior.
00:02:19:03 - 00:02:22:17
So vertical horizontal
vertical and horizontal
00:02:22:17 - 00:02:25:17
or no spread.
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You've got the ability to modify
00:02:27:17 - 00:02:31:04
the arrangement of all the fields
within that particular group.
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And again
I'll show you what this means in a moment.
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And you've got the ability to specify
which of those is a group master. So
00:02:37:23 - 00:02:41:28
if you want that to control the behavior
of the other fields within the group.