Picture of Horizontal and/or Vertical Spread Behaviour in Invent | IV_Logic_004

Horizontal and/or Vertical Spread Behaviour in Invent | IV_Logic_004

The next section delves into spread behavior settings: vertical, horizontal, and combined vertical and horizontal spread. These settings determine how remaining fields move when one is hidden. "Spread vertically" and "spread horizontally" mean fields shift only in the specified direction. The order of fields in InDesign is crucial, controlling the movement priority. For example, hiding field one causes field two to fill the gap if set to spread vertically. "Horizontal and vertical spread" combines both directions, creating a Z-shaped movement pattern. Adjusting the field order changes the direction, demonstrating the flexible behavior of this feature.

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00:00:09:02 - 00:00:11:06
Okay, so now
we start getting to the interesting bit.

00:00:11:06 - 00:00:14:06
So we've got spread vertically.

00:00:15:04 - 00:00:18:29
now three kind of similar settings here.

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Spread vertically, spread horizontally,
and horizontal and vertical spread

00:00:24:14 - 00:00:28:22
the spread vertically and spread
horizontally are fairly self-explanatory.

00:00:28:22 - 00:00:33:26
Hopefully what it means
is that the only, movement

00:00:33:26 - 00:00:36:26
the remaining fields will do with
when one is hidden

00:00:36:27 - 00:00:40:06
is either in the specified vertical
or horizontal direction.

00:00:40:25 - 00:00:45:06
So setting those is just a case
of having no group master

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and then either saying spread
vertically or spread horizontally.

00:00:50:15 - 00:00:54:03
And what you'll see is if I hide one,
you know, spread vertically, for example,

00:00:55:13 - 00:00:58:13
number two moves up to fill the space.

00:00:59:07 - 00:01:01:01
And then with horizontal

00:01:01:01 - 00:01:04:19
you'll see that number two moves
left to fill the space left by number one.

00:01:06:04 - 00:01:08:16
Now another thing I should mention here

00:01:08:16 - 00:01:12:21
is the fact
that the order of the fields is important.

00:01:13:05 - 00:01:17:00
So when we're actually in InDesign itself,
you'll see we have the ability

00:01:17:00 - 00:01:20:09
to move all of the fields
up and down in this list.

00:01:20:20 - 00:01:23:28
And what we're doing here
is controlling the priority between them.

00:01:24:19 - 00:01:31:17
so if I had two above one,
it would mean that if I hit two,

00:01:31:26 - 00:01:35:27
number one would move, to fill
the gap left by number two.

00:01:36:10 - 00:01:39:15
Whereas because we've got one
as more important in our example here,

00:01:39:25 - 00:01:43:14
it means that number two
is moving to fill the gap of number one.

00:01:43:15 - 00:01:46:10
When we hide it.

00:01:46:10 - 00:01:49:20
So you'll see, for example, in this case
if we hide number two, number

00:01:49:20 - 00:01:54:23
one does not move to fill that space
because number one has the priority.

00:02:01:24 - 00:02:02:07

00:02:02:07 - 00:02:05:02
And we have the horizontal
and vertical spread.

00:02:05:02 - 00:02:08:08
So this is where it's combining
both sets of those behavior.

00:02:08:19 - 00:02:12:10
And what it's basically doing is
allowing you to move things in a sort of

00:02:13:12 - 00:02:14:06
Z shape.

00:02:14:06 - 00:02:16:17
Fashion is the best way I can describe it.

00:02:16:17 - 00:02:19:17
So this is where we've got

00:02:19:17 - 00:02:21:16
in our spread behavior drop down here.

00:02:21:16 - 00:02:24:09
We've got spread
vertically and horizontally selected.

00:02:24:09 - 00:02:27:04
So it's doing both directions
and behavior.

00:02:27:04 - 00:02:30:04
And what you'll see
is that if I hide number one

00:02:31:03 - 00:02:34:01
we've got some which move

00:02:34:01 - 00:02:37:14
horizontally and some which
move vertically, sort of in that Z shape.

00:02:38:03 - 00:02:40:29
So number one is gone.

00:02:40:29 - 00:02:43:17
So number two is move
left, number three is moved up.

00:02:43:17 - 00:02:45:20
And number four is move left.

00:02:45:20 - 00:02:48:03
And the same behavior happens
if I'm hide number three.

00:02:48:03 - 00:02:49:16
So number four will move up here.

00:02:50:18 - 00:02:52:06
And now

00:02:52:06 - 00:02:55:08
I haven't got an example of that
reversed behavior.

00:02:55:08 - 00:02:58:25
But I have got a little GIF
which will show it.

00:02:59:01 - 00:03:02:08
So if we do change the behavior
of these fields.

00:03:02:13 - 00:03:05:19
So in our example
let's say instead of one, two, three, four

00:03:05:27 - 00:03:08:27
it's 42 4321.

00:03:09:17 - 00:03:12:17
What will end up getting out of this.

00:03:18:13 - 00:03:21:13
That's the correct one.

00:03:25:10 - 00:03:27:24
Where are we?

00:03:27:24 - 00:03:28:25

00:03:28:25 - 00:03:29:17
So you'll see that

00:03:29:17 - 00:03:33:11
for in this case, because we've reversed
that order is given the priority.

00:03:33:11 - 00:03:37:00
So everything is moving towards four
instead of towards one.

00:03:37:22 - 00:03:40:22
And I hope that makes sense.


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