00:00:06:27 - 00:00:09:27
Now let's
move down to left variable suppression.
00:00:10:00 - 00:00:12:25
Now what this will do is it
will ensure that
00:00:12:25 - 00:00:17:08
any static text
to the left of your variable is suppressed
00:00:17:18 - 00:00:20:15
when you suppress
that particular variable.
00:00:20:15 - 00:00:24:14
So for example,
if I hide the phone number,
00:00:25:09 - 00:00:28:16
you'll see that
that static text m disappears and so on
00:00:28:16 - 00:00:31:16
and so forth.
00:00:32:15 - 00:00:33:00
00:00:33:00 - 00:00:35:00
Variable suppression
does a very similar thing
00:00:35:00 - 00:00:37:10
but to the right hand
side of your variable.
00:00:37:10 - 00:00:38:27
So I've changed the format here.
00:00:38:27 - 00:00:42:20
So instead of the preceding
00:00:42:20 - 00:00:46:02
static text
I've now got a following static text.
00:00:46:14 - 00:00:49:14
And that will do the same kind of behavior
but to the right hand side.
00:00:49:20 - 00:00:54:04
So if I get rid of my email address
for example, it should also get rid of.
00:00:56:21 - 00:00:59:21
That static text.